Original Articles
502. Bao, B. Li, Y., Zhao, N., Zhan., Y., Zhang, B., Feng, Y., Lv, M., Jia, L, Sun, J., Fan, G., Meyer, A., Xu, X., Liao, Y., Li Y. 2025. Adaptive loss of shortwave sensitive opsins during genomic evolution of cartilaginous fish. Nature Communications (under revision).
501.Liu., Y., et al. 2025. Cellular basis of sex-role reversal: male pregnancy in seahorses. (submitted).
500. Qu, M. et. al. 2025. Symbiosis with and mimicry of corals drove immune gene loss and body remodeling in the pygmy seahorse. (submitted)
499. Li, J., Campell, M., Meyer, A., and D. Reznick. 2025. The evolution of the placenta in the fish Family Poeciliidae: the neoteny-hypermorphosis hypothesis. Proceedings Royal Society Ser. B. (submitted).
498. Tian, X., Lee, S., Tuckermann, J. and A. Meyer. 2025. Bilateral asymmetry in craniofacial structures and kinematics of feeding attacks i the scale-eating cichlid fish, Perissodus microlepis. Zoological Research (in press).
497. Schartl, M., Woltering, J.M., Irisarri, I., Du, K., Kneitz, S., M. Pippel, Brown, Th., Franchini, P., Li, J., Li., M., Adolfi, M. Winker, S., de Freitas Sausa, J., Chen, A., Jacinto, S., Kvon, E.Z., Correa de Oliveira, L.R., Monteiro, E., Amaral D.B., Burmester, Th., Chalopin, D., Suh, A., Myers, E., Simakov, O., Schneider, I. and A. Meyer. 2024. The genomes of all lungfish inform on genome expansion and tetrapod evolution. Nature 634: 96-103.
496. Coleangelo, P., Di Civita, M., Bento, C.M., Franchini, P., Meyer, A., Orel, N., Das Neves, L.C.B.G., Muldandane, F.C., Almeida, J.S., Senczuk, G. Pilla, F., and S. Sabatelli. 2024. Genome-wide diversity, population structure and signatures of inbreeding in the African buffalo in Mozambique. BMC Ecology and Evolution 24 (1):
495. Ehemann, N., Franchini, P., Meyer, A. and C.D. Hulsey. 2024. Meristic co-evolution and genomic co-localization of lateral line scales and vertebrae in Central American cichlid fishes. Ecology and Evolution 14: 9 e70266
494. Bertinetti Cerrato, C., A, Meyer and J. Torres-Dowdall. 2024. Visual pigment chromophore usage in Nicaragua Midas cichlids: phenotypic plasticity and genetic assimilation of cyp27c1 expression. Hydrobiologia 1-15
493. Preising. G.A., Gunn, T., Baczenas, J.J., Powell. D.L., Dodge1, T.O., Sewell, S.T., Pollock, A., Machin Kairuz, J.A., Savage, M., Lu, Y., Fitschen-Brown, M., Meyer, A., Schartl, M., Cummings, M., Thakur, S., Inman, C.M., Ríos-Cardenas, O., Morris, M., Tobler, M. and M. Schumer. 2024. Recurrent evolution of small body size and loss of the sword ornament in Northern Swordtail fish. Evolution qpae124.
492. Du, K., Lu, Y., Garcia-Olazabal, M., Walter, R.B., Warren, W.C., Dodge, T., and A. Meyer. and Schartl. 2024. Phylogenomic analyses of all species of swordtal fishes (Genus Xiphophorus) hightlights that hybridization preceded specieation. Nature Communications 15 (6609)
491. Ehemann, N.R., A. Meyer, and C.D. Hulsey. 2024. Morphological description of spontaneous pelvic fin loss in a Neotropical cichlid fish. J. Morphology 285: e21663.
490. Gerwin, J., J. Torres-Dowdall, A. Meyer. 2024. Expansion and functional diversification of long-wavelength-sensitive opsion in anabantoiod fishes. Journal of Molecular Evolution (1-17).
489. Torres-Dowdall, J., Karagic, N., Prabhukumar, F. and A. Meyer. 2024. Differential regulation of opsin gene expression in response to internal and external stimuli. Genome Biology and Evolution 16: evae125
488. Bertinetti Cerrato, C., A, Meyer and J. Torres-Dowdall. 2024. Repeated Phenotypic Divergence in Visual Sensitivity Mirrors Photic Habitat Changes in Rapidly Evolving Crater Lake Cichlid Fishes. American Naturalist 203: (5) 604-617. View PDF, View Supplement
487. Schneider, R., H. Gunther, I. Salweski, J.M. Woltering and A. Meyer. 2023. Growth dynamics and molecular bases of evolutionary novel jaw extensions in halfbeaks and needlefishes (Beloniformes). Molecular Ecology http://doi.org/10.1111/mec.17143. View PDF
486. Levin, B., Komarova, A., Simonov, E., Tiunov, A., Levina, M., Golubtsov, A., Kondrashov, F. and A. Meyer. 2023. A speciation continuum within repeated origin of hypertophied lips in cyprinid fish from East Africa. Ecology and Evolution DOI: 10.1002/ece3.10523 View PDF
485. Olave, M., Griotti, M., Carrara, R., Franchini, P., A. Meyer and S.A. Roig-Junent. 2023. Historical climate change dynamics facilitated speciation and hybridization between highland and lowland species of Baripus ground beetles from Patagonia. Bulletin of the Society of Systematic Biologists 2 (3), 1-6. View PDF
484. Qian, Y., Meng, M. Zhou, C., Liu, H., Jiang, H. Xu, Y., Chen, W., Ding, Z., Liu, Y., Gong, X., Wang, C., Lei, Y., Wang, T., Wang, Y., Gan, X., Meyer, A., He, S., and L. Yang. 2023. The role of introgression during the radiation of endemic fishes adapted to living at extreme altitudes in the Tibetan Plateau. Molecular Biology and Evolution. msad129. View PDF
483. Qu, M., Zhang, Y., Gao, Z., Zhang, Z., Liu, Y., Wan, S., Wang, X., Yu, H., Zhang, H. Liu, Y., Schneider, R., Meyer, A. and Lin Q. 2023. The genetic basis of the leafy seadragon's unique camouflage morphology and avenues for its efficient conservation derived from habitat modeling. Science China Life Sciences 66: View PDF
482. Masonick, P., Meyer, A. and C.D. Hulsey. 2023. Kiss of deep homology: Partial convergence in the genomic basis of hypertophied lips in cichlid fish and human cleft lip. Genome Biology and Evolution 15: evad072 View PDF
481. Yang, L., Sun, N., Wang, Y., Wang, J., Meng, M., Shen, Y, Kang, J., Ma, X., Lv, W., Chen, J., Meyer, A, Guo, B. and S. He. 2023. Enlarged fins of Tibetan catfish provide new evidence of adaptation to high plateau. China Life Sciences. View PDF
480. Wilson, AB, CM Whittington, A Meyer, SK Scobell, and ME Gauthier. 2023.Prolactin and the evolution of male pregnancy.
General and Comparative Endocrinology, 334: 114210 View PDF
479. Nacif, C.L., Kratochwil, C.F., Kautt, A.F., Nater, A., Machado-Schiaffino, G., Meyer, A. and F. Henning. 2023. Molecular parallelism in the evolution of a master sex-determining role for the anti-mullerian hormone receptor 2 gene (amhr2) in Midas cichlids.
Molecular Ecology 32: 1398-1410. View PDF
477. Liu, Y., Qu, M., Jiang ,H., Schneider, R., Geng, Q., Luo, W., Yu, H., Zhang, B., Wang, X., Zhang, Y., Zhang, H., Zhang, Z., Wu, Y., Zhang, Y., Yin, J., Zhang, S., Venkatesh, B., Roth, O., Meyer, A., & Q. Lin. 2022. Immunogenetic losses co-occurred with seahorse male pregnancy and mutation in tlx1 accompanied functional asplenia. Nature Communications 13: 7610. View PDF
477. Olave, M., Kautt, A.F., Nater, A. and A. Meyer. 2022. Sympatric homoploid hybrid speciation in crater lake cichlid fishes.
Nature Communications. View PDF
476. Kratochwil, C.F., Liang, Y., Gerwin, J., Franchini, P. and A. Meyer. 2022. Comparative ontogenetic and transcriptomic analyses shed light on color pattern divergence in cichlid fishes. Evolution and Development 1-13. View PDF
475. Singh, P., Irisarri, I., Torres-Dowdall, J., Thallinger, G., Svardal, H., Lemmon E. M., Lemmon, A., Koblmüller, S., Sturmbauer, C. and A. Meyer. 2022. Phylogenomics of trophically diverse cichlids disentangles processes driving adaptive radiation and repeated trophic transitions. Ecology and Evolution DOI: 10.1002/ecol3.9077 View PDF.DOI: 10DOI: 10.1002/ece3.9077 .1002/ece3.9077 DOI: 0.1002/ece3.9077 .
474. Torres-Dowdall, J., Rometsch, S.j, Reyes-Velasco, J., Aguilera, G., Kautt, A.F., Goyenola, G., Petry, A.C. da Garça, and A. Meyer. 2022. Genetic assimilation and the evolution of direction of genital asymmetry in anablepid fishes.
Proceedings of the Royal Society, Ser. B. 289 20220266: View PDF
473. Xin Wang, Meng Qu, Yali Liu, Ralf F Schneider, Yue Song, Zelin Chen, Hao Zhang, Yanhong Zhang, Haiyan Yu, Suyu Zhang, Dongxu Li, Geng Qin, Shaobo Ma, Jia Zhong, Jianping Yin, Shuaishuai Liu, Guangyi Fan, Axel Meyer, Dazhi Wang, Qiang Lin. 2022. Genomic basis of evolutionary adaptation in a warm-blooded fish. The Innovation 3 View PDF
472. Karagic, N., Härer, A., A. Meyer and J. Torress-Dowdall. 2022. Thyroid hormone tinkering elicits integrated phenotypic changes. potentially explaining rapid adaptation of color vision in cichlid fish. Evolution 76:: 837-845 View PDF.
471. Masonick, P., Meyer, A. and C. Darrin Hulsey. 2022. Phylogenomic analyses show repeated evolution of hypertrophied lips among Lake Malawi cichlid fishes. Genome Biology and Evolution. View PDF
470. Scherz, M.D., Masonick, P., A. Meyer and C.D. Hulsey. 2022. Between a rock and a hard polytomy: Phylogenomics of the rock-dwelling mbuna cichlids of Lake Malawi. Systematic Biology. 71: 741-757. View PDF
469. Kratochwil, C., Kautt, A., Rometsch, S. and A. Meyer. 2022. Benefits and limitations of a new genome-based PCR-RFLP genotyping assay (GB-RFLP): a SNP-based detection method for the identification of species in extremely young adaptive radiations. Ecology and Evolution 12 e8751. View PDF
468. Wang, L., Sun, F., Wan, Z.Y., Yang, Z., Tay, Y.X., Lee, M, Ye, B., Wen, Y., Meng, Z., Fan, B., Alfiko, Y., Shen, Y. Piferrer, F., Meyer, A., Schartl, M. and G. Yue. 2022.Transposon-induced epigenetic silencing in the X chromosome as a novel form of dmrt1 expression regulation during sex determination in the fighting fish. BMC Biology 20:5. View PDF
467. Urban, A., Gerwin, J., Hulsey, C.D., Meyer A. and C. Kratochwil. 2022. The repeated evolution of stripe patterns is correlated with body morphology in the adaptive radiations of East African cichlid fishes. Ecology and Evolution 2022:12:e8568. View PDF
466. Robert, N.S.M, Sarigol, F., Zimmermann, B., Meyer, A., Voolstra, C. and O. Sinakov. 2022. Emergence of distinct syntenic density regimes is associated with early metazoan genomic transitions. BMC Genomics 23: 143 View PDF.
465. Kratochwil, C.F., Kautt, A. Nater, A., A.F. Härer, Liang, Y., F. Henning and A. Meyer. 2022. An intronic transposon underlies a trans-species color polymorphism in Midas cichlid fishes. Nature Communications 13:296 View PDF
464. Ibrahim, A., Höckenhoff, S. et al. 2022. Vegetation changes over the last centuries in the lower Lake Constance region reconstructed from sediment-core environmental DNA. Environmental DNA View PDF
463. Härer, A., A. Ibrahim, J. Torres-Dowdall and A. Meyer. 2022. Heterogeneity across Neotropical aquatic environments affects prokaryotic and eukaryotic biodiversity based on environmental DNA. Environmental DNA. View PDF
462. Torres-Dowdall, J.T.D. and A. Meyer. 2021. The adaptive radiation of the Midas cichlid complex in Nicaraguan crater lakes. In Abate M.E., Noakes D.L.G. (eds) The Behavior, Ecology and Evolution of Cichlid Fishes: A Contemporary Modern Synthesis. Springer Academic. View PDF
461. Rometsch, S., Torres-Dowdall, J., Machado-Schiaffino, G., Karagic. N. and A. Meyer. 2021. The evolution of humps in Midas cichlid fishes. Ecology and Evolution 11: 17496-17508. View PDF
460. Wang, X., Qu, M., Liu, Y., Schneider, R.F., Song, Y., Chen, Z., Zhang, H., Zhang, Y., Yu, H., Li, D., Qin, G., Ma, S., Zhong, J., Yin, J., Liu, S. Fan, G., Meyer, A. Wang, D. and Qiang Lin. 2021. Warm-blooded in a cold bloods’ world – the opah genome. The Innovation 100185. View PDF
459. Meng Qu, Yali Liu, Y., Zhang, Y., Wan, S., Ravi, V., Qin, G., Wang, X., Jiang, H., Zhang, H., Zhang, B., Gao, Z., Huysseune, A., Zhang, Z., Zhang, H., Chen, Z., Yu, H., Wu, Y., Tang, L., Li, C., Zhong, J., Yin, J., Witten, P.E., Meyer, A., Venkatesh, B. and Q. Lin. 2021. Seadragon genome analysis provides insights into its phenotype and sex-determination locus. Science Advances 7 eabg5196. View PDF
458. Levin, B.A., Simonov, E., Franchini, Mugue, P.N., Golubtsov A.S. and A. Meyer. 2021. Rapid adaptive radiation in a hillstream cypriniid fish in the East African White Nile River basin. Molecular Ecology 30: 5530-5550. View PDF
457. Gerwin, J., Urban, S., A. Meyer and C.F. Kratochwil. 2021. Of bars and stripes: a Malawi cichlid hybrid cross provides insights into genetic modularity and evolution of modifier loci underlying color pattern. Molecular Ecology. View PDF (early online).
456. Höch, R., Schneider, R.F., A. Meyer and J. Woltering. 2021. Spiny and soft-rayed fin domains in acanthomorph fish are established
through a BMP-gremlin-shh signaling network. Proceedings of the National Academy, U.S.A. 118: View PDF
455. Vertebrate Genome Consortium. 2021. Towards complete and error-free genome assemblies of all vertebrate species. Nature 592: 737-752. View PDF
454. Wang, L., Sun, F., Wan, Z.Y., , Ye, B., Wen, Y., Liu, H., Yang, Z., Pang, H., Meng, Z., Fan, B., Alfiko, Y., Shen, Y., Bai, B., Lee, M.S.Q., Piferrer, F., Schartl, M., Meyer, A., and G. H. Yue. 2021. Genomic basis of striking fin shapes and colours in the fighting fish. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 38: 3383-3396. View PDF.
453. Liang, Y., Grauvogel, M., Meyer, A., and C.F. Kratochwil 2021 Functional conservation and divergence of color-pattern-related agouti family genes in teleost fishes. JEZ Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution: 336: 443-450. View PDF
452. Isanta-Navarro, J., Hairston, N., Beninde, J., Meyer, A., Straile, D., Möst, M. and D. Martin-Creuzburg. 2021. Reversed evolution of grazer resistance to cyanobacteria. Nature Communications 12: 1945. View PDF.
451. Torres‐Dowdall, J., Karagic, N., Härer, A. and Meyer, A. 2021. Diversity in visual sensitivity across Neotropical cichlid fishes via differential expression and intraretinal variation of opsin genes. Molecular Ecology 30: 1880-1891. View PDF
450. Schartl, M., Kneitz, S., Ormanns, J., Schmidt, C., Anderson, J.L., Amores, A., Catchen, J., Wilson, C., Geiger, D., Du, K., Mateo Garcia-Olazábal, M., Sudaram, S., Winkler, C., Hedrich, R., Warren, W.C., Walter, R., Meyer, A., and J. H. Postlethwait. 2021. The Developmental and Genetic Architecture of the Sexually Selected Male Ornament of Swordtails. Current Biology 31: 911-922. View PDF
Dispatch about this article by Maderspacher, F. 2021. Sexual Selection: a sword_cross puzzle. Current Biology View PDF
449. Ibrahim, A., Capo, E., Wessels, M., Martin, I., Meyer, A., Schleheck, D., and L.S. Epp. 2021. Anthropogenic impact on the historical phytoplankton community of Lake Constance reconstructed by multimarker analysis of sediment-core environmental DNA. Molecular Ecology 30: 3040-3056. View PDF
448. Clusa, L., Garcia-Vazquez, E., Ferandez, S., Meyer, A. and G. Machado- Schiaffino. 2021. Nuisance species in Lake Constance revealed through eDNA. Biological Invasions View PDF.
447. Xiong, P., Hulsey, C.D., Fruciano, C., Wong, W.Y., Nater, A., Kautt, A.F., Simakov, O., Pippel, M., Kuraku, S., Meyer, A., and P. Franchini. 2021. The Comparative Genomic Landscape of Adaptive Radiation in Crater Lake Cichlid Fishes. Molecular Ecology 30:955-972 View PDF
446. Li, C., Olave, M., Hou, Y., Qin, G., Schneider, R.F., Gao, Z., Tu, X., Wang, X., Qi, F., Nater, A., Kautt, A.F., Wan, S., Zhang, Y., Liu, Y., Zhang, Huixian., Zhang, B., Zhang, Hao, Qu, M., Liu, S., Chen, Z., Zhong, J., Zhang, He, Meng, L., Wang, K., Yin. J., Huang, L., Venkatesh, B., Meyer, A., Lu, X., and Lin, Q. 2021. Genome sequences reveal global dispersal routes and suggest convergent genetic adaptations in seahorse evolution. Nature Communications 12: 1094. View PDF
445. Meyer, A., Schloissnig, S., Franchini, P., Du, K., Woltering, J.M., Irisarri, I., Wong, W.Y., Nowoshilow, S., Kneitz, S., Kawaguchi, A., Fabrizius, A., Xiong, P., Dechaud, C., Spaink, H., Volff, J.-N., Simakov, O., Burmester, T., Tanaka, E. M., Schartl M., 2021. Giant Lungfish genome elucidates the conquest of land by vertebrates. Nature 590:284-289. View PDF
444. Urban, S., Nater, A., Meyer, A., and C.F. Kratochwil. 2021. Different sources of allelic variation drove repeated color pattern divergence in cichlid fishes. Molecular Biology and Evolution 38:465-477. View PDF
502. Bao, B. Li, Y., Zhao, N., Zhan., Y., Zhang, B., Feng, Y., Lv, M., Jia, L, Sun, J., Fan, G., Meyer, A., Xu, X., Liao, Y., Li Y. 2025. Adaptive loss of shortwave sensitive opsins during genomic evolution of cartilaginous fish. Nature Communications (under revision).
501.Liu., Y., et al. 2025. Cellular basis of sex-role reversal: male pregnancy in seahorses. (submitted).
500. Qu, M. et. al. 2025. Symbiosis with and mimicry of corals drove immune gene loss and body remodeling in the pygmy seahorse. (submitted)
499. Li, J., Campell, M., Meyer, A., and D. Reznick. 2025. The evolution of the placenta in the fish Family Poeciliidae: the neoteny-hypermorphosis hypothesis. Proceedings Royal Society Ser. B. (submitted).
498. Tian, X., Lee, S., Tuckermann, J. and A. Meyer. 2025. Bilateral asymmetry in craniofacial structures and kinematics of feeding attacks i the scale-eating cichlid fish, Perissodus microlepis. Zoological Research (in press).
497. Schartl, M., Woltering, J.M., Irisarri, I., Du, K., Kneitz, S., M. Pippel, Brown, Th., Franchini, P., Li, J., Li., M., Adolfi, M. Winker, S., de Freitas Sausa, J., Chen, A., Jacinto, S., Kvon, E.Z., Correa de Oliveira, L.R., Monteiro, E., Amaral D.B., Burmester, Th., Chalopin, D., Suh, A., Myers, E., Simakov, O., Schneider, I. and A. Meyer. 2024. The genomes of all lungfish inform on genome expansion and tetrapod evolution. Nature 634: 96-103.
496. Coleangelo, P., Di Civita, M., Bento, C.M., Franchini, P., Meyer, A., Orel, N., Das Neves, L.C.B.G., Muldandane, F.C., Almeida, J.S., Senczuk, G. Pilla, F., and S. Sabatelli. 2024. Genome-wide diversity, population structure and signatures of inbreeding in the African buffalo in Mozambique. BMC Ecology and Evolution 24 (1):
495. Ehemann, N., Franchini, P., Meyer, A. and C.D. Hulsey. 2024. Meristic co-evolution and genomic co-localization of lateral line scales and vertebrae in Central American cichlid fishes. Ecology and Evolution 14: 9 e70266
494. Bertinetti Cerrato, C., A, Meyer and J. Torres-Dowdall. 2024. Visual pigment chromophore usage in Nicaragua Midas cichlids: phenotypic plasticity and genetic assimilation of cyp27c1 expression. Hydrobiologia 1-15
493. Preising. G.A., Gunn, T., Baczenas, J.J., Powell. D.L., Dodge1, T.O., Sewell, S.T., Pollock, A., Machin Kairuz, J.A., Savage, M., Lu, Y., Fitschen-Brown, M., Meyer, A., Schartl, M., Cummings, M., Thakur, S., Inman, C.M., Ríos-Cardenas, O., Morris, M., Tobler, M. and M. Schumer. 2024. Recurrent evolution of small body size and loss of the sword ornament in Northern Swordtail fish. Evolution qpae124.
492. Du, K., Lu, Y., Garcia-Olazabal, M., Walter, R.B., Warren, W.C., Dodge, T., and A. Meyer. and Schartl. 2024. Phylogenomic analyses of all species of swordtal fishes (Genus Xiphophorus) hightlights that hybridization preceded specieation. Nature Communications 15 (6609)
491. Ehemann, N.R., A. Meyer, and C.D. Hulsey. 2024. Morphological description of spontaneous pelvic fin loss in a Neotropical cichlid fish. J. Morphology 285: e21663.
490. Gerwin, J., J. Torres-Dowdall, A. Meyer. 2024. Expansion and functional diversification of long-wavelength-sensitive opsion in anabantoiod fishes. Journal of Molecular Evolution (1-17).
489. Torres-Dowdall, J., Karagic, N., Prabhukumar, F. and A. Meyer. 2024. Differential regulation of opsin gene expression in response to internal and external stimuli. Genome Biology and Evolution 16: evae125
488. Bertinetti Cerrato, C., A, Meyer and J. Torres-Dowdall. 2024. Repeated Phenotypic Divergence in Visual Sensitivity Mirrors Photic Habitat Changes in Rapidly Evolving Crater Lake Cichlid Fishes. American Naturalist 203: (5) 604-617. View PDF, View Supplement
487. Schneider, R., H. Gunther, I. Salweski, J.M. Woltering and A. Meyer. 2023. Growth dynamics and molecular bases of evolutionary novel jaw extensions in halfbeaks and needlefishes (Beloniformes). Molecular Ecology http://doi.org/10.1111/mec.17143. View PDF
486. Levin, B., Komarova, A., Simonov, E., Tiunov, A., Levina, M., Golubtsov, A., Kondrashov, F. and A. Meyer. 2023. A speciation continuum within repeated origin of hypertophied lips in cyprinid fish from East Africa. Ecology and Evolution DOI: 10.1002/ece3.10523 View PDF
485. Olave, M., Griotti, M., Carrara, R., Franchini, P., A. Meyer and S.A. Roig-Junent. 2023. Historical climate change dynamics facilitated speciation and hybridization between highland and lowland species of Baripus ground beetles from Patagonia. Bulletin of the Society of Systematic Biologists 2 (3), 1-6. View PDF
484. Qian, Y., Meng, M. Zhou, C., Liu, H., Jiang, H. Xu, Y., Chen, W., Ding, Z., Liu, Y., Gong, X., Wang, C., Lei, Y., Wang, T., Wang, Y., Gan, X., Meyer, A., He, S., and L. Yang. 2023. The role of introgression during the radiation of endemic fishes adapted to living at extreme altitudes in the Tibetan Plateau. Molecular Biology and Evolution. msad129. View PDF
483. Qu, M., Zhang, Y., Gao, Z., Zhang, Z., Liu, Y., Wan, S., Wang, X., Yu, H., Zhang, H. Liu, Y., Schneider, R., Meyer, A. and Lin Q. 2023. The genetic basis of the leafy seadragon's unique camouflage morphology and avenues for its efficient conservation derived from habitat modeling. Science China Life Sciences 66: View PDF
482. Masonick, P., Meyer, A. and C.D. Hulsey. 2023. Kiss of deep homology: Partial convergence in the genomic basis of hypertophied lips in cichlid fish and human cleft lip. Genome Biology and Evolution 15: evad072 View PDF
481. Yang, L., Sun, N., Wang, Y., Wang, J., Meng, M., Shen, Y, Kang, J., Ma, X., Lv, W., Chen, J., Meyer, A, Guo, B. and S. He. 2023. Enlarged fins of Tibetan catfish provide new evidence of adaptation to high plateau. China Life Sciences. View PDF
480. Wilson, AB, CM Whittington, A Meyer, SK Scobell, and ME Gauthier. 2023.Prolactin and the evolution of male pregnancy.
General and Comparative Endocrinology, 334: 114210 View PDF
479. Nacif, C.L., Kratochwil, C.F., Kautt, A.F., Nater, A., Machado-Schiaffino, G., Meyer, A. and F. Henning. 2023. Molecular parallelism in the evolution of a master sex-determining role for the anti-mullerian hormone receptor 2 gene (amhr2) in Midas cichlids.
Molecular Ecology 32: 1398-1410. View PDF
477. Liu, Y., Qu, M., Jiang ,H., Schneider, R., Geng, Q., Luo, W., Yu, H., Zhang, B., Wang, X., Zhang, Y., Zhang, H., Zhang, Z., Wu, Y., Zhang, Y., Yin, J., Zhang, S., Venkatesh, B., Roth, O., Meyer, A., & Q. Lin. 2022. Immunogenetic losses co-occurred with seahorse male pregnancy and mutation in tlx1 accompanied functional asplenia. Nature Communications 13: 7610. View PDF
477. Olave, M., Kautt, A.F., Nater, A. and A. Meyer. 2022. Sympatric homoploid hybrid speciation in crater lake cichlid fishes.
Nature Communications. View PDF
476. Kratochwil, C.F., Liang, Y., Gerwin, J., Franchini, P. and A. Meyer. 2022. Comparative ontogenetic and transcriptomic analyses shed light on color pattern divergence in cichlid fishes. Evolution and Development 1-13. View PDF
475. Singh, P., Irisarri, I., Torres-Dowdall, J., Thallinger, G., Svardal, H., Lemmon E. M., Lemmon, A., Koblmüller, S., Sturmbauer, C. and A. Meyer. 2022. Phylogenomics of trophically diverse cichlids disentangles processes driving adaptive radiation and repeated trophic transitions. Ecology and Evolution DOI: 10.1002/ecol3.9077 View PDF.DOI: 10DOI: 10.1002/ece3.9077 .1002/ece3.9077 DOI: 0.1002/ece3.9077 .
474. Torres-Dowdall, J., Rometsch, S.j, Reyes-Velasco, J., Aguilera, G., Kautt, A.F., Goyenola, G., Petry, A.C. da Garça, and A. Meyer. 2022. Genetic assimilation and the evolution of direction of genital asymmetry in anablepid fishes.
Proceedings of the Royal Society, Ser. B. 289 20220266: View PDF
473. Xin Wang, Meng Qu, Yali Liu, Ralf F Schneider, Yue Song, Zelin Chen, Hao Zhang, Yanhong Zhang, Haiyan Yu, Suyu Zhang, Dongxu Li, Geng Qin, Shaobo Ma, Jia Zhong, Jianping Yin, Shuaishuai Liu, Guangyi Fan, Axel Meyer, Dazhi Wang, Qiang Lin. 2022. Genomic basis of evolutionary adaptation in a warm-blooded fish. The Innovation 3 View PDF
472. Karagic, N., Härer, A., A. Meyer and J. Torress-Dowdall. 2022. Thyroid hormone tinkering elicits integrated phenotypic changes. potentially explaining rapid adaptation of color vision in cichlid fish. Evolution 76:: 837-845 View PDF.
471. Masonick, P., Meyer, A. and C. Darrin Hulsey. 2022. Phylogenomic analyses show repeated evolution of hypertrophied lips among Lake Malawi cichlid fishes. Genome Biology and Evolution. View PDF
470. Scherz, M.D., Masonick, P., A. Meyer and C.D. Hulsey. 2022. Between a rock and a hard polytomy: Phylogenomics of the rock-dwelling mbuna cichlids of Lake Malawi. Systematic Biology. 71: 741-757. View PDF
469. Kratochwil, C., Kautt, A., Rometsch, S. and A. Meyer. 2022. Benefits and limitations of a new genome-based PCR-RFLP genotyping assay (GB-RFLP): a SNP-based detection method for the identification of species in extremely young adaptive radiations. Ecology and Evolution 12 e8751. View PDF
468. Wang, L., Sun, F., Wan, Z.Y., Yang, Z., Tay, Y.X., Lee, M, Ye, B., Wen, Y., Meng, Z., Fan, B., Alfiko, Y., Shen, Y. Piferrer, F., Meyer, A., Schartl, M. and G. Yue. 2022.Transposon-induced epigenetic silencing in the X chromosome as a novel form of dmrt1 expression regulation during sex determination in the fighting fish. BMC Biology 20:5. View PDF
467. Urban, A., Gerwin, J., Hulsey, C.D., Meyer A. and C. Kratochwil. 2022. The repeated evolution of stripe patterns is correlated with body morphology in the adaptive radiations of East African cichlid fishes. Ecology and Evolution 2022:12:e8568. View PDF
466. Robert, N.S.M, Sarigol, F., Zimmermann, B., Meyer, A., Voolstra, C. and O. Sinakov. 2022. Emergence of distinct syntenic density regimes is associated with early metazoan genomic transitions. BMC Genomics 23: 143 View PDF.
465. Kratochwil, C.F., Kautt, A. Nater, A., A.F. Härer, Liang, Y., F. Henning and A. Meyer. 2022. An intronic transposon underlies a trans-species color polymorphism in Midas cichlid fishes. Nature Communications 13:296 View PDF
464. Ibrahim, A., Höckenhoff, S. et al. 2022. Vegetation changes over the last centuries in the lower Lake Constance region reconstructed from sediment-core environmental DNA. Environmental DNA View PDF
463. Härer, A., A. Ibrahim, J. Torres-Dowdall and A. Meyer. 2022. Heterogeneity across Neotropical aquatic environments affects prokaryotic and eukaryotic biodiversity based on environmental DNA. Environmental DNA. View PDF
462. Torres-Dowdall, J.T.D. and A. Meyer. 2021. The adaptive radiation of the Midas cichlid complex in Nicaraguan crater lakes. In Abate M.E., Noakes D.L.G. (eds) The Behavior, Ecology and Evolution of Cichlid Fishes: A Contemporary Modern Synthesis. Springer Academic. View PDF
461. Rometsch, S., Torres-Dowdall, J., Machado-Schiaffino, G., Karagic. N. and A. Meyer. 2021. The evolution of humps in Midas cichlid fishes. Ecology and Evolution 11: 17496-17508. View PDF
460. Wang, X., Qu, M., Liu, Y., Schneider, R.F., Song, Y., Chen, Z., Zhang, H., Zhang, Y., Yu, H., Li, D., Qin, G., Ma, S., Zhong, J., Yin, J., Liu, S. Fan, G., Meyer, A. Wang, D. and Qiang Lin. 2021. Warm-blooded in a cold bloods’ world – the opah genome. The Innovation 100185. View PDF
459. Meng Qu, Yali Liu, Y., Zhang, Y., Wan, S., Ravi, V., Qin, G., Wang, X., Jiang, H., Zhang, H., Zhang, B., Gao, Z., Huysseune, A., Zhang, Z., Zhang, H., Chen, Z., Yu, H., Wu, Y., Tang, L., Li, C., Zhong, J., Yin, J., Witten, P.E., Meyer, A., Venkatesh, B. and Q. Lin. 2021. Seadragon genome analysis provides insights into its phenotype and sex-determination locus. Science Advances 7 eabg5196. View PDF
458. Levin, B.A., Simonov, E., Franchini, Mugue, P.N., Golubtsov A.S. and A. Meyer. 2021. Rapid adaptive radiation in a hillstream cypriniid fish in the East African White Nile River basin. Molecular Ecology 30: 5530-5550. View PDF
457. Gerwin, J., Urban, S., A. Meyer and C.F. Kratochwil. 2021. Of bars and stripes: a Malawi cichlid hybrid cross provides insights into genetic modularity and evolution of modifier loci underlying color pattern. Molecular Ecology. View PDF (early online).
456. Höch, R., Schneider, R.F., A. Meyer and J. Woltering. 2021. Spiny and soft-rayed fin domains in acanthomorph fish are established
through a BMP-gremlin-shh signaling network. Proceedings of the National Academy, U.S.A. 118: View PDF
455. Vertebrate Genome Consortium. 2021. Towards complete and error-free genome assemblies of all vertebrate species. Nature 592: 737-752. View PDF
454. Wang, L., Sun, F., Wan, Z.Y., , Ye, B., Wen, Y., Liu, H., Yang, Z., Pang, H., Meng, Z., Fan, B., Alfiko, Y., Shen, Y., Bai, B., Lee, M.S.Q., Piferrer, F., Schartl, M., Meyer, A., and G. H. Yue. 2021. Genomic basis of striking fin shapes and colours in the fighting fish. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 38: 3383-3396. View PDF.
453. Liang, Y., Grauvogel, M., Meyer, A., and C.F. Kratochwil 2021 Functional conservation and divergence of color-pattern-related agouti family genes in teleost fishes. JEZ Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution: 336: 443-450. View PDF
452. Isanta-Navarro, J., Hairston, N., Beninde, J., Meyer, A., Straile, D., Möst, M. and D. Martin-Creuzburg. 2021. Reversed evolution of grazer resistance to cyanobacteria. Nature Communications 12: 1945. View PDF.
451. Torres‐Dowdall, J., Karagic, N., Härer, A. and Meyer, A. 2021. Diversity in visual sensitivity across Neotropical cichlid fishes via differential expression and intraretinal variation of opsin genes. Molecular Ecology 30: 1880-1891. View PDF
450. Schartl, M., Kneitz, S., Ormanns, J., Schmidt, C., Anderson, J.L., Amores, A., Catchen, J., Wilson, C., Geiger, D., Du, K., Mateo Garcia-Olazábal, M., Sudaram, S., Winkler, C., Hedrich, R., Warren, W.C., Walter, R., Meyer, A., and J. H. Postlethwait. 2021. The Developmental and Genetic Architecture of the Sexually Selected Male Ornament of Swordtails. Current Biology 31: 911-922. View PDF
Dispatch about this article by Maderspacher, F. 2021. Sexual Selection: a sword_cross puzzle. Current Biology View PDF
449. Ibrahim, A., Capo, E., Wessels, M., Martin, I., Meyer, A., Schleheck, D., and L.S. Epp. 2021. Anthropogenic impact on the historical phytoplankton community of Lake Constance reconstructed by multimarker analysis of sediment-core environmental DNA. Molecular Ecology 30: 3040-3056. View PDF
448. Clusa, L., Garcia-Vazquez, E., Ferandez, S., Meyer, A. and G. Machado- Schiaffino. 2021. Nuisance species in Lake Constance revealed through eDNA. Biological Invasions View PDF.
447. Xiong, P., Hulsey, C.D., Fruciano, C., Wong, W.Y., Nater, A., Kautt, A.F., Simakov, O., Pippel, M., Kuraku, S., Meyer, A., and P. Franchini. 2021. The Comparative Genomic Landscape of Adaptive Radiation in Crater Lake Cichlid Fishes. Molecular Ecology 30:955-972 View PDF
446. Li, C., Olave, M., Hou, Y., Qin, G., Schneider, R.F., Gao, Z., Tu, X., Wang, X., Qi, F., Nater, A., Kautt, A.F., Wan, S., Zhang, Y., Liu, Y., Zhang, Huixian., Zhang, B., Zhang, Hao, Qu, M., Liu, S., Chen, Z., Zhong, J., Zhang, He, Meng, L., Wang, K., Yin. J., Huang, L., Venkatesh, B., Meyer, A., Lu, X., and Lin, Q. 2021. Genome sequences reveal global dispersal routes and suggest convergent genetic adaptations in seahorse evolution. Nature Communications 12: 1094. View PDF
445. Meyer, A., Schloissnig, S., Franchini, P., Du, K., Woltering, J.M., Irisarri, I., Wong, W.Y., Nowoshilow, S., Kneitz, S., Kawaguchi, A., Fabrizius, A., Xiong, P., Dechaud, C., Spaink, H., Volff, J.-N., Simakov, O., Burmester, T., Tanaka, E. M., Schartl M., 2021. Giant Lungfish genome elucidates the conquest of land by vertebrates. Nature 590:284-289. View PDF
444. Urban, S., Nater, A., Meyer, A., and C.F. Kratochwil. 2021. Different sources of allelic variation drove repeated color pattern divergence in cichlid fishes. Molecular Biology and Evolution 38:465-477. View PDF
443. Kautt A.F., Kratochwil C.F., Nater A., Machado-Schiaffino G., Olave M., Henning F., Torres-Dowdall J., Härer A., Hulsey C.D., Franchini P., Pippel M., Myers E.W, Meyer A. 2020. Contrasting signatures of genomic divergence during sympatric speciation. Nature 588:106–111. View PDF
442. Karagic, N., Schneider, R.F., Meyer, A., and C.D. Hulsey. 2020. A genomic cluster with novel and conserved genes is associated with cichlid dental developmental convergence. Molecular Biology and Evolution 37: 3165–3174. View PDF.
441. Franchini, P., Kautt, A.F., Nater, A., Antonini, G., Castiglia, R., Meyer, A., and E. Solano. 2020. Reconstructing the evolutionary history of chromosomal races on islands: a genome-wide analysis of natural house mouse populations. Molecular Biology and Evolution 37:2825-2837. View PDF.
440. Härer, A., Torres-Dowdall, J., Rometsch, S., Yohannes, E., Machado-Schiaffino, G. and A. Meyer. 2020. Parallel and non-parallel changes of the gut microbiota during trophic diversification in repeated young adaptive radiations of sympatric cichlid fish. Microbiome
8:149. View PDF
439. Beninde, J., Möst, M.H., and A. Meyer. 2020. Optimized and affordable high‐throughput sequencing workflow for preserved and nonpreserved small zooplankton specimens. Molecular Ecology Resources 20:1632–1646. View PDF
438. Hulsey, C.D., Meyer, A., and J.T. Streelman. 2020. Convergent evolution of cichlid fish pharyngeal jaw dentitions in mollusk-crushing predators: comparative x-ray computed tomography of tooth sizes, numbers, and replacement. Integrative and Comparative Biology 60: 656-664. View PDF
437. Karagic, N., Meyer, A., and C.D. Hulsey. 2020. Phenotypic plasticity in vertebrate dentitions. Integrative and Comparative Biology 60: 608-618. View PDF
436. Hulsey, C.D., Cohen, K.E., Johanson, Z., Karagic, N., Meyer, A., Miller, C.T., Sadier, A., Summers, A.P., and G.J. Fraser. 2020. Grand challenges in comparative tooth biology. Integrative and Comparative Biology 60: 563-580. View PDF
435. Real, F.M., Haas, S. A., Franchini, P., Xiong, P., Simakov, O., Kuhl, H., Schöpflin, R., Heller, D., Moeinzadeh, M-H., Heinrich, V., Krannich, T., Bressin, A., Hartmann, M.F., Wudy, S.A., Dechmann, D.K.N., Hurtado, A., Barrionuevo, F.J., Schindler, M. Harabula, I., Osterwalder, M., Hiller, M., Wittler, L., Visel, A., Timmermann, B., Meyer, A., Vingron, M., Jiménez, R., Mundlos, S., and D.G. Lupiáñez. 2020. The mole genome reveals regulatory rearrangements associated with adaptive intersexuality. Science 370:208-214. View PDF
434. Olave, M. and A. Meyer. 2020. Implementing large genomic SNP datasets in phylogenetic network reconstructions: A case study of particularly rapid radiations of cichlid fish. Systematic Biology 69:848–862. View PDF
433. Woltering, J.M., Irisarri, I., Ericsson, R., Joss, J.M.P., Sordino, P., and A. Meyer 2020. Sarcopterygian fin ontogeny elucidates the origin of hands with digits. Science Advances 6: eabc3510. View PDF
432. Liang, Y., Meyer, A., and C.F. Kratochwil. 2020. Neural innervation as a potential trigger of morphological color change and sexual dimorphism in cichlid fish. Scientific Reports 10:12329. View PDF
431. Rometsch, S.J, Torres-Dowdall, J., and A. Meyer. 2020. Evolutionary dynamics of pre- and postzygotic reproductive isolation in cichlid fishes. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 375: 20190535. View PDF
430. Torres-Dowdall, J., Rometsch, S.J., Kautt, A.F., Aguilera G., and A. Meyer. The direction of genital asymmetry is expressed stochastically in internally fertilizing anablepid fishes. Proceedings of the Royal Society Series B 375: 20190535. View PDF
429. Luo, J., Chai, J., Wen, Y., Tao, M., Lin, G., Liu, X., Ren, L., Chen, Z., Wu, S., Li, S., Wang, Y., Qin, Q., Wang, S., Gao, Y., Huang, F., Wang, L., Ai, C., Wang, X., Li, L., Ye, C., Yang, H., Luo, M., Chen, J., Hu, H., Yuan, L, Zhong, L., Wang, J., Xu, J., Du, Z., Ma, Z., Murphy, R.W., Meyer, A., Gui, J., Xu, P., Ruan, J., Chen, Z.J., Liu, S., Lu, X., Y.P. Zhang. 2020. From asymmetrical to balanced genomic diversification during rediploidization: Subgenomic evolution in allotetraploid fish. Science Advances 6: eaaz7677. View PDF
442. Karagic, N., Schneider, R.F., Meyer, A., and C.D. Hulsey. 2020. A genomic cluster with novel and conserved genes is associated with cichlid dental developmental convergence. Molecular Biology and Evolution 37: 3165–3174. View PDF.
441. Franchini, P., Kautt, A.F., Nater, A., Antonini, G., Castiglia, R., Meyer, A., and E. Solano. 2020. Reconstructing the evolutionary history of chromosomal races on islands: a genome-wide analysis of natural house mouse populations. Molecular Biology and Evolution 37:2825-2837. View PDF.
440. Härer, A., Torres-Dowdall, J., Rometsch, S., Yohannes, E., Machado-Schiaffino, G. and A. Meyer. 2020. Parallel and non-parallel changes of the gut microbiota during trophic diversification in repeated young adaptive radiations of sympatric cichlid fish. Microbiome
8:149. View PDF
439. Beninde, J., Möst, M.H., and A. Meyer. 2020. Optimized and affordable high‐throughput sequencing workflow for preserved and nonpreserved small zooplankton specimens. Molecular Ecology Resources 20:1632–1646. View PDF
438. Hulsey, C.D., Meyer, A., and J.T. Streelman. 2020. Convergent evolution of cichlid fish pharyngeal jaw dentitions in mollusk-crushing predators: comparative x-ray computed tomography of tooth sizes, numbers, and replacement. Integrative and Comparative Biology 60: 656-664. View PDF
437. Karagic, N., Meyer, A., and C.D. Hulsey. 2020. Phenotypic plasticity in vertebrate dentitions. Integrative and Comparative Biology 60: 608-618. View PDF
436. Hulsey, C.D., Cohen, K.E., Johanson, Z., Karagic, N., Meyer, A., Miller, C.T., Sadier, A., Summers, A.P., and G.J. Fraser. 2020. Grand challenges in comparative tooth biology. Integrative and Comparative Biology 60: 563-580. View PDF
435. Real, F.M., Haas, S. A., Franchini, P., Xiong, P., Simakov, O., Kuhl, H., Schöpflin, R., Heller, D., Moeinzadeh, M-H., Heinrich, V., Krannich, T., Bressin, A., Hartmann, M.F., Wudy, S.A., Dechmann, D.K.N., Hurtado, A., Barrionuevo, F.J., Schindler, M. Harabula, I., Osterwalder, M., Hiller, M., Wittler, L., Visel, A., Timmermann, B., Meyer, A., Vingron, M., Jiménez, R., Mundlos, S., and D.G. Lupiáñez. 2020. The mole genome reveals regulatory rearrangements associated with adaptive intersexuality. Science 370:208-214. View PDF
434. Olave, M. and A. Meyer. 2020. Implementing large genomic SNP datasets in phylogenetic network reconstructions: A case study of particularly rapid radiations of cichlid fish. Systematic Biology 69:848–862. View PDF
433. Woltering, J.M., Irisarri, I., Ericsson, R., Joss, J.M.P., Sordino, P., and A. Meyer 2020. Sarcopterygian fin ontogeny elucidates the origin of hands with digits. Science Advances 6: eabc3510. View PDF
432. Liang, Y., Meyer, A., and C.F. Kratochwil. 2020. Neural innervation as a potential trigger of morphological color change and sexual dimorphism in cichlid fish. Scientific Reports 10:12329. View PDF
431. Rometsch, S.J, Torres-Dowdall, J., and A. Meyer. 2020. Evolutionary dynamics of pre- and postzygotic reproductive isolation in cichlid fishes. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 375: 20190535. View PDF
430. Torres-Dowdall, J., Rometsch, S.J., Kautt, A.F., Aguilera G., and A. Meyer. The direction of genital asymmetry is expressed stochastically in internally fertilizing anablepid fishes. Proceedings of the Royal Society Series B 375: 20190535. View PDF
429. Luo, J., Chai, J., Wen, Y., Tao, M., Lin, G., Liu, X., Ren, L., Chen, Z., Wu, S., Li, S., Wang, Y., Qin, Q., Wang, S., Gao, Y., Huang, F., Wang, L., Ai, C., Wang, X., Li, L., Ye, C., Yang, H., Luo, M., Chen, J., Hu, H., Yuan, L, Zhong, L., Wang, J., Xu, J., Du, Z., Ma, Z., Murphy, R.W., Meyer, A., Gui, J., Xu, P., Ruan, J., Chen, Z.J., Liu, S., Lu, X., Y.P. Zhang. 2020. From asymmetrical to balanced genomic diversification during rediploidization: Subgenomic evolution in allotetraploid fish. Science Advances 6: eaaz7677. View PDF
428. Schneider R.F., Rometsch, S.J, Torres-Dowdall, J., and A. Meyer. 2020. Habitat light sets the boundaries for the rapid evolution of cichlid fish vision while sexual selection can tune it within those limits. Molecular Ecology 29: 1476–1493. View PDF

427. Raffini, F., Schneider R.F., Franchini, P., Kautt, A.F, and A. Meyer. 2020. Diving into divergence: Differentiation in swimming performances, physiology and gene expression between locally‐adapted sympatric cichlid fishes. Molecular Ecology 29: 1219–1234. View PDF
Perspective on the article above in the "News and Views" section of the journal (Gaither, M.R., Greaves, S., Amirthalingam, P. 2020. The physiology of rapid ecological speciation: A look at the Midas cichlids. Molecular Ecology (in press) View PDF
426. Du, K., Stöck, M., Kneitz, S., Klopp, C., Woltering, J.M., Adolfi, M.C., Feron, R., Prokopov, D., Makunin, A., Kichigin, I., Schmidt, C., Fischer, P., Kuhl, H., Wuertz, S., Gessner, J., Kloas, W. Cabau, C., Iampietro, C., Parrinello, H., Tomlinson, C., Journot, L., Postlethwait, J.H., Braasch, I., Trifonov, V., Warren, W.C., Meyer, A., Guiguen, Y. and M. Schartl. 2020. The sterlet sturgeon genome sequence and the mechanisms of segmental rediploidization. Nature Ecology and Evolution 4: 841–852. View PDF

425. Torres-Dowdall, J. Rometsch, S.J., Aguilera, G., Goyenola, G., and A. Meyer. 2020. Asymmetry in genitalia is in sync with lateralized mating behavior but not with the lateralization of other behaviors. Current Zoology 66: 71-81. View PDF
424. Liang, Y., Gerwin, J., Meyer, A., and C.F. Kratochwil. 2020. Developmental and cellular basis of vertical bar color patterns in the East African cichlid fish Haplochromis latifasciatus. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 8: 62.View PDF
423. Schartl, M., Kneitz, S., Volkoff, H., Adolfi, M., Schmidt, C., Fischer, P., Minx, P., Tomlinson, C., Meyer, A., and W.C. Warren. 2019. The piranha genome provides molecular insights into unique feeding behavior. Genome Biology and Evolution 11: 2099-2106. View PDF:
422. Kratochwil C.F., Liang Y., Urban S., Torres-Dowdall J., and A. Meyer. 2019. Evolutionary dynamics of structural variation at a key locus for color pattern diversification in cichlid fishes. Genome Biology and Evolution 11: 2452-3465. View PDF:
421. Woltering, J.M., Holzem, M., and A. Meyer. 2019. Lissamphibian limbs and the origins of tetrapod hox domains. Developmental Biology 456: 138-144. View PDF
420. Franchini, P., Xiong, P., Fruciano, C., Schneider, R.F., Woltering, J.M., Hulsey, C.D. and A. Meyer. 2019. MicroRNA gene regulation in the extremely young and parallel adaptive radiations of Nicaraguan crater lake cichlid fish. Molecular Biology and Evolution 36: 2498-2511. View PDF
419. Xiong, P., Schneider, R.F., Hulsey, C.D., Meyer, A. and P. Franchini. 2019. Conservation and novelty in the microRNA genomic landscape of “hyper-diverse” cichlid fishes. Scientific Reports 9: 13848. View PDF
422. Kratochwil C.F., Liang Y., Urban S., Torres-Dowdall J., and A. Meyer. 2019. Evolutionary dynamics of structural variation at a key locus for color pattern diversification in cichlid fishes. Genome Biology and Evolution 11: 2452-3465. View PDF:
421. Woltering, J.M., Holzem, M., and A. Meyer. 2019. Lissamphibian limbs and the origins of tetrapod hox domains. Developmental Biology 456: 138-144. View PDF
420. Franchini, P., Xiong, P., Fruciano, C., Schneider, R.F., Woltering, J.M., Hulsey, C.D. and A. Meyer. 2019. MicroRNA gene regulation in the extremely young and parallel adaptive radiations of Nicaraguan crater lake cichlid fish. Molecular Biology and Evolution 36: 2498-2511. View PDF
419. Xiong, P., Schneider, R.F., Hulsey, C.D., Meyer, A. and P. Franchini. 2019. Conservation and novelty in the microRNA genomic landscape of “hyper-diverse” cichlid fishes. Scientific Reports 9: 13848. View PDF

418. Kratochwil C.F., Urban, S., and A. Meyer. 2019. Genome of the Malawi golden cichlid fish (Melanochromis auratus) reveals exon loss of oca2 in an amelanistic morph. Pigment Cell and Melanoma Research 32: 719-723. View PDF
417. Fruciano, C., Meyer, A., and P. Franchini. 2019. Divergent allometric trajectories in gene expression and co-expression produce species differences in sympatrically speciating Midas cichlid fish. Genome Biology and Evolution 11: 1644-1657. View PDF

416. Härer, A., Karagic, N., Meyer, A., and J. Torres-Dowdall. 2019. Reverting ontogeny: rapid phenotypic plasticity of color vision in cichlid fish. Royal Society Open Science 6: 190841. View PDF.
415. Aguilera, G., Terán, G.E., Mirande, J. M., Alonso, F., Rometsch, S., Meyer, A., and J. Torres-Dowdall. 2019. Molecular and morphological convergence to sulfide-tolerant fishes in a new species of Jenynsia (Cyprinodontiformes: Anablepidae) the first extremophile member of the family. PLoS One 14: e0218810. View PDF
414. Du, K., Wuertz, S., Adol, M., Kneitz, S., Stöck, M., Oliveira, M., Nóbrega, R., Ormanns, J., Kloas, W., Feron, R., Klopp, C., Parrinello, H., Journot, L., He, S., Postlethwait, J., Meyer, A., Guiguen, Y., and M. Schartl. 2019. The genome of the Arapaima (Arapaima gigas) provides insights into gigantism, fast growth and chromosomal sex determination system. Scientific Reports 9:5293 View PDF
413. Feiner, N., Motone, F., Meyer, A., and S. Kuraku. 2019. Asymmetric paralog evolution between the "cryptic" gene Bmp16 and its well-studied sister genes Bmp2 and Bmp4. Scientific Reports 9: 3136. View PDF
412. Raffini, F. and A. Meyer. 2019. A comprehensive overview of the developmental basis and adaptive significance of a textbook polymorphism: head asymmetry in the cichlid fish Perissodus microlepis. Hydrobiologia 832: 65-84. View PDF
411. Hulsey, C.D., Alfaro, M.E., Zheng, J., Meyer, A., and R. Holzman. 2019. Pleiotropic jaw morphology links the evolution of mechanical modularity and functional feeding convergence in Lake Malawi cichlids. Proceedings of the Royal Society Series B 286: 20182358. View PDF
414. Du, K., Wuertz, S., Adol, M., Kneitz, S., Stöck, M., Oliveira, M., Nóbrega, R., Ormanns, J., Kloas, W., Feron, R., Klopp, C., Parrinello, H., Journot, L., He, S., Postlethwait, J., Meyer, A., Guiguen, Y., and M. Schartl. 2019. The genome of the Arapaima (Arapaima gigas) provides insights into gigantism, fast growth and chromosomal sex determination system. Scientific Reports 9:5293 View PDF
413. Feiner, N., Motone, F., Meyer, A., and S. Kuraku. 2019. Asymmetric paralog evolution between the "cryptic" gene Bmp16 and its well-studied sister genes Bmp2 and Bmp4. Scientific Reports 9: 3136. View PDF
412. Raffini, F. and A. Meyer. 2019. A comprehensive overview of the developmental basis and adaptive significance of a textbook polymorphism: head asymmetry in the cichlid fish Perissodus microlepis. Hydrobiologia 832: 65-84. View PDF
411. Hulsey, C.D., Alfaro, M.E., Zheng, J., Meyer, A., and R. Holzman. 2019. Pleiotropic jaw morphology links the evolution of mechanical modularity and functional feeding convergence in Lake Malawi cichlids. Proceedings of the Royal Society Series B 286: 20182358. View PDF
410. Hulsey, C.D., Holzman, R., and A. Meyer. 2018. Dissecting a potential spandrel of adaptive radiation: Body depth and pectoral fin ecomorphology coevolve in Lake Malawi cichlid fishes. Ecology and Evolution 8: 11945-11953. View PDF
409. Li, N., B. Lisui, Zhou, T., Yuan, Z., Liu, S., Dunham, R., Li, Y., Wang, K., Xu, X., Jin, Y., Zeng, Q., Gao, S., Fu, Q., Liu, Y., Yang, Y., Li, Q., Meyer, A., Gao, D. and Z. Liu. 2018. Genome sequence of walking catfish (Clarias batrachus) provides insights into terrestrial adaptation. BMC Genomics 19: 952. View PDF
408. Franchini, P., Jones, J., Xiong, P., Kneitz, S., Gompert, Z., Warren, W.C., Walter, R.B., Meyer, A., and M. Schartl. 2018. Long-term experimental hybridisation results in the evolution of a new sex chromosome in swordtail fish. Nature Communications 9: 5136. View PDF
407. Hulsey, C.D., Zheng, J., Holzman, R., Alfaro, M.E., Olave, M., and A. Meyer. 2018. Phylogenomics of a putatively convergent novelty: Did hypertrophied lips evolve once or repeatedly in Lake Malawi cichlid fishes? BMC Evolutionary Biology 18: 179. View PDF
406. Kratochwil, C.F., Liang, Y., Gerwin, J., Woltering, J.M., Urban, S., Henning, F., Machado-Schiaffino, G., Hulsey, C.D., and A. Meyer. 2018. Agouti-related peptide 2 facilitates convergent evolution of stripe patterns across cichlid fish radiations. Science. 362: 457-460. View PDF
Perspective on the article above in the "Insights" section of the journal (Gante H.F. 2018. How fish get their stripes—again and again. Science 362: 396-397.) . View PDF
405. Irisarri, I., Singh, P., Koblmüller, S., Torres-Dowdall, J. Henning, F., Franchini, P., Fischer, C., Lemmon, A.R., Lemmon, E.M., Thallinger, G.G., Sturmbauer, C. and A. Meyer. 2018. Phylogenomics uncovers hybridization and adaptive loci shaping the radiation of Lake Tanganyika cichlid fishes. Nature Communications 9: 3159. View PDF
404. Kautt, A.F., Machado-Schiaffino, G., and A. Meyer. 2018. Lessons from a natural experiment: Allopatric morphological divergence and sympatric diversification in the Midas cichlid species complex are largely influenced by ecology in a deterministic way. Evolution Letters 2: 323-340. View PDF
403. Härer, A., Meyer, A., and J. Torres-Dowdall. 2018. Convergent phenotypic evolution of the visual system via different molecular routes: How Neotropical cichlid fishes adapt to novel light environments. Evolution Letters 2: 341-354. View PDF
402. Karagic, N., A. Härer, Meyer, A., and J. Torres-Dowdall. 2018. Heterochronic opsin expression due to early light deprivation results in drastically shifted visual sensitivity in a cichlid fish: Possible role of thyroid hormone signaling. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution 330: 202–214. View PDF |
401. Saemi-Komsari, M., Mousavi-Sabet, H., Kratochwil, C.F., Sattari, M., Eagder, S., and A. Meyer. 2018. Early developmental and allometric patterns in the electric yellow cichlid Labidochromis caeruleus. Journal of Fish Biology 92: 1888-1901. View PDF
400. Xiong, P., Hulsey, C.D., Meyer, A., and P. Franchini. 2018. Evolutionary divergence of 3’ UTRs in cichlid fishes. BMC Genomics 19: 433. View PDF
399. Raffini, F., Fruciano, C., and A. Meyer. 2018. Gene(s) and individual feeding behavior: Exploring ecoevolutionary dynamics underlying left-right asymmetry in the scale-eating cichlid fish Perissodus microlepis. Ecology and Evolution 1-13. View PDF
398. Blazek, R., Polacik, M., Smith, C., Honza, M., Meyer, A., and M. Reichard. 2018. Success of cuckoo catfish brood parasitism reflects co-evolutionary history and individual experience of their cichlid hosts. Science Advances 4: eaar4380. View PDF
397. Raffini, F., Fruciano, C., and A. Meyer. 2018. Morphological and genetic correlates in the left–right asymmetric scale-eating cichlid fish of Lake Tanganyika. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 124: 67-84. View PDF
396. Woltering, J.M., Holzem, M., Schneider, R.F., Nanos, V., and A. Meyer. 2018. The skeletal ontogeny of Astatotilapia burtoni – a direct-developing model system for the evolution and development of the teleost body plan. BMC Developmental Biology 18: 8. View PDF
395. Lehtonen, T., Elmer, K.R., Lappalainen, M., and A. Meyer. 2018. Genetic evidence for panmixia in a colony-breeding crater lake cichlid fish. Scientific Reports 8: 1166. View PDF
400. Xiong, P., Hulsey, C.D., Meyer, A., and P. Franchini. 2018. Evolutionary divergence of 3’ UTRs in cichlid fishes. BMC Genomics 19: 433. View PDF
399. Raffini, F., Fruciano, C., and A. Meyer. 2018. Gene(s) and individual feeding behavior: Exploring ecoevolutionary dynamics underlying left-right asymmetry in the scale-eating cichlid fish Perissodus microlepis. Ecology and Evolution 1-13. View PDF
398. Blazek, R., Polacik, M., Smith, C., Honza, M., Meyer, A., and M. Reichard. 2018. Success of cuckoo catfish brood parasitism reflects co-evolutionary history and individual experience of their cichlid hosts. Science Advances 4: eaar4380. View PDF
397. Raffini, F., Fruciano, C., and A. Meyer. 2018. Morphological and genetic correlates in the left–right asymmetric scale-eating cichlid fish of Lake Tanganyika. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 124: 67-84. View PDF
396. Woltering, J.M., Holzem, M., Schneider, R.F., Nanos, V., and A. Meyer. 2018. The skeletal ontogeny of Astatotilapia burtoni – a direct-developing model system for the evolution and development of the teleost body plan. BMC Developmental Biology 18: 8. View PDF
395. Lehtonen, T., Elmer, K.R., Lappalainen, M., and A. Meyer. 2018. Genetic evidence for panmixia in a colony-breeding crater lake cichlid fish. Scientific Reports 8: 1166. View PDF
394. Lee, H.J., Schneider, R., Manousaki, T., Kang, J.H. Lein, E. Franchini, P., and A. Meyer. 2017. Lateralized feeding behavior comes with asymmetrical neuroanatomy and lateralized gene expressions in the brain in scale-eating cichlid fish. Genome Biology and Evolution 9: 3122-3136. View PDF
393. Gunter, H.M., Schneider, R.F., Karner, I., Sturmbauer, C., and A. Meyer. 2017. Molecular investigation of genetic assimilation during the adaptive radiations of East African cichlid fishes. Molecular Ecology 26: 6634-6653. View PDF
392. Kratochwil, C.F., Sefton, M.M., Liang, Y., and A. Meyer. 2017. Tol2 transposon-mediated transgenesis in the Midas cichlid (Amphilophus citrinellus)—towards understanding gene function and regulatory evolution in an ecological model system for rapid phenotypic diversification. BMC Developmental Biology 17: 15. View PDF
391. Härer, A., Torres-Dowdall, J., and A. Meyer. 2017. Rapid adaptation to a novel light environment: the importance of ontogeny and phenotypic plasticity in shaping the visual system of Nicaraguan Midas cichlid fish (Amphilophus citrinellus spp.). Molecular Ecology 26: 5582-5593. View PDF
390. Torres-Dowdall, J., Pierotti, E.J., Härer, A., Karagic, N., Wootering, J.M., Henning, F., Elmer, K.R., and A. Meyer. 2017. Rapid and parallel adaptive evolution of the visual system of Neotropical Midas cichlid fishes. Molecular Biology and Evolution 34: 2469-2485. View PDF
393. Gunter, H.M., Schneider, R.F., Karner, I., Sturmbauer, C., and A. Meyer. 2017. Molecular investigation of genetic assimilation during the adaptive radiations of East African cichlid fishes. Molecular Ecology 26: 6634-6653. View PDF
392. Kratochwil, C.F., Sefton, M.M., Liang, Y., and A. Meyer. 2017. Tol2 transposon-mediated transgenesis in the Midas cichlid (Amphilophus citrinellus)—towards understanding gene function and regulatory evolution in an ecological model system for rapid phenotypic diversification. BMC Developmental Biology 17: 15. View PDF
391. Härer, A., Torres-Dowdall, J., and A. Meyer. 2017. Rapid adaptation to a novel light environment: the importance of ontogeny and phenotypic plasticity in shaping the visual system of Nicaraguan Midas cichlid fish (Amphilophus citrinellus spp.). Molecular Ecology 26: 5582-5593. View PDF
390. Torres-Dowdall, J., Pierotti, E.J., Härer, A., Karagic, N., Wootering, J.M., Henning, F., Elmer, K.R., and A. Meyer. 2017. Rapid and parallel adaptive evolution of the visual system of Neotropical Midas cichlid fishes. Molecular Biology and Evolution 34: 2469-2485. View PDF

389. Symonová, R., Majtánová, Z., Arias-Rodriguez, L., Moˇrkovský, L., Koˇrínková, T., Cavin, L., Pokorná, M.J., Doležálková, M., Flajšhans, M., Normandeau, E., Ráb, P., Meyer, A. and L. Bernatchez. 2017. Genome compositional organization in gars shows more similarities to mammals than to other ray-finned fish. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B (Molecular and Developmental Evolution) 7: 607-619. View PDF
388. Hulsey, C.D., Machado-Schiaffino, G., Keicher, L., Ellis-Soto, D., Henning, F., and A. Meyer. 2017. The integrated genomic architecture and evolution of dental divergence in East African cichlid fishes (Haplochromis chilotes x H. nyererei). G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 7: 3195-3202. View PDF
387. Irisarri, I., Baurain, D., Brinkmann, H., Delsuc, F., Sire, J-Y., Kupfer, A., Petersen, J., Jarek, M., Meyer, A., Vences, M., and H. Philippe. 2017. Phylotranscriptomic consolidation of the jawed vertebrate timetree. Nature Ecology and Evolution .doi:10.1038/s41559-017-0240-5. View PDF
386. Torres-Dowdall, J. , Golcher-Benvides, J., and A. Meyer. 2017. The role of rare morph advantage and conspicuousness in the stable gold-dark colour polymorphism of a crater lake Midas cichlid fish. Journal of Animal Ecology 86: 1044–1053. View PDF
385. Hulsey, C.D., Zheng, J., Faircloth, B.C., Meyer, A., and M.E. Alfaro. 2017. Phylogenomic analysis of Lake Malawi cichlid fishes: further evidence that the three-stage model of diversification does not fit. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 114: 40-48. View PDF
384. Franchini, P., Irisarri, I., Fudickar, A., Schmidt, A., Meyer, A., Wikelski, M., and J. Partecke. 2017. Animal tracking meets migration genomics: transcriptomic analysis of a partially migratory bird species. Molecular Ecology 26: 3204-3216. View PDF
383. Longo, S.J., Faircloth, B.C., Meyer, A., Westneat, M.W., Alfaro, M.E., and P.C. Wainwright. 2017. Phylogenomic analysis of a rapid radiation of misfit fishes (Sygnathiformes) using ultraconserved elements. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 113: 33-48. View PDF
382. Henning, F., Machado-Schiaffino, G., Baumgarten, L. and A. Meyer. 2017. Genetic dissection of adaptive form and function in rapidly-speciating cichlid fishes. Evolution 71: 1297-1312. View PDF
381. Franchini, P., Monné Parera, D., Kautt, A.F. and A. Meyer. 2017. quaddRAD: A new high-multiplexing and PCR duplicate removal ddRAD protocol produces novel evolutionary insights in a non-radiating cichlid lineage. Molecular Ecology 26: 2783-2795. View PDF
380. Machado-Schiaffino, G., Kautt, A.F., Torres-Dowdall, J., Baumgarten, L., Henning, F. and A. Meyer. 2017. Incipient speciation driven by hypertrophied lips in Midas cichlids fish? Molecular Ecology 26: 2348-2362. View PDF
387. Irisarri, I., Baurain, D., Brinkmann, H., Delsuc, F., Sire, J-Y., Kupfer, A., Petersen, J., Jarek, M., Meyer, A., Vences, M., and H. Philippe. 2017. Phylotranscriptomic consolidation of the jawed vertebrate timetree. Nature Ecology and Evolution .doi:10.1038/s41559-017-0240-5. View PDF
386. Torres-Dowdall, J. , Golcher-Benvides, J., and A. Meyer. 2017. The role of rare morph advantage and conspicuousness in the stable gold-dark colour polymorphism of a crater lake Midas cichlid fish. Journal of Animal Ecology 86: 1044–1053. View PDF
385. Hulsey, C.D., Zheng, J., Faircloth, B.C., Meyer, A., and M.E. Alfaro. 2017. Phylogenomic analysis of Lake Malawi cichlid fishes: further evidence that the three-stage model of diversification does not fit. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 114: 40-48. View PDF
384. Franchini, P., Irisarri, I., Fudickar, A., Schmidt, A., Meyer, A., Wikelski, M., and J. Partecke. 2017. Animal tracking meets migration genomics: transcriptomic analysis of a partially migratory bird species. Molecular Ecology 26: 3204-3216. View PDF
383. Longo, S.J., Faircloth, B.C., Meyer, A., Westneat, M.W., Alfaro, M.E., and P.C. Wainwright. 2017. Phylogenomic analysis of a rapid radiation of misfit fishes (Sygnathiformes) using ultraconserved elements. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 113: 33-48. View PDF
382. Henning, F., Machado-Schiaffino, G., Baumgarten, L. and A. Meyer. 2017. Genetic dissection of adaptive form and function in rapidly-speciating cichlid fishes. Evolution 71: 1297-1312. View PDF
381. Franchini, P., Monné Parera, D., Kautt, A.F. and A. Meyer. 2017. quaddRAD: A new high-multiplexing and PCR duplicate removal ddRAD protocol produces novel evolutionary insights in a non-radiating cichlid lineage. Molecular Ecology 26: 2783-2795. View PDF
380. Machado-Schiaffino, G., Kautt, A.F., Torres-Dowdall, J., Baumgarten, L., Henning, F. and A. Meyer. 2017. Incipient speciation driven by hypertrophied lips in Midas cichlids fish? Molecular Ecology 26: 2348-2362. View PDF

379. Schneider, R.F. and A. Meyer. 2017. How plasticity, genetic assimilation and cryptic genetic variation may contribute to adaptive radiations. Molecular Ecology 26: 330-350. View PDF
378. Raffini, F., Fruciano, C., Franchini P. and A. Meyer. 2017. On the genetic basis of mouth asymmetry in the scale-eating cichlid fish Perissodus microlepis. Molecular Ecology 26: 77-91. View PDF
378. Raffini, F., Fruciano, C., Franchini P. and A. Meyer. 2017. On the genetic basis of mouth asymmetry in the scale-eating cichlid fish Perissodus microlepis. Molecular Ecology 26: 77-91. View PDF
377. Härer, A., Torres-Dowdall, J. and A. Meyer. 2017. The imperiled fish fauna of the Nicaragua Canal zone. Conservation Biology 31: 86-95. View PDF

376. Lin, Q., Fan, S., Zhang, Y., Xu, M., Zhang, H., Yang, Y., Lee, A.P., Woltering, J.M., Ravi, V., Gunter, H.M., Luo, W., Gao, Z., Lim, Z.W., Qin, G., Schneider, R.F. , Wang, X., Xiong, P., Li, G., Wang, K., Min, J., Zhang, C., Qiu, Y., Bai, J., He, W., Bian, C., Zhang, X., Shan, D., Qu, H., Sun, Y., Gao, Q., Huang, L., Shi, Q., Meyer, A. and B. Venkatesh. 2016. The seahorse genome and the evolution of its specialized morphology. Nature. 540: 395-399. View PDF
375. Kavembe, G.D., Meyer, A. and C.M. Wood. 2016. Fish populations in east African saline lakes. In: Soda Lakes of East Africa (M. Schagerl, ed.). Springer. Pp. 227-257.
374. Jones, J.C., Fruciano, C., Keller, A., Schartl, M. and A. Meyer. 2016. Evolution of the elaborate male intromittent organ of Xiphophorus fishes. Ecology and Evolution. 6: 7207-7220. View PDF
373. Irisarri, I. and A. Meyer. 2016. The identification of the closest living relative(s) of tetrapods: phylogenomic lessons for resolving short ancient internodes. Systematic Biology. 65: 1057-1075. View PDF
372. Fruciano, C., Franchini, P., Kovacova, V., Elmer, K.R., Henning, F. and A. Meyer. 2016. Genetic linkage of distinct adaptive traits in sympatrically speciating crater lake cichlid fish. Nature Communications 7: 12736. View PDF
374. Jones, J.C., Fruciano, C., Keller, A., Schartl, M. and A. Meyer. 2016. Evolution of the elaborate male intromittent organ of Xiphophorus fishes. Ecology and Evolution. 6: 7207-7220. View PDF
373. Irisarri, I. and A. Meyer. 2016. The identification of the closest living relative(s) of tetrapods: phylogenomic lessons for resolving short ancient internodes. Systematic Biology. 65: 1057-1075. View PDF
372. Fruciano, C., Franchini, P., Kovacova, V., Elmer, K.R., Henning, F. and A. Meyer. 2016. Genetic linkage of distinct adaptive traits in sympatrically speciating crater lake cichlid fish. Nature Communications 7: 12736. View PDF
371. Hulsey, C.D., Fraser, G.F. and A. Meyer. 2016. Biting into the genome to phenome map: developmental genetic modularity of cichlid fish dentitions. Integrative and Comparative Biology 56: 373-388. View PDF |
370. Franchini, P., Xiong, P., Fruciano, C. and A. Meyer. 2016. The role of microRNA in the diversification of Midas cichlids from Nicaragua. Genome Biology and Evolution 8: 1543-1555. View PDF
369. Kautt, A.F., Machado-Schiaffino, G., Torres-Dowdall, J. and A. Meyer. 2016. Incipient sympatric speciation in Midas cichlid fish from the youngest and one of the smallest crater lakes in Nicaragua due to differential use of the benthic and limnetic habitats? Ecology and Evolution 6: 5342-5357. View PDF
368. Huete-Pérez, J.A., Ortega-Hegg, M., Urquhart, G.R., Covich, A.P., Vammen, K., Rittmann, B.E., Miranda, J.C., Espinoza-Corriols, S., Acevedo, A., Acosta, M.L., Gómez, J.P., Brett, M.T., Michael Hanemann, M., Härer, A. Incer-Barquero, J., Joyce, F.J., Lauer, J.W., Maes, J.M., Tomson, M.B., Meyer, A., Montenegro-Guillén, S., Whitlow, W.L., Schnoor, J.L. and P.J.J. Alvarez. 2016. Critical uncertainties and gaps in the environmental and social impact assessment of the proposed transoceanic canal through Nicaragua. BioScience 66: 632-645. View PDF
367. Kautt, A.F., Machado-Schiaffino, G. and A. Meyer. 2016. Multispecies outcomes of sympatric speciation after admixture with the source population in two radiations of Nicaraguan crater lake cichlids. PLoS Genetics 12: e1006157. View PDF
369. Kautt, A.F., Machado-Schiaffino, G., Torres-Dowdall, J. and A. Meyer. 2016. Incipient sympatric speciation in Midas cichlid fish from the youngest and one of the smallest crater lakes in Nicaragua due to differential use of the benthic and limnetic habitats? Ecology and Evolution 6: 5342-5357. View PDF
368. Huete-Pérez, J.A., Ortega-Hegg, M., Urquhart, G.R., Covich, A.P., Vammen, K., Rittmann, B.E., Miranda, J.C., Espinoza-Corriols, S., Acevedo, A., Acosta, M.L., Gómez, J.P., Brett, M.T., Michael Hanemann, M., Härer, A. Incer-Barquero, J., Joyce, F.J., Lauer, J.W., Maes, J.M., Tomson, M.B., Meyer, A., Montenegro-Guillén, S., Whitlow, W.L., Schnoor, J.L. and P.J.J. Alvarez. 2016. Critical uncertainties and gaps in the environmental and social impact assessment of the proposed transoceanic canal through Nicaragua. BioScience 66: 632-645. View PDF
367. Kautt, A.F., Machado-Schiaffino, G. and A. Meyer. 2016. Multispecies outcomes of sympatric speciation after admixture with the source population in two radiations of Nicaraguan crater lake cichlids. PLoS Genetics 12: e1006157. View PDF
366. Fruciano, C., Franchini, P., Raffini, F., Fan, S. and A. Meyer. 2016. Are sympatrically speciating Midas cichlids really special? Patterns of morphological and genetic variation in the closely related Archocentrus centrarchus. Ecology and Evolution 6: 4102-4114. View PDF
365. Hulsey, C.D., Bell, K., García de Leon, F.J., Nice, C. and A. Meyer. 2016. Do relaxed selection and habitat temperature facilitate biased mitogenomic introgression in a narrowly endemic fish? Ecology and Evolution 6: 3684-3698. View PDF
364. Lee, H.J., Heim, V. and A. Meyer. 2016. Genetic evidence for prevalence of alloparental care in a socially monogamous biparental cichlid fish, Perissodus microlepis, from Lake Tanganyika supports the “selfish shepherd effect” hypothesis. Ecology and Evolution 6: 2843-2853. View PDF
363. Braasch, I. Gehrke, A.R., Smith, J.J., Kawasaki, K., Manousaki, T., Pasquier, J., Amores, A., Desvignes, T., Batzel, P., Catchen, J., M.S., Campbell, Martin, K.J., Mulley, J.F., Lee, A.P., Ravi V., Nakamura, T., Chalopin, D., Fan, S., Wcisel, D., Cañestro, C., Sydes, J., Beaudry F., Sun Y., Hertel, J., Barrel, D., Beam, M.J., Fasold, M., Ishiyama, M Johnson, J., Kehr, S., Letaw, J.H., Litman, G.W., Litman, R.T., Mikami, M., Ota, T., Saha, N.R., Stadler, P.F., Wang, H., Taylor, J.S., Fonteno, Q., Ferrara, A., Searle, S.M.J., Aken, B.,Yandell, M., Schneider, I., Yoder, J.A., Volff, J.-N., Meyer, A., Amemiya, C.T., Venkatesh, B., Holland, P.W., Guiguen, Y., Bobe, J., Shubin, N.H., Alföldi, J., Lindblad-Toh, K. and J.H. Postlethwait. 2016. The spotted gar genome illuminates vertebrate evolution and facilitates human-teleost comparisons. Nature Genetics 48: 427-437. View PDF
Perspective on the article above in the "News and Views" section of the journal (Parichy, D.M. 2016. The gar is a fish… is a bird… is a mammal? Nature Genetics 48: 344-345.) View PDF
362. Kavembe, G.D., Kautt, A.F., Machado-Schiaffino, G. and A. Meyer. 2016. Making it in an extremely hostile environment – the Soda Lake Magadi (Kenya): eco-morphological differentiation in the Lake Magadi cichlid fish species flock. Molecular Ecology 25: 1610-1625. View PDF
Perspective on the article above in the "News and Views" section of the journal (Pinho, C. and R. Faria. 2016. Magadi tilapia ecological specialization: filling the gap in the speciation continuum. Molecular Ecology 25: 1420-1422.) View PDF
361. Manousaki, T., Qiu, H., Noro, M., Hildebrand, F., Meyer, A. and S. Kuraku. 2016. Molecular evolution in the lamprey genomes and its relevance to the timing of whole genome duplications. In: Jawless Fishes of the World: Volume 1 (A. Orlov, R. Beamish, eds.). Vol.1: 2-16. View PDF
360. Franchini, P., Colangelo, P., Meyer, A. and C. Fruciano. 2016. Chromosomal rearrangements, phenotypic variation and modularity: a case study from a contact zone between house mouse Robertsonian races in Central Italy. Ecology and Evolution 6: 1353-1362 View PDF
359. Liu, S., Luo, J., Chai, J., Ren, L., Zhou, Y., Huang, F., Liu, X., Chen, Y., Zhang, C., Tao, M., Lu, B., Zhou, W., Lin, G., L Mai, C., Yuan, S., Wang, J., Li, T., Qin, Q., Feng, H., Luo, K., Xiao, J., Zhong, H., Zhao, R., Duan, W., Song, Z., Wang, Y., Wang, J., Zhong, L., Wang, L., Ding, Z., Dug, Z., Luh, X., Gao, Y., Murphy, R.W., Liu, Y., Meyer, A. and Y.-P. Zhang. 2016. Genomic incompatibilities in the diploid and tetraploid offspring of the goldfish × common carp cross. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 113: 1327-1332. View PDF
364. Lee, H.J., Heim, V. and A. Meyer. 2016. Genetic evidence for prevalence of alloparental care in a socially monogamous biparental cichlid fish, Perissodus microlepis, from Lake Tanganyika supports the “selfish shepherd effect” hypothesis. Ecology and Evolution 6: 2843-2853. View PDF
363. Braasch, I. Gehrke, A.R., Smith, J.J., Kawasaki, K., Manousaki, T., Pasquier, J., Amores, A., Desvignes, T., Batzel, P., Catchen, J., M.S., Campbell, Martin, K.J., Mulley, J.F., Lee, A.P., Ravi V., Nakamura, T., Chalopin, D., Fan, S., Wcisel, D., Cañestro, C., Sydes, J., Beaudry F., Sun Y., Hertel, J., Barrel, D., Beam, M.J., Fasold, M., Ishiyama, M Johnson, J., Kehr, S., Letaw, J.H., Litman, G.W., Litman, R.T., Mikami, M., Ota, T., Saha, N.R., Stadler, P.F., Wang, H., Taylor, J.S., Fonteno, Q., Ferrara, A., Searle, S.M.J., Aken, B.,Yandell, M., Schneider, I., Yoder, J.A., Volff, J.-N., Meyer, A., Amemiya, C.T., Venkatesh, B., Holland, P.W., Guiguen, Y., Bobe, J., Shubin, N.H., Alföldi, J., Lindblad-Toh, K. and J.H. Postlethwait. 2016. The spotted gar genome illuminates vertebrate evolution and facilitates human-teleost comparisons. Nature Genetics 48: 427-437. View PDF
Perspective on the article above in the "News and Views" section of the journal (Parichy, D.M. 2016. The gar is a fish… is a bird… is a mammal? Nature Genetics 48: 344-345.) View PDF
362. Kavembe, G.D., Kautt, A.F., Machado-Schiaffino, G. and A. Meyer. 2016. Making it in an extremely hostile environment – the Soda Lake Magadi (Kenya): eco-morphological differentiation in the Lake Magadi cichlid fish species flock. Molecular Ecology 25: 1610-1625. View PDF
Perspective on the article above in the "News and Views" section of the journal (Pinho, C. and R. Faria. 2016. Magadi tilapia ecological specialization: filling the gap in the speciation continuum. Molecular Ecology 25: 1420-1422.) View PDF
361. Manousaki, T., Qiu, H., Noro, M., Hildebrand, F., Meyer, A. and S. Kuraku. 2016. Molecular evolution in the lamprey genomes and its relevance to the timing of whole genome duplications. In: Jawless Fishes of the World: Volume 1 (A. Orlov, R. Beamish, eds.). Vol.1: 2-16. View PDF
360. Franchini, P., Colangelo, P., Meyer, A. and C. Fruciano. 2016. Chromosomal rearrangements, phenotypic variation and modularity: a case study from a contact zone between house mouse Robertsonian races in Central Italy. Ecology and Evolution 6: 1353-1362 View PDF
359. Liu, S., Luo, J., Chai, J., Ren, L., Zhou, Y., Huang, F., Liu, X., Chen, Y., Zhang, C., Tao, M., Lu, B., Zhou, W., Lin, G., L Mai, C., Yuan, S., Wang, J., Li, T., Qin, Q., Feng, H., Luo, K., Xiao, J., Zhong, H., Zhao, R., Duan, W., Song, Z., Wang, Y., Wang, J., Zhong, L., Wang, L., Ding, Z., Dug, Z., Luh, X., Gao, Y., Murphy, R.W., Liu, Y., Meyer, A. and Y.-P. Zhang. 2016. Genomic incompatibilities in the diploid and tetraploid offspring of the goldfish × common carp cross. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 113: 1327-1332. View PDF
358. Holder, I.T., Wagner, S., Xiong, P., Sinn, M., Frickey, T., Meyer, A. and J.S. Hartig. 2015. Intrastrand triplex DNA repeats in bacteria: a source of genomic instability. Nucleic Acids Research 43: 10126-10142. View PDF
357. Kratochwil, C.F., Geissler, L., Irisarri, I. and A. Meyer. 2015. Molecular evolution of the neural crest regulatory network in ray-finned fish. Genome Biology and Evolution 7: 3033-3046. View PDF
356. Hulsey, C.D., García de León, F.J. and A. Meyer. 2015. Sexual dimorphism in a trophically polymorphic cichlid fish? Journal of Morphology 276: 1448-1454. View PDF
355. Kavembe, G.D., Franchini, P., Irisarri, I., Machado-Schiaffino, G. and A. Meyer. 2015. Genomics of adaptation to multiple concurrent stresses: insights from comparative transcriptomics of a cichlid fish from one of Earth's most extreme environments, the hypersaline Soda Lake Magadi in Kenya, east Africa. Journal of Molecular Evolution 81: 90-109. View PDF
354. Torres-Dowdall, J., Henning, F., Elmer, K.R. and A. Meyer. 2015. Ecological and lineage-specific factors drive the molecular evolution of rhodopsin in cichlid fishes. Molecular Biology and Evolution 32: 2876-2882. View PDF
353. Lee, H.J., Heim, V. and A. Meyer. 2015. Genetic and environmental effects on the morphological asymmetry in the scale-eating cichlid fish, Perissodus microlepis. Ecology and Evolution 5: 4277-4286. View PDF
352. Kusche, H., Elmer, K.R. and A. Meyer. 2015. Sympatric ecological divergence associated with a color polymorphism. BMC Biology 13: 82. View PDF
351. Woltering, J.M. and A. Meyer. 2015. The phantoms of a high-seven or -why do our thumbs stick out? Frontiers in Zoology 12: 23.
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350. Pohl, M., Milvertz, F.C., Meyer, A. and M. Vences. 2015. Multigene phylogeny of cyprinodontiform fishes suggests continental radiations and a rogue taxon position of Pantanodon. Vertebrate Zoology 65: 37-44. View PDF
349. Radtke, K.M., Schauer, M., Gunter, H.M., Ruf-Leuschner, M., Sill, J., Meyer, A. and T. Elbert. 2015. Epigenetic modifications of the GR gene modulate the vulnerability to psychopathy in childhood maltreatment. Molecular Psychiatry 5: e571. View PDF
348. Baumgarten, L., Machado-Schiaffino, G., Henning, F. and A. Meyer. 2015. What big lips are good for: on the adaptive function of repeatedly evolved hypertrophied lips of cichlid fishes. Biological Journal Linnean Society 115: 448-455. View PDF
347. Kratochwil, C. and A. Meyer. 2015. Mapping active promoters by ChIP-seq profiling of H3K4me3 in cichlid fish – a first step to uncover cis-regulatory elements in ecological model teleosts. Molecular Ecology Resources 15: 761-771. View PDF
346. Kratochwil, C., Sefton, M. and A. Meyer. 2015. Embryonic and larval development of the Midas cichlid fish species flock (Amphilophus spp.): a new evo-devo model system in the investigation of adaptive novelties and species differences. BMC Developmental Biology 15: 2. View PDF
345. Machado-Schiffiano, G., A.F. Kautt, H. Kusche and A. Meyer. 2015. Crater lakes as a cradle of divergence in Ugandan cichlid fishes: parallel morphological and genetic differentiation among lakes. BMC Evolutionary Biology 15: 9. View PDF
355. Kavembe, G.D., Franchini, P., Irisarri, I., Machado-Schiaffino, G. and A. Meyer. 2015. Genomics of adaptation to multiple concurrent stresses: insights from comparative transcriptomics of a cichlid fish from one of Earth's most extreme environments, the hypersaline Soda Lake Magadi in Kenya, east Africa. Journal of Molecular Evolution 81: 90-109. View PDF
354. Torres-Dowdall, J., Henning, F., Elmer, K.R. and A. Meyer. 2015. Ecological and lineage-specific factors drive the molecular evolution of rhodopsin in cichlid fishes. Molecular Biology and Evolution 32: 2876-2882. View PDF
353. Lee, H.J., Heim, V. and A. Meyer. 2015. Genetic and environmental effects on the morphological asymmetry in the scale-eating cichlid fish, Perissodus microlepis. Ecology and Evolution 5: 4277-4286. View PDF
352. Kusche, H., Elmer, K.R. and A. Meyer. 2015. Sympatric ecological divergence associated with a color polymorphism. BMC Biology 13: 82. View PDF
351. Woltering, J.M. and A. Meyer. 2015. The phantoms of a high-seven or -why do our thumbs stick out? Frontiers in Zoology 12: 23.
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350. Pohl, M., Milvertz, F.C., Meyer, A. and M. Vences. 2015. Multigene phylogeny of cyprinodontiform fishes suggests continental radiations and a rogue taxon position of Pantanodon. Vertebrate Zoology 65: 37-44. View PDF
349. Radtke, K.M., Schauer, M., Gunter, H.M., Ruf-Leuschner, M., Sill, J., Meyer, A. and T. Elbert. 2015. Epigenetic modifications of the GR gene modulate the vulnerability to psychopathy in childhood maltreatment. Molecular Psychiatry 5: e571. View PDF
348. Baumgarten, L., Machado-Schiaffino, G., Henning, F. and A. Meyer. 2015. What big lips are good for: on the adaptive function of repeatedly evolved hypertrophied lips of cichlid fishes. Biological Journal Linnean Society 115: 448-455. View PDF
347. Kratochwil, C. and A. Meyer. 2015. Mapping active promoters by ChIP-seq profiling of H3K4me3 in cichlid fish – a first step to uncover cis-regulatory elements in ecological model teleosts. Molecular Ecology Resources 15: 761-771. View PDF
346. Kratochwil, C., Sefton, M. and A. Meyer. 2015. Embryonic and larval development of the Midas cichlid fish species flock (Amphilophus spp.): a new evo-devo model system in the investigation of adaptive novelties and species differences. BMC Developmental Biology 15: 2. View PDF
345. Machado-Schiffiano, G., A.F. Kautt, H. Kusche and A. Meyer. 2015. Crater lakes as a cradle of divergence in Ugandan cichlid fishes: parallel morphological and genetic differentiation among lakes. BMC Evolutionary Biology 15: 9. View PDF
344. Kang, J.H., Manousaki, T., Franchini, P., Kneitz, S., Schartl, M. and A. Meyer. 2015. Transcriptomics of two evolutionary novelties: how to make a sperm-transfer organ out of an anal fin and a sexually selected “sword” out of a caudal fin. Ecology and Evolution 5: 848-864. View PDF
343. Kratochwil, C.F. and A. Meyer. 2015. Closing the genotype-phenotype gap: Emerging technologies for evolutionary genetics in ecological model vertebrate systems. BioEssays 37: 213–226. View PDF |
342. Elmer, K.R., Fan, S., Kusche, H., Spreitzer, M.L., Kautt, A.F., Franchini, P. and A. Meyer. 2014. Parallel evolution of Nicaraguan crater lake cichlid fishes via non-parallel routes. Nature Communications 5: 5168. View PDF
341. Henning, F., Lee, H.J., Franchini, P. and A. Meyer. 2014. Genetic mapping of horizontal stripes in Lake Victoria cichlid fishes: benefits and pitfalls of using dense linkage mapping in non-model organisms. Molecular Ecology 23: 5224–5240. View PDF
Perspective on the article above in the "News and Views" section of the journal (Hohenlohe, P.A. 2014. Ecological genomics in full colour. Molecular Ecology 23: 5129-5131.) View PDF
340. Brawand, D., Wagner, C.E., Li, Y.I., Malinsky, M., Keller, I., Fan, S., Simakov, O., Ng, A.Y., Lim, Z.W., Bezault, E., Turner-Maier, J., Johnson, J., Alcazar, R., Noh, H.J., Russell, P., Aken, B., Alfoldi, J., Amemiya, C., Azzouzi, N., Baroiller, J.-F., Barloy-Hubler, F., Berlin, A., Bloomquist, R., Carleton, K.L., Conte, M.A., D'Cotta, H., Eshel, O., Gaffney, L., Galibert, F., Gante, H.F., Gnerre, S., Greuter, L., Guyon, R., Haddad, N.S., Haerty, W., Harris, R.M., Hofmann, H.A., Hourlier, T., Hulata, G., Jaffe, D.B., Lara, M., Lee, A.P., MacCallum, I., Mwaiko, S., Nikaido, M., Nishihara, H., Ozouf-Costaz, C., Penman, D.J., Przybylski, D., Rakotomanga, M., Renn, S.C.P., Ribeiro, F.J., Ron, M., Salzburger, W., Sanchez-Pulido, L., Santos, M.E., Searle, S., Sharpe, T., Swofford, R., Tan, F.J., Williams, L., Young, S., Yin, S., Okada, N., Kocher, T.D., Miska, E.A., Lander, E.S., Venkatesh, B., Fernald, R.D., Meyer, A., Ponting, C.P., Streelman, J.T., Lindblad-Toh, K., Seehausen, O. and F. Di Palma. 2014. The genomic substrate for adaptive radiation in African cichlid fish. Nature 513: 375–381. View PDF
A "News and Views" on the above article has been published in the same issue of the journal (C. Jiggins. 2014. Radiating Genomes. Nature 513: 318–319.) View PDF
339. Kautt, A. and A. Meyer. 2014. Sympatric speciation. Oxford Bibliographies in Evolutionary Biology. View PDF
338. Kavembe, G.D., Machado-Schiaffino, G. and A. Meyer. 2014. Pronounced genetic differentiation of small, isolated and fragmented tilapia populations inhabiting the Magadi Soda Lake in Kenya. Hydrobiologia 739: 55–71. View PDF
337. Schneider, R.F., Li, Y., Meyer, A. and H. Gunter. 2014. Regulatory gene networks that shape the development of adaptive phenotypic plasticity in a cichlid fish. Molecular Ecology 23: 4511–4526. View PDF
Perspective on the article above in the "News and Views" section of the journal (Pfennig, D.W. and I.M. Ehrenreich. 2014. Towards a gene regulatory network perspective on phenotypic plasticity, genetic accommodation and genetic assimilation. Molecular Ecology 23: 4438–4440.) View PDF
336. Henning F. and A. Meyer. 2014. Evolutionary genomics of cichlid fishes: Explosive speciation and adaptation in the postgenomic era. Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics 15: 417-441. View PDF
341. Henning, F., Lee, H.J., Franchini, P. and A. Meyer. 2014. Genetic mapping of horizontal stripes in Lake Victoria cichlid fishes: benefits and pitfalls of using dense linkage mapping in non-model organisms. Molecular Ecology 23: 5224–5240. View PDF
Perspective on the article above in the "News and Views" section of the journal (Hohenlohe, P.A. 2014. Ecological genomics in full colour. Molecular Ecology 23: 5129-5131.) View PDF
340. Brawand, D., Wagner, C.E., Li, Y.I., Malinsky, M., Keller, I., Fan, S., Simakov, O., Ng, A.Y., Lim, Z.W., Bezault, E., Turner-Maier, J., Johnson, J., Alcazar, R., Noh, H.J., Russell, P., Aken, B., Alfoldi, J., Amemiya, C., Azzouzi, N., Baroiller, J.-F., Barloy-Hubler, F., Berlin, A., Bloomquist, R., Carleton, K.L., Conte, M.A., D'Cotta, H., Eshel, O., Gaffney, L., Galibert, F., Gante, H.F., Gnerre, S., Greuter, L., Guyon, R., Haddad, N.S., Haerty, W., Harris, R.M., Hofmann, H.A., Hourlier, T., Hulata, G., Jaffe, D.B., Lara, M., Lee, A.P., MacCallum, I., Mwaiko, S., Nikaido, M., Nishihara, H., Ozouf-Costaz, C., Penman, D.J., Przybylski, D., Rakotomanga, M., Renn, S.C.P., Ribeiro, F.J., Ron, M., Salzburger, W., Sanchez-Pulido, L., Santos, M.E., Searle, S., Sharpe, T., Swofford, R., Tan, F.J., Williams, L., Young, S., Yin, S., Okada, N., Kocher, T.D., Miska, E.A., Lander, E.S., Venkatesh, B., Fernald, R.D., Meyer, A., Ponting, C.P., Streelman, J.T., Lindblad-Toh, K., Seehausen, O. and F. Di Palma. 2014. The genomic substrate for adaptive radiation in African cichlid fish. Nature 513: 375–381. View PDF
A "News and Views" on the above article has been published in the same issue of the journal (C. Jiggins. 2014. Radiating Genomes. Nature 513: 318–319.) View PDF
339. Kautt, A. and A. Meyer. 2014. Sympatric speciation. Oxford Bibliographies in Evolutionary Biology. View PDF
338. Kavembe, G.D., Machado-Schiaffino, G. and A. Meyer. 2014. Pronounced genetic differentiation of small, isolated and fragmented tilapia populations inhabiting the Magadi Soda Lake in Kenya. Hydrobiologia 739: 55–71. View PDF
337. Schneider, R.F., Li, Y., Meyer, A. and H. Gunter. 2014. Regulatory gene networks that shape the development of adaptive phenotypic plasticity in a cichlid fish. Molecular Ecology 23: 4511–4526. View PDF
Perspective on the article above in the "News and Views" section of the journal (Pfennig, D.W. and I.M. Ehrenreich. 2014. Towards a gene regulatory network perspective on phenotypic plasticity, genetic accommodation and genetic assimilation. Molecular Ecology 23: 4438–4440.) View PDF
336. Henning F. and A. Meyer. 2014. Evolutionary genomics of cichlid fishes: Explosive speciation and adaptation in the postgenomic era. Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics 15: 417-441. View PDF
335. Amemiya, C.T., Dorrington, R. and A. Meyer. 2014. The coelacanth and its genome. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution 322: 317-321. View PDF
334. Chalopin, D., Fan, S., Simakov, O., Meyer, A., Schartl, M. and J.-N. Volff. 2014. Evolutionary active transposable elements in the genome of the coelacanth. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution 322: 322-333. View PDF
333. Gunter, H. and A. Meyer. 2014. Molecular investigation of mechanical strain-induced phenotypic plasticity in the ecologically important pharyngeal jaws of cichlid fish. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 30: 630-635. View PDF
332. Feiner, N., Meyer, A. and S. Kuraku. 2014. Evolution of the vertebrate Pax4/6 class of genes with focus on its novel member, the Pax10 gene. Genome Biology and Evolution 6: 1635-1651. View PDF
331. Recknagel, H., Elmer, K.R. and A. Meyer. 2014. Crater lake habitat predicts morphological diversity in adaptive radiations of cichlid fishes. Evolution 68: 2145-2155. View PDF
330. Machado-Schiaffino, G., Henning, F. and A. Meyer. 2014. Species-specific differences in adaptive phenotypic plasticity in an ecologically relevant trophic trait: hypertrophic lips in Midas cichlid fishes. Evolution 68: 2086-2091. View PDF
329. Fan, S. and A. Meyer. 2014. Evolution of genomic structural variation and genomic architecture in the adaptive radiations of African cichlid fishes. Frontiers in Genetics 5: 163. View PDF
328. Torres-Dowdall, J., Machado-Schiaffino, G., Kautt, A.F., Kusche, H. and A. Meyer. 2014. Differential predation on the two colour morphs of Nicaraguan Crater lake Midas cichlid fish: implications for the maintenance of its gold-dark polymorphism. Biological Journal of the Linnean Scociety 112: 123-131. View PDF
327. Franchini, P., Fruciano, C., Frickey, T., Jones, J.C. and A. Meyer. 2014. The gut microbial community of Midas cichlid fish in repeatedly evolved limnetic-benthic species pairs. PLoS ONE 9: e95027. View PDF
326. Wielgoss, S., Meyer, A. and T. Wirth. 2014. Introgressive hybridization and latitudinal admixture clines generate isolation by distance patterns in European eel populations. BMC Evolutionary Biology 14: 61. View PDF
325. Luo, J., Gao, Y., Ma, Y., Bi, X-y., Wang, S-y., Wang, J., Wang, Y-q., Chai, J., Du, R., Wu, S-f., Meyer, A., Zan, R-g., Xiao, H., Murphy, R.W. and Y-p. Zhang. 2014. Tempo and mode of recurrent polyploidization in the Carassius auratus species complex (Cypriniformes, Cyprinidae). Heredity 112: 415-427. View PDF
324. Kusche, H., Recknagel, H., Elmer, K.R. and A. Meyer. 2014. Crater lake cichlids individually specialize along the benthic-limnetic axis. Ecology and Evolution 4: 1127–1139. View PDF
323. Franchini, P., Fruciano, C., Spreitzer, M.L., Jones, J.C., Elmer, K.R., Henning, F. and A. Meyer. 2014. Genomic architecture of ecologically divergent body shape in a pair of sympatric crater lake cichlid fishes. Molecular Ecology 23: 1828–1845. View PDF
Perspective on the article above in the "News and Views" section of the journal (Rogers S.M. and Jamniczky H.A. 2014. The shape of things to come in the study of the origin of species? Molecular Ecology 23: 1650-1652.) View PDF
322. Neumann, L.C., Feiner, N., Meyer, A., Buiting, K. and B. Horsthemke. 2014. The imprinted NPAP1 gene in the Prader-Willi syndrome region belongs to a POM121-related family of retrogenes. Genome Biology and Evolution 6: 344-351. View PDF
321. Gunter, H.M., Koppermann, C. and A. Meyer. 2014. Revisiting de Beer's textbook example of heterochrony and jaw elongation in fish: calmodulin expression reflects heterochronic growth, and underlies morphological innovation in the jaws of belonoid fishes. EvoDevo 5: 8. View PDF
320. Kusche, H. and A. Meyer. 2014. One cost of being gold: selective predation and implications for the maintenance of the Midas cichlid colour polymorphism (Perciformes: Cichlidae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 111: 350-358. View PDF
333. Gunter, H. and A. Meyer. 2014. Molecular investigation of mechanical strain-induced phenotypic plasticity in the ecologically important pharyngeal jaws of cichlid fish. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 30: 630-635. View PDF
332. Feiner, N., Meyer, A. and S. Kuraku. 2014. Evolution of the vertebrate Pax4/6 class of genes with focus on its novel member, the Pax10 gene. Genome Biology and Evolution 6: 1635-1651. View PDF
331. Recknagel, H., Elmer, K.R. and A. Meyer. 2014. Crater lake habitat predicts morphological diversity in adaptive radiations of cichlid fishes. Evolution 68: 2145-2155. View PDF
330. Machado-Schiaffino, G., Henning, F. and A. Meyer. 2014. Species-specific differences in adaptive phenotypic plasticity in an ecologically relevant trophic trait: hypertrophic lips in Midas cichlid fishes. Evolution 68: 2086-2091. View PDF
329. Fan, S. and A. Meyer. 2014. Evolution of genomic structural variation and genomic architecture in the adaptive radiations of African cichlid fishes. Frontiers in Genetics 5: 163. View PDF
328. Torres-Dowdall, J., Machado-Schiaffino, G., Kautt, A.F., Kusche, H. and A. Meyer. 2014. Differential predation on the two colour morphs of Nicaraguan Crater lake Midas cichlid fish: implications for the maintenance of its gold-dark polymorphism. Biological Journal of the Linnean Scociety 112: 123-131. View PDF
327. Franchini, P., Fruciano, C., Frickey, T., Jones, J.C. and A. Meyer. 2014. The gut microbial community of Midas cichlid fish in repeatedly evolved limnetic-benthic species pairs. PLoS ONE 9: e95027. View PDF
326. Wielgoss, S., Meyer, A. and T. Wirth. 2014. Introgressive hybridization and latitudinal admixture clines generate isolation by distance patterns in European eel populations. BMC Evolutionary Biology 14: 61. View PDF
325. Luo, J., Gao, Y., Ma, Y., Bi, X-y., Wang, S-y., Wang, J., Wang, Y-q., Chai, J., Du, R., Wu, S-f., Meyer, A., Zan, R-g., Xiao, H., Murphy, R.W. and Y-p. Zhang. 2014. Tempo and mode of recurrent polyploidization in the Carassius auratus species complex (Cypriniformes, Cyprinidae). Heredity 112: 415-427. View PDF
324. Kusche, H., Recknagel, H., Elmer, K.R. and A. Meyer. 2014. Crater lake cichlids individually specialize along the benthic-limnetic axis. Ecology and Evolution 4: 1127–1139. View PDF
323. Franchini, P., Fruciano, C., Spreitzer, M.L., Jones, J.C., Elmer, K.R., Henning, F. and A. Meyer. 2014. Genomic architecture of ecologically divergent body shape in a pair of sympatric crater lake cichlid fishes. Molecular Ecology 23: 1828–1845. View PDF
Perspective on the article above in the "News and Views" section of the journal (Rogers S.M. and Jamniczky H.A. 2014. The shape of things to come in the study of the origin of species? Molecular Ecology 23: 1650-1652.) View PDF
322. Neumann, L.C., Feiner, N., Meyer, A., Buiting, K. and B. Horsthemke. 2014. The imprinted NPAP1 gene in the Prader-Willi syndrome region belongs to a POM121-related family of retrogenes. Genome Biology and Evolution 6: 344-351. View PDF
321. Gunter, H.M., Koppermann, C. and A. Meyer. 2014. Revisiting de Beer's textbook example of heterochrony and jaw elongation in fish: calmodulin expression reflects heterochronic growth, and underlies morphological innovation in the jaws of belonoid fishes. EvoDevo 5: 8. View PDF
320. Kusche, H. and A. Meyer. 2014. One cost of being gold: selective predation and implications for the maintenance of the Midas cichlid colour polymorphism (Perciformes: Cichlidae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 111: 350-358. View PDF
319. Recknagel, H., Kusche, H., Elmer, K.R. and A. Meyer. 2013. Two new species of the Midas cichlid complex from Nicaraguan crater lakes: Amphilophus tolteca and A. viridis. (Perciformes: Cichlidae). Aqua 19: 207-224. View PDF
318. Offen, N., Kang, J.H., Meyer, A. and G. Begemann. 2013. Retinoic acid is involved in the metamorphosis of the anal fin into an intromittent organ, the gonopodium, in the green swordtail (Xiphophorus hellerii). PLoS One 8: e77580. View PDF
317. Recknagel, H., Elmer, K.R., Noonan, B.P., Raselimanana, A.P., Meyer, A. and M. Vences. 2013. Multi-gene phylogeny of Madagascar’s plated lizards, Zonosaurus and Tracheloptychus (Squamata: Gerrhosauridae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 69: 1215–1221. View PDF
316. Gunter, H.M., Fan, S., Xiong, F., Franchini, P., Fruciano, C. and A. Meyer. 2013. Shaping development through mechanical strain: the transcriptional basis of diet-induced phenotypic plasticity in a cichlid fish. Molecular Ecology 22: 4516-4531. View PDF
Perspective on the above article in the "News and Views" section of the journal (Young R.L. 2013. Linking conceptual mechanisms and transcriptomic evidence of plasticity-driven diversification. Molecular Ecology 22: 4363-4365.) View PDF
315. Feiner, N., Murakami, Y., Breithut, L., Mazan, S., Meyer, A. and S. Kuraku. 2013. Saltatory evolution of the ectodermal neural cortex (ENC) gene family at the vertebrate origin. Genome Biology and Evolution 5(8): 1485–1502. View PDF
314. Fruciano, C., Franchini, P., and A. Meyer. 2013. Resampling-based approaches to study variation in morphological modularity. Plos One 8: e69376. View PDF
313. Renz, A.J., Meyer, A. and S. Kuraku. 2013. Revealing less derived nature of cartilaginous fish genomes with their evolutionary time scale inferred with nuclear genes. Plos One 8: e66400. View PDF
318. Offen, N., Kang, J.H., Meyer, A. and G. Begemann. 2013. Retinoic acid is involved in the metamorphosis of the anal fin into an intromittent organ, the gonopodium, in the green swordtail (Xiphophorus hellerii). PLoS One 8: e77580. View PDF
317. Recknagel, H., Elmer, K.R., Noonan, B.P., Raselimanana, A.P., Meyer, A. and M. Vences. 2013. Multi-gene phylogeny of Madagascar’s plated lizards, Zonosaurus and Tracheloptychus (Squamata: Gerrhosauridae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 69: 1215–1221. View PDF
316. Gunter, H.M., Fan, S., Xiong, F., Franchini, P., Fruciano, C. and A. Meyer. 2013. Shaping development through mechanical strain: the transcriptional basis of diet-induced phenotypic plasticity in a cichlid fish. Molecular Ecology 22: 4516-4531. View PDF
Perspective on the above article in the "News and Views" section of the journal (Young R.L. 2013. Linking conceptual mechanisms and transcriptomic evidence of plasticity-driven diversification. Molecular Ecology 22: 4363-4365.) View PDF
315. Feiner, N., Murakami, Y., Breithut, L., Mazan, S., Meyer, A. and S. Kuraku. 2013. Saltatory evolution of the ectodermal neural cortex (ENC) gene family at the vertebrate origin. Genome Biology and Evolution 5(8): 1485–1502. View PDF
314. Fruciano, C., Franchini, P., and A. Meyer. 2013. Resampling-based approaches to study variation in morphological modularity. Plos One 8: e69376. View PDF
313. Renz, A.J., Meyer, A. and S. Kuraku. 2013. Revealing less derived nature of cartilaginous fish genomes with their evolutionary time scale inferred with nuclear genes. Plos One 8: e66400. View PDF
312. Amemiya, C.T., Alföldi, J., Lee, A.P., Fan, S., Philippe, H., MacCallum, I., Braasch, I., Manousaki, T., Schneider, I., Rohner, N., Organ, C., Chalopin, D., Smith, J.J., Robinson, M., Dorrington, R.A., Gerdol, M., Aken, B., Biscotti, M.A., Barucca, M., Baurain, D., Berlin, A.M., Blatch, G.L., Buonocore, F., Burmester, T., Campbell, M.S., Canapa, A., Cannon, J.P., Christoffels, A., De Moro, G., Edkins, A.L., Fan, L., Fausto, A.M., Feiner, N., Forconi, M., Gamieldien, J., Gnerre, S., Gnirke, A., Goldstone, J.V., Haerty, W., Hahn, M.E., Hesse, U., Hoffmann, S., Johnson, J., Karchner, S.I., Kuraku, S., Lara, M., Levin, J.Z., Litman, G.W., Mauceli, E., Miyake, T., Mueller, M.G., Nelson, D.R., Nitsche, A., Olmo, E., Ota, T., Pallavicini, A., Panji, S., Picone, B., Ponting, C.P., Prohaska, S.J., Przybylski, D., Saha, N.R., Ravi, V., Ribeiro, F.J., Sauka-Spengler, T., Scapigliati, G., Searle, S.M.J., Sharpe, T., Simakov, O., Stadler, P.F., Stegeman, J.J., Sumiyama, K., Tabbaa, D., Tafer, H., Turner-Maier, J., van Heusden, P., White, S., Williams, L., Yandell, M., Brinkmann, H., Volff, J.-N., Tabin, C.J., Shubin, N., Schartl, M., Jaffe, D.B., Postlethwait, J.H., Venkatesh, B., Di Palma, F., Lander, E.S., Meyer, A. and K. Lindblad-Toh. 2013. The African coelacanth genome provides insights into tetrapod evolution. Nature 496: 311-316. View PDF View Supplementary material
311. Jones, J.C., Fan, S., Franchini, P., Schartl, M. and A. Meyer. 2013. The evolutionary history of Xiphophorus fish and their sexually selected sword: a genome-wide approach using restriction site-associated DNA sequencing. Molecular Ecology 22: 2986–3001. View PDF
310. Henning, F., Jones, J.C., Franchini, P. and A. Meyer. 2013. Transcriptomics of morphological color change in polychromatic Midas cichlids. BMC Genomics 14:171. View PDF
309. Smith, J.J., Kuraku, S., Holt, C., Sauka-Spengler, T., Jiang, N., Campbell, M.S., Yandell, M.D., Manousaki, T., Meyer, A., Bloom, O.E., Morgan, J.R., Buxbaum, J.D., Sachidanandam, R., Sims, C., Garruss, A.S., Cook, M., Krumlauf, R., Wiedemann, L.M., Sower, S.A., Decatur, W.A., Hall, J.A., Amemiya, C.T., Saha, N.R., Buckley, K.M., Rast, J.P., Das, S., Hirano, M., McCurley, N., Guo, P., Rohner, N., Tabin, C.J., Piccinelli, P., Elgar, G., Ruffier, M., Aken, B.L., Searle, S.M.J., Muffato, M., Pignatelli, M., Herrero, J., Jones, M., Brown, C.T., Chung-Davidson,Y-W., Nanlohy, K.G., Libants, S.V., Yeh, C-Y., McCauley, D.W., Langeland, J.A., Pancer, Z., Fritzsch, B., de Jong, P.J., Zhu, B., Fulton, L.L., Theising, B., Flicek, P., Bronner, M.E., Warren, W.C., Clifton, S.W., Wilson, R.K. and W. Li. 2013. Sequencing of the sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) genome provides insights into vertebrate evolution. Nature Genetics 45: 415-423. View PDF View Supplementary material
308. Kang, J.H., Schartl, M., Walter, B.R. and A. Meyer. 2013. Comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of all species of swordtails and platies (Pisces: Genus Xiphophorus) uncovers a hybrid origin of a swordtail fish, Xiphophorus monticolus, and demonstrates that the sexually selected sword originated in the ancestral lineage of the genus, but was lost again secondarily. BMC Evolutionary Biology 13:25. View PDF
307. Manousaki, T., Hull, P.M., Kusche, H., Machado-Schiaffino, G., Franchini, P., Harrod, C., Elmer, K.R. and A. Meyer. 2013. Parsing parallel evolution: ecological divergence and differential gene expression in the adaptive radiations of thick-lipped Midas cichlid fishes from Nicaragua. Molecular Ecology 22: 650-669. View PDF
306. Recknagel, H., Elmer, K.R. and A. Meyer. 2013. A hybrid genetic linkage map of two ecologically and morphologically divergent Midas cichlid fishes (Amphilophus spp.) obtained by massively parallel DNA Sequencing (ddRADSeq). G3 Genes Genomes Genetics 3: 65-74. View PDF
305. Elmer, K.R., Lehtonen, T.K, Fan, S. and A. Meyer. 2013. Crater lake colonization by Neotropical cichlid fishes. Evolution 67: 281-288. View PDF
309. Smith, J.J., Kuraku, S., Holt, C., Sauka-Spengler, T., Jiang, N., Campbell, M.S., Yandell, M.D., Manousaki, T., Meyer, A., Bloom, O.E., Morgan, J.R., Buxbaum, J.D., Sachidanandam, R., Sims, C., Garruss, A.S., Cook, M., Krumlauf, R., Wiedemann, L.M., Sower, S.A., Decatur, W.A., Hall, J.A., Amemiya, C.T., Saha, N.R., Buckley, K.M., Rast, J.P., Das, S., Hirano, M., McCurley, N., Guo, P., Rohner, N., Tabin, C.J., Piccinelli, P., Elgar, G., Ruffier, M., Aken, B.L., Searle, S.M.J., Muffato, M., Pignatelli, M., Herrero, J., Jones, M., Brown, C.T., Chung-Davidson,Y-W., Nanlohy, K.G., Libants, S.V., Yeh, C-Y., McCauley, D.W., Langeland, J.A., Pancer, Z., Fritzsch, B., de Jong, P.J., Zhu, B., Fulton, L.L., Theising, B., Flicek, P., Bronner, M.E., Warren, W.C., Clifton, S.W., Wilson, R.K. and W. Li. 2013. Sequencing of the sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) genome provides insights into vertebrate evolution. Nature Genetics 45: 415-423. View PDF View Supplementary material
308. Kang, J.H., Schartl, M., Walter, B.R. and A. Meyer. 2013. Comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of all species of swordtails and platies (Pisces: Genus Xiphophorus) uncovers a hybrid origin of a swordtail fish, Xiphophorus monticolus, and demonstrates that the sexually selected sword originated in the ancestral lineage of the genus, but was lost again secondarily. BMC Evolutionary Biology 13:25. View PDF
307. Manousaki, T., Hull, P.M., Kusche, H., Machado-Schiaffino, G., Franchini, P., Harrod, C., Elmer, K.R. and A. Meyer. 2013. Parsing parallel evolution: ecological divergence and differential gene expression in the adaptive radiations of thick-lipped Midas cichlid fishes from Nicaragua. Molecular Ecology 22: 650-669. View PDF
306. Recknagel, H., Elmer, K.R. and A. Meyer. 2013. A hybrid genetic linkage map of two ecologically and morphologically divergent Midas cichlid fishes (Amphilophus spp.) obtained by massively parallel DNA Sequencing (ddRADSeq). G3 Genes Genomes Genetics 3: 65-74. View PDF
305. Elmer, K.R., Lehtonen, T.K, Fan, S. and A. Meyer. 2013. Crater lake colonization by Neotropical cichlid fishes. Evolution 67: 281-288. View PDF
304. Kusche, H., Lee, H.J. and A. Meyer. 2012. Mouth asymmetry in the textbook example of scale-eating cichlid fish is not a discrete dimorphism after all. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 279: 4715-4723. View PDF
303. Kautt, A.F., Elmer, K.R. and A. Meyer. 2012. Genomic signatures of divergent selection and speciation patterns in a ‘natural experiment’, the young parallel radiations of Nicaraguan crater lake cichlid fishes. Molecular Ecology 21: 4770–4786. View PDF
302. Lee, H.J, Kusche, H. and A. Meyer. 2012. Handed foraging behavior in scale-eating cichlid fish: its potential role in shaping morphological asymmetry. Plos One 7: e44670 View PDF
301. Henning, F. and A. Meyer. 2012. Eggspot Number and Sexual Selection in the Cichlid Fish Astatotilapia burtoni. Plos One 7: e43695 View PDF
300. Kuraku, S., Qiu, H. and A. Meyer. 2012. Horizontal transfers of Tc1 elements between teleost fishes and their vertebrate parasites, lampreys. Genome Biology and Evolution 4:817–824. View PDF
299. Jones, J.C., Perez-Sato, J.-A. and A. Meyer. 2012. A phylogeographic investigation of the hybrid origin of a species of swordtail fish from Mexico. Molecular Ecology 21: 2692–2712. View PDF
298. Kuraku, S. and A. Meyer. 2012. Detection and phylogenetic assessment of conserved synteny derived from whole genome duplications. Chapter 14 in Methods in Molecular Biology, Vol. 885. Evolutionary Genomics: Statistical and Computational Methods (M. Anisimova, ed.). Vol.1. Vol. 885: 385-395. View PDF
297. Elmer, K.R., Recknagel, H., Thompson A. and A. Meyer. 2012. Asymmetric admixture and morphological variability at a suture zone: parapatric burbot subspecies (Pisces) in the MacKenzie River Basin, Canada. Hydrobiologia 683: 217–229. View PDF
296. Lehtonen, T.K., McCrary, J.K. and A. Meyer. 2012. Introduced predator elicits deficient brood defence behaviour in a crater lake fish. PLoS One 7: e30064. View PDF
295. Fan, S., Elmer, K.R. and A. Meyer. 2012. Genomics of adaptation and speciation in cichlid fishes: recent advances and analyses in African and Neotropical lineages. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 367: 385-394. View PDF
303. Kautt, A.F., Elmer, K.R. and A. Meyer. 2012. Genomic signatures of divergent selection and speciation patterns in a ‘natural experiment’, the young parallel radiations of Nicaraguan crater lake cichlid fishes. Molecular Ecology 21: 4770–4786. View PDF
302. Lee, H.J, Kusche, H. and A. Meyer. 2012. Handed foraging behavior in scale-eating cichlid fish: its potential role in shaping morphological asymmetry. Plos One 7: e44670 View PDF
301. Henning, F. and A. Meyer. 2012. Eggspot Number and Sexual Selection in the Cichlid Fish Astatotilapia burtoni. Plos One 7: e43695 View PDF
300. Kuraku, S., Qiu, H. and A. Meyer. 2012. Horizontal transfers of Tc1 elements between teleost fishes and their vertebrate parasites, lampreys. Genome Biology and Evolution 4:817–824. View PDF
299. Jones, J.C., Perez-Sato, J.-A. and A. Meyer. 2012. A phylogeographic investigation of the hybrid origin of a species of swordtail fish from Mexico. Molecular Ecology 21: 2692–2712. View PDF
298. Kuraku, S. and A. Meyer. 2012. Detection and phylogenetic assessment of conserved synteny derived from whole genome duplications. Chapter 14 in Methods in Molecular Biology, Vol. 885. Evolutionary Genomics: Statistical and Computational Methods (M. Anisimova, ed.). Vol.1. Vol. 885: 385-395. View PDF
297. Elmer, K.R., Recknagel, H., Thompson A. and A. Meyer. 2012. Asymmetric admixture and morphological variability at a suture zone: parapatric burbot subspecies (Pisces) in the MacKenzie River Basin, Canada. Hydrobiologia 683: 217–229. View PDF
296. Lehtonen, T.K., McCrary, J.K. and A. Meyer. 2012. Introduced predator elicits deficient brood defence behaviour in a crater lake fish. PLoS One 7: e30064. View PDF
295. Fan, S., Elmer, K.R. and A. Meyer. 2012. Genomics of adaptation and speciation in cichlid fishes: recent advances and analyses in African and Neotropical lineages. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 367: 385-394. View PDF
294. Fan, S., Elmer, K.R. and A. Meyer. 2011. Positive Darwian selection drives the evolution of the morphology-related gene, EPCAM, in particularly species-rich lineages of African cichlid fishes. Journal of Molecular Evolution 73: 1-9. View PDF
293. Steinbach, A.K., Fraas, S., Harder, J., Tabbert, A., Brinkmann, H.,Meyer, A., Ermler, U. and P.M.H. Kroneck. 2011. Cyclohexane-1,2-dione hydrolase from denitrifying Azoarcus sp. strain 22Lin, a novel member of the thiamine
diphosphate enzyme family. Journal of Bacteriology 193: 6760-6769. View PDF
292. Feiner, N., Ericsson, R., Meyer, A. and S. Kuraku. 2011. Revisiting the origin of the vertebrate Hox14 by including its relict sarcopterygian members. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B 316: 515-525. View PDF
291. Meyer, A. 2011. Darwins Evolutiontheorie: Fakten und Irrtümer. Pp. In: Evolution Theorie, Formen und Konsequenzen eines Paradigmas in Natur, Kultur und Technik. Gerhard, V. and Lucas, L. und Stock, G. (ed.) Akademie Verlag. p. 67-77. View PDF
290. Dessimoz, C., Zoller, S., Manousaki, T., Qiu, H., Meyer, A. and S. Kuraku. 2011. Comparative genomics approach to detecting split coding regions in a low-coverage genome: lessons from the chimaera Callorhinchus milii (Holocephali, Chondrichthyes). Briefings in Bioinformatics 12: 474-484. View PDF
289. Manousaki, T., Feiner, N., Begemann, G., Meyer, A. and S. Kuraku. 2011. Co-orthology of Pax4 and Pax6 to the fly eyeless genes: molecular phylogenetic, comparative genomic and embryological analyses. Evolution & Development 13: 448-459. View PDF
288. Radtke, K., H. Gunter, M. Ruf, K. Dohrmann, M. Schauer. A. Meyer and T. Elbert. 2011. Transgenerational impact of intimate partner violence on methylation in the promoter of the glucocoiticoid receptor. Translational Psychiatry 1: e21. View PDF
287. Qiu, H., Hildebrand, F., Kuraku, S. and A. Meyer. 2011. Unresolved orthology and peculiar coding sequence properties of lamprey genes: the KCNA gene family as test case. BMC Genomics 12: 325. View PDF
diphosphate enzyme family. Journal of Bacteriology 193: 6760-6769. View PDF
292. Feiner, N., Ericsson, R., Meyer, A. and S. Kuraku. 2011. Revisiting the origin of the vertebrate Hox14 by including its relict sarcopterygian members. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B 316: 515-525. View PDF
291. Meyer, A. 2011. Darwins Evolutiontheorie: Fakten und Irrtümer. Pp. In: Evolution Theorie, Formen und Konsequenzen eines Paradigmas in Natur, Kultur und Technik. Gerhard, V. and Lucas, L. und Stock, G. (ed.) Akademie Verlag. p. 67-77. View PDF
290. Dessimoz, C., Zoller, S., Manousaki, T., Qiu, H., Meyer, A. and S. Kuraku. 2011. Comparative genomics approach to detecting split coding regions in a low-coverage genome: lessons from the chimaera Callorhinchus milii (Holocephali, Chondrichthyes). Briefings in Bioinformatics 12: 474-484. View PDF
289. Manousaki, T., Feiner, N., Begemann, G., Meyer, A. and S. Kuraku. 2011. Co-orthology of Pax4 and Pax6 to the fly eyeless genes: molecular phylogenetic, comparative genomic and embryological analyses. Evolution & Development 13: 448-459. View PDF
288. Radtke, K., H. Gunter, M. Ruf, K. Dohrmann, M. Schauer. A. Meyer and T. Elbert. 2011. Transgenerational impact of intimate partner violence on methylation in the promoter of the glucocoiticoid receptor. Translational Psychiatry 1: e21. View PDF
287. Qiu, H., Hildebrand, F., Kuraku, S. and A. Meyer. 2011. Unresolved orthology and peculiar coding sequence properties of lamprey genes: the KCNA gene family as test case. BMC Genomics 12: 325. View PDF
286. Elmer, K.R. and A. Meyer. 2011. Adaptation in the age of ecological genomics: insights from parallelism and convergence. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 26: 298-306. View PDF
285. Muschick, M., Barluenga, M, Salzburger, W., and A. Meyer. 2011. Adaptive phenotypic plasticity in the Midas cichlid fish pharyngeal jaw and its relevance in adaptive radiation. BMC Evolutionary Biology 11: 116. View PDF
284. Gunter, H., Clabaut, C., Salzburger, W., and A. Meyer. 2011. Identification and characterization of gene expression involved in the coloration of cichlid fish using microarray and qRT-PCR approaches. Journal of Molecular Evolution 72: 127-137. View PDF
283. Lehtonen, T.K., Wong, B.B.M., Svensson, P.A., and A. Meyer. 2011. Adjustment of brood care behaviour in the absence of a mate in two species of Nicaraguan crater lake cichlids. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 65: 613–619. View PDF
282. Lehtonen, T.K., Wong, B.B.M. Lindström, K. and A. Meyer. 2011. Species divergence and seasonal succession in rates of mate desertion in closely related Neotropical cichlid fishes. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 65: 607–612. View PDF
281. Henning, F., Moyse´s, C.B., Calcagnotto, D., Meyer, A. and L.F. de Almeida-Toledo. 2011. Independent fusions and recent origins of sex chromosomes in the evolution and diversification of glass knife fishes (Eigenmannia). Heredity 106: 391-400. View PDF
280. Angienda, O., P., Lee, H., J., Elmer, K., R., Abila, R., Waindi, E., N. and A. Meyer. 2011. Genetic structure and gene flow in an endangered native tilapia fish (Oreochromis esculentus) compared to invasive Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in Yala swamp, East Africa. Conservation Genetics 12: 243–255. View PDF
279. Meyer A. 2011. King Midas and his many extremely young children: Studies on speciation in crater lake cichlid fishes in Nicaragua. Pp. 257-276. In: In the light of evolution: Essays from the laboratory and the field. By Jonathan Losos (ed.) Roberts & Co. Publishers. View PDF
278. Lehtonen, T.K. and A. Meyer. 2011. Heritability and adaptive significance of the number of egg-dummies in the cichlid fish Astatotilapia burtoni. Proceedings of the Royal Society, London, Series B 278: 2318-2324. View PDF
277. Renz, A.J., Gunter, H.M., Fischer, J.M.F., Qiu, H., Meyer, A. and S. Kuraku. 2011. Ancestral and derived attributes of the dlx gene repertoire, cluster structure and expression patterns in an African cichlid fish. EvoDevo 2: 1. View PDF
282. Lehtonen, T.K., Wong, B.B.M. Lindström, K. and A. Meyer. 2011. Species divergence and seasonal succession in rates of mate desertion in closely related Neotropical cichlid fishes. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 65: 607–612. View PDF
281. Henning, F., Moyse´s, C.B., Calcagnotto, D., Meyer, A. and L.F. de Almeida-Toledo. 2011. Independent fusions and recent origins of sex chromosomes in the evolution and diversification of glass knife fishes (Eigenmannia). Heredity 106: 391-400. View PDF
280. Angienda, O., P., Lee, H., J., Elmer, K., R., Abila, R., Waindi, E., N. and A. Meyer. 2011. Genetic structure and gene flow in an endangered native tilapia fish (Oreochromis esculentus) compared to invasive Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in Yala swamp, East Africa. Conservation Genetics 12: 243–255. View PDF
279. Meyer A. 2011. King Midas and his many extremely young children: Studies on speciation in crater lake cichlid fishes in Nicaragua. Pp. 257-276. In: In the light of evolution: Essays from the laboratory and the field. By Jonathan Losos (ed.) Roberts & Co. Publishers. View PDF
278. Lehtonen, T.K. and A. Meyer. 2011. Heritability and adaptive significance of the number of egg-dummies in the cichlid fish Astatotilapia burtoni. Proceedings of the Royal Society, London, Series B 278: 2318-2324. View PDF
277. Renz, A.J., Gunter, H.M., Fischer, J.M.F., Qiu, H., Meyer, A. and S. Kuraku. 2011. Ancestral and derived attributes of the dlx gene repertoire, cluster structure and expression patterns in an African cichlid fish. EvoDevo 2: 1. View PDF
276. Lang, M., Hadzhiev, Y., Siegel, N., Amemiya, C.T., Parada, C., Strahle, U., Becker, M.B., Muller, F. and A. Meyer. 2010. Conservation of shh cis-regulatory architecture of the coelacanth is consistent with its ancestral phylogenetic position. EvoDevo 1: 11. View PDF
275. Barluenga, M. and A. Meyer. 2010. Phylogeography, colonization and population history of the Midas cichlid species complex (Amphilophus spp.) in the Nicaraguan crater lakes. BMC Evolutionary Biology 10: 326. View PDF
274. Meyer, A. 2010. Evolution im Zeitraffer – was Darwin noch nicht wusste. Pp. 77- 92. In: “Faszination Leben”. V. Gerhardt, D. Schulte Hrsg. W. Fink Verlag.
273. Kuraku, S. and A. Meyer. 2010. Whole genome duplications and the radiation of vertebrates. Pp. 299 - 311. In: Evolution after gene duplication. Katharina Dittmar & D. Liberles (ed.) Wiley-Blackwell, NY. View PDF
272. Muenzel, F.M., Salzburger, W., Sanetra, M., Grabherr, B. and A. Meyer. 2010. Genetic structure of the vairone Telestes souffia in the eastern part of Lake Constance, central Europe. Journal of Fish Biology 77: 1158-1164. View PDF
271. Hildebrand, F., Meyer, A. and A. Eyre-Walker. 2010. Evidence of selection upon genomic GC-content in bacteria. PLoS Genetics 6: e1001107. View PDF
270. Gibert, Y., Bernard, L., Debiais-Thibaud, M., Bourrat, F., Joly, J., Pottin, K., Meyer, A., Retaux, S., David, W., Stock, D.W., Jackman, W.R., Seritrakul, P., Begemann, G. and V. Laudet. 2010. Formation of oral and pharyngeal dentition in teleosts depends on differential recruitment of retinoic acid signaling. FASEB Journal 24: 3298–3309. View PDF
269. Wielgoss, S., Hollandt, F., Wirth, T. and A. Meyer. 2010. Genetic signatures in an invasive parasite of Anguilla anguilla correlate with differential stock management. Journal of Fish Biology 77: 191-210. View PDF
275. Barluenga, M. and A. Meyer. 2010. Phylogeography, colonization and population history of the Midas cichlid species complex (Amphilophus spp.) in the Nicaraguan crater lakes. BMC Evolutionary Biology 10: 326. View PDF
274. Meyer, A. 2010. Evolution im Zeitraffer – was Darwin noch nicht wusste. Pp. 77- 92. In: “Faszination Leben”. V. Gerhardt, D. Schulte Hrsg. W. Fink Verlag.
273. Kuraku, S. and A. Meyer. 2010. Whole genome duplications and the radiation of vertebrates. Pp. 299 - 311. In: Evolution after gene duplication. Katharina Dittmar & D. Liberles (ed.) Wiley-Blackwell, NY. View PDF
272. Muenzel, F.M., Salzburger, W., Sanetra, M., Grabherr, B. and A. Meyer. 2010. Genetic structure of the vairone Telestes souffia in the eastern part of Lake Constance, central Europe. Journal of Fish Biology 77: 1158-1164. View PDF
271. Hildebrand, F., Meyer, A. and A. Eyre-Walker. 2010. Evidence of selection upon genomic GC-content in bacteria. PLoS Genetics 6: e1001107. View PDF
270. Gibert, Y., Bernard, L., Debiais-Thibaud, M., Bourrat, F., Joly, J., Pottin, K., Meyer, A., Retaux, S., David, W., Stock, D.W., Jackman, W.R., Seritrakul, P., Begemann, G. and V. Laudet. 2010. Formation of oral and pharyngeal dentition in teleosts depends on differential recruitment of retinoic acid signaling. FASEB Journal 24: 3298–3309. View PDF
269. Wielgoss, S., Hollandt, F., Wirth, T. and A. Meyer. 2010. Genetic signatures in an invasive parasite of Anguilla anguilla correlate with differential stock management. Journal of Fish Biology 77: 191-210. View PDF
268. Henning, F., Renz, A.J., Fukamachi, S. and A. Meyer. 2010. Genetic, comparative genomic, and expression analyses of the Mc1r locus in the polychromatic Midas cichlid fish (Teleostei, Cichlidae Amphilophus sp.) species group. Journal of Molecular Evolution 70: 405-412. View PDF
267. Elmer, K.R., Lehtonen, T.K., Kautt, A.F., Harrod, C. and A. Meyer. 2010. Rapid sympatric ecological differentiation of crater lake cichlid fishes within historic times. BMC Biology 8: 60. View PDF
266. Lee, H.J., Pittlik, S., Jones, J.C., Salzburger, W., Barluenga, M. and A. Meyer. 2010. Genetic support for random mating between left and right-mouth morphs in the dimorphic scale-eating cichlid fish Perissodus microlepis from Lake Tanganyika.
Journal of Fish Biology 76: 1940–1957. View PDF
265. Lehtonen, T.K., McCrary, J.K., and A. Meyer. 2010. Territorial aggression can be sensitive to the status of
heterospecific intruders. Behavioural Processes 84: 598-601. View PDF
266. Lee, H.J., Pittlik, S., Jones, J.C., Salzburger, W., Barluenga, M. and A. Meyer. 2010. Genetic support for random mating between left and right-mouth morphs in the dimorphic scale-eating cichlid fish Perissodus microlepis from Lake Tanganyika.
Journal of Fish Biology 76: 1940–1957. View PDF
265. Lehtonen, T.K., McCrary, J.K., and A. Meyer. 2010. Territorial aggression can be sensitive to the status of
heterospecific intruders. Behavioural Processes 84: 598-601. View PDF
264. Elmer, K.R., Kusche, H., Lehtonen, T.K. and A. Meyer. 2010. Local variation and parallel evolution: morphological and genetic diversity across a species complex of neotropical crater lake cichlid fishes. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 365: 1763-1782. View PDF
263. Elmer, K.R., Fan, S., Gunter, H.M., Jones, J.C., Boekhoff, S., Kuraku, S. and A. Meyer. 2010. Rapid evolution and selection inferred from the transcriptomes of sympatric crater lake cichlid fishes. Molecular Ecology 19 (Suppl. 1): 197–211. View PDF
262. Elmer, K.R., Thompson, L.R., and A. Meyer. 2009. Similar levels of diversity and population structure in superflock and non-superflock cichlid fishes from lake Victoria, Africa. Tropical Freshwater Biology 18: 1-14. View PDF
261. Chiari, Y., van der Meijden, A., Madsen, O., Vences, M. and A. Meyer. 2009. Base composition, selection, and phylogenetic significance of indels in the recombination activating gene-1 in vertebrates. Frontiers in Zoology 6: 32. View PDF
260. Feiner, N., Begemann, G., Renz, A.J., Meyer, A., and S. Kuraku. 2009. The origin of bmp16, a novel Bmp2/4 relative, retained in teleost fish genomes. BMC Evolutionary Biology 9: 277. View PDF
259. Fraas, S., Steinbach, A.K., Tabbert, A., Harder, J., Ermler, U., Tittmann, K., Meyer, A. and P.M.H. Kroneck. 2009. Cyclohexane-1,2-dione hydrolase: A new tool to degrade alicyclic compounds. Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic 61: 47–49. View PDF
258. Mallet, J., Meyer, A., Nosil, P. and J.L. Feder. 2009. Space, sympatry and speciation. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 22: 2332–2341. View PDF
257. Meyer, A. 2009. Brain drain und brain gain – Wie Deutschland seine Chancen als Land der Wissenschaft verpasst. S 50-55. In: “Die Illusion der Exzellenz – Lebenslügen der Wissenschaftspolitik”. J. Kaube Hrsg. Wagenbach.
256. Fukamachi, S., Kinoshita, M., Aizawa, K., Oda, S., Meyer, A. and H. Mitani. 2009. Dual control by a single gene of secondary sexual characters and mating preferences in medaka. BMC Biology 7: 64. View PDF
261. Chiari, Y., van der Meijden, A., Madsen, O., Vences, M. and A. Meyer. 2009. Base composition, selection, and phylogenetic significance of indels in the recombination activating gene-1 in vertebrates. Frontiers in Zoology 6: 32. View PDF
260. Feiner, N., Begemann, G., Renz, A.J., Meyer, A., and S. Kuraku. 2009. The origin of bmp16, a novel Bmp2/4 relative, retained in teleost fish genomes. BMC Evolutionary Biology 9: 277. View PDF
259. Fraas, S., Steinbach, A.K., Tabbert, A., Harder, J., Ermler, U., Tittmann, K., Meyer, A. and P.M.H. Kroneck. 2009. Cyclohexane-1,2-dione hydrolase: A new tool to degrade alicyclic compounds. Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic 61: 47–49. View PDF
258. Mallet, J., Meyer, A., Nosil, P. and J.L. Feder. 2009. Space, sympatry and speciation. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 22: 2332–2341. View PDF
257. Meyer, A. 2009. Brain drain und brain gain – Wie Deutschland seine Chancen als Land der Wissenschaft verpasst. S 50-55. In: “Die Illusion der Exzellenz – Lebenslügen der Wissenschaftspolitik”. J. Kaube Hrsg. Wagenbach.
256. Fukamachi, S., Kinoshita, M., Aizawa, K., Oda, S., Meyer, A. and H. Mitani. 2009. Dual control by a single gene of secondary sexual characters and mating preferences in medaka. BMC Biology 7: 64. View PDF
255. Van de Peer, Y., Maere, S. and A. Meyer. 2009. The evolutionary significance of ancient genome duplications. Nature Reviews Genetics 10: 725-732. View PDF
254. Elmer, K.R., Reggio, C., Wirth, T., Verheyen, E., Salzburger, W., and A. Meyer. Pleistocene desiccation in East Africa bottlenecked but did not extirpate the adaptive radiation of Lake Victoria haplochromine cichlid fishes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 106: 13404-13409. View PDF
253. Salzburger, W., Steinke, D., Braasch, I. and A. Meyer. 2009. Genome desertification in eutherians: can gene deserts explain the uneven distribution of genes in placental mammalian genomes? Journal of Molecular Evolution 69: 207-216. View PDF
252. Kuraku, S. and A. Meyer. 2009. The evolution and maintenance of Hox gene clusters in vertebrates and the teleost-specific genome duplication. International Journal of Developmental Biology 53: 765-773. View PDF
251. Elmer, K.R., Lehtonen, T.K. and A. Meyer. 2009. Color assortative mating contributes to sympatric divergence of neotropical cichlid fish. Evolution 63: 2750-2757. View PDF
251. Elmer, K.R., Lehtonen, T.K. and A. Meyer. 2009. Color assortative mating contributes to sympatric divergence of neotropical cichlid fish. Evolution 63: 2750-2757. View PDF
250. Offen, N., Meyer, A. and G. Begemann 2009. Identification of novel genes involved in the development of the sword and the gonopodium in swordtail fish. Developmental Dynamics 238: 1674–1687. View PDF
249. Fukamachi, S., Yada, T., Meyer, A. and M. Kinoshita. 2009. Effects of transgenic and constitutive expression of somatolactin alpha on growth, skin pigmentation, and lipid/cortisal metabolisms in medaka. Gene 442: 81–87. View PDF
248. Meyer, A. 2009. Darwins Geheimnis der Geheimnisse – Artbildung unter (sympatrischen) Bedingungen in den letzten 150 Jahren seit Darwin. In: Elsner, N., Gradstein, S.R., Reitner, J., Fritz, H-J. (eds.) Evolution: Zufall und Zwangsläufigkeit der Schöpfung. p. 160-195. View PDF
247. Sanetra, M., Henning, F., Fukamachi, S. and A. Meyer. 2009. A microsatellite-based genetic linkage map of the cichlid fish,
Astatotilapia burtoni (Teleosei): a comparison of genomic architectures among rapidly speciating cichlids. Genetics 182: 387–397. View PDF
246. Kuraku, S., Meyer, A. and S. Kuratani. 2009. Timing of genome duplications relative to the origin of the vertebrates: did cyclostomes diverge before, or after? Molecular Biology and Evolution 26: 47-59. View PDF
248. Meyer, A. 2009. Darwins Geheimnis der Geheimnisse – Artbildung unter (sympatrischen) Bedingungen in den letzten 150 Jahren seit Darwin. In: Elsner, N., Gradstein, S.R., Reitner, J., Fritz, H-J. (eds.) Evolution: Zufall und Zwangsläufigkeit der Schöpfung. p. 160-195. View PDF
247. Sanetra, M., Henning, F., Fukamachi, S. and A. Meyer. 2009. A microsatellite-based genetic linkage map of the cichlid fish,
Astatotilapia burtoni (Teleosei): a comparison of genomic architectures among rapidly speciating cichlids. Genetics 182: 387–397. View PDF
246. Kuraku, S., Meyer, A. and S. Kuratani. 2009. Timing of genome duplications relative to the origin of the vertebrates: did cyclostomes diverge before, or after? Molecular Biology and Evolution 26: 47-59. View PDF
245. Kuraku, S. and A. Meyer. 2008. Genomic analysis of cichlid fish ‘natural mutants’. Current Opinion in Genetics & Development 18: 551-558. View PDF
244. Crottini, A., Chiari, Y., Mercurio, V., Meyer, A., Vences, M. and F. Andreone. 2008. Into the canyons: The phylogeography of the Malagasy frogs Mantella expectata and Scaphiophryne gottlebei in the arid Isalo Massif, and its significance for conservation (Amphibia: Mantellidae and Microhylidae). Organisms, Diversity & Evolution 8: 368–377. View PDF
243. Wielgoss, S., Wirth, T. and A. Meyer. 2008. Isolation and characterization of 12 dinucleotide microsatellites in the European eel, Anguilla anguilla L., and tests of amplification in other species of eels. Molecular Ecology Resources 8: 1382–1385. View PDF
242. Elmer, K.R., Van Houdt, J.K., Meyer, A. and F.A.M. Volckaert. 2008. Population genetic structure of North American burbot (Lota lota maculosa) across the Nearctic and its contact zone with Eurasian burbot (Lota lota lota). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 65: 2412-2426. View PDF
241. Offen, N., Blum, N., Meyer, A. and G. Begemann. 2008. Fgfr1 signalling in the development of a sexually selected trait in vertebrates, the sword of swordtail fish. BMC Developmental Biology 8: 98. View PDF
240. Wirth, T., Hildebrand, F., Allix-Beguec, C., Woelbeling, F., Kubica, T. Kremer, K., van Soolingen, D., Ruesch-Gerrdes, S, Locht, C., Brisse, S. Meyer, A., Supply, P. and S. Niemann. 2008. Origin, spread and demography of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex. PLoS Pathogens 4: e1000160. View PDF
239. Pils, S., Gerrard, D., Meyer, A. and C.R. Hauck. 2008. CEACAM3: An innate immune receptor directed against human-restricted bacterial pathogens. International Journal of Medical Microbiology 298: 553-560. View PDF
238. Wielgoss, S., Taraschewski, H., A. Meyer and T. Wirth. 2008. Population structure of the parasitic nematode Anguillicola crassus, an invader of declining North-Atlantic eel stocks. Molecular Ecology 17: 3478-3495. View PDF
244. Crottini, A., Chiari, Y., Mercurio, V., Meyer, A., Vences, M. and F. Andreone. 2008. Into the canyons: The phylogeography of the Malagasy frogs Mantella expectata and Scaphiophryne gottlebei in the arid Isalo Massif, and its significance for conservation (Amphibia: Mantellidae and Microhylidae). Organisms, Diversity & Evolution 8: 368–377. View PDF
243. Wielgoss, S., Wirth, T. and A. Meyer. 2008. Isolation and characterization of 12 dinucleotide microsatellites in the European eel, Anguilla anguilla L., and tests of amplification in other species of eels. Molecular Ecology Resources 8: 1382–1385. View PDF
242. Elmer, K.R., Van Houdt, J.K., Meyer, A. and F.A.M. Volckaert. 2008. Population genetic structure of North American burbot (Lota lota maculosa) across the Nearctic and its contact zone with Eurasian burbot (Lota lota lota). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 65: 2412-2426. View PDF
241. Offen, N., Blum, N., Meyer, A. and G. Begemann. 2008. Fgfr1 signalling in the development of a sexually selected trait in vertebrates, the sword of swordtail fish. BMC Developmental Biology 8: 98. View PDF
240. Wirth, T., Hildebrand, F., Allix-Beguec, C., Woelbeling, F., Kubica, T. Kremer, K., van Soolingen, D., Ruesch-Gerrdes, S, Locht, C., Brisse, S. Meyer, A., Supply, P. and S. Niemann. 2008. Origin, spread and demography of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex. PLoS Pathogens 4: e1000160. View PDF
239. Pils, S., Gerrard, D., Meyer, A. and C.R. Hauck. 2008. CEACAM3: An innate immune receptor directed against human-restricted bacterial pathogens. International Journal of Medical Microbiology 298: 553-560. View PDF
238. Wielgoss, S., Taraschewski, H., A. Meyer and T. Wirth. 2008. Population structure of the parasitic nematode Anguillicola crassus, an invader of declining North-Atlantic eel stocks. Molecular Ecology 17: 3478-3495. View PDF
237. Eibner, M., Pittlik, S., Meyer, A., and G. Begemann. 2008. An organizer controls the development of the ‘‘sword,’’ a sexually selected trait in swordtail fish. Evolution & Development 10: 403-412. View PDF
236. Abila, R., Salzburger, W., Ndonga, M.F., Owiti, D., Barluenga, M., and A. Meyer. 2008. The role of the Yala swamp lakes in the conservation of Lake Victoria region haplochromine cichlids: Evidence from genetic and trophic ecology studies. Lakes & Reservoirs: Research and Management 13: 95–104. View PDF
235. Kuraku, S., Takio, Y., Tamura, K., Aono, H., Meyer, A., and S. Kuratani. 2008. Noncanonical roles of Hox14 revealed by its expression patterns in lamprey and shark. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 105: 6679-6683. View PDF
234. Wilson, A.B., Teugels, G.G., and A. Meyer. 2008. Marine Incursion: The Freshwater Herring of Lake Tanganyika Are the Product of a Marine Invasion into West Africa. PLoS One 3 (4): e1979. View PDF
233. Salzburger, W., Steinke, D., Hofmann, H.A., Renn S.C., Fernald, R.D., Braasch, I. and A. Meyer. 2008. Annotation of expressed sequence tags for the East African cichlid fish species Astatotilapia burtoni and evolutionary analyses of cichlid ORFs. BMC Genomics 9: 96. View PDF
232. Fukamachi, S., Kinoshita, M., Tsujimura, T., Shimada, A., Oda, S., Shima, A., Meyer, A., Kawamura, S. and H. Mitani. 2008. Rescue from oculocutaneous albinism type 4 using medaka slc45a2 cDNA driven by its own promoter. Genetics 178: 761–769. View PDF
231. Michel, C., Hicks, B.J., Stölting, K.N., Clarke, A.C., Stevens, M.I., Tana, R., Meyer, A. and M.R. van den Heuvel. 2008. Distinct migratory and non-mogratory ecotypes of an endemic New Zealand eleotrid (Gobiomorphus cotidianus) - implications for incipient speciation in island freshwater fish species. BMC Evolutionary Biology 8: 49. View PDF
230. Pittlik, S., Domingues, S., Meyer, A. and G. Begemann. 2008. Expression of zebrafish aldh1a3 (raldh3) and absence of aldh1a1 in teleosts. Gene Expression Patterns 8: 141-147. View PDF
235. Kuraku, S., Takio, Y., Tamura, K., Aono, H., Meyer, A., and S. Kuratani. 2008. Noncanonical roles of Hox14 revealed by its expression patterns in lamprey and shark. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 105: 6679-6683. View PDF
234. Wilson, A.B., Teugels, G.G., and A. Meyer. 2008. Marine Incursion: The Freshwater Herring of Lake Tanganyika Are the Product of a Marine Invasion into West Africa. PLoS One 3 (4): e1979. View PDF
233. Salzburger, W., Steinke, D., Hofmann, H.A., Renn S.C., Fernald, R.D., Braasch, I. and A. Meyer. 2008. Annotation of expressed sequence tags for the East African cichlid fish species Astatotilapia burtoni and evolutionary analyses of cichlid ORFs. BMC Genomics 9: 96. View PDF
232. Fukamachi, S., Kinoshita, M., Tsujimura, T., Shimada, A., Oda, S., Shima, A., Meyer, A., Kawamura, S. and H. Mitani. 2008. Rescue from oculocutaneous albinism type 4 using medaka slc45a2 cDNA driven by its own promoter. Genetics 178: 761–769. View PDF
231. Michel, C., Hicks, B.J., Stölting, K.N., Clarke, A.C., Stevens, M.I., Tana, R., Meyer, A. and M.R. van den Heuvel. 2008. Distinct migratory and non-mogratory ecotypes of an endemic New Zealand eleotrid (Gobiomorphus cotidianus) - implications for incipient speciation in island freshwater fish species. BMC Evolutionary Biology 8: 49. View PDF
230. Pittlik, S., Domingues, S., Meyer, A. and G. Begemann. 2008. Expression of zebrafish aldh1a3 (raldh3) and absence of aldh1a1 in teleosts. Gene Expression Patterns 8: 141-147. View PDF
229. Meyer, A. 2007. Die Entstehung neuer Arten - Darwins Geheimnis der Geheimnisse. Berichte und Abhandlungen der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. 13: 223-238. View PDF
228. Salzburger, W., Braasch, I., and A. Meyer. 2007. Adaptive sequence evolution in a color gene involved in the formation of the characteristic egg-dummies of male haplochromine cichlid fishes. BMC Biology 5: 51. View PDF
228. Salzburger, W., Braasch, I., and A. Meyer. 2007. Adaptive sequence evolution in a color gene involved in the formation of the characteristic egg-dummies of male haplochromine cichlid fishes. BMC Biology 5: 51. View PDF
227. Fukamachi, S. and A. Meyer. 2007. Evolution of receptors for growth hormone and somatolactin in fish and land vertebrates: lessons from the lungfish and sturgeon orthologues. Journal of Molecular Evolution 65: 359–372. View PDF
226. Wielgoss, S., Sanetra, M., Meyer, A. and T. Wirth. 2007. Isolation and characterization of short tandem repeats in an invasive swimbladder nematode, parasitic in Atlantic freshwater eels, Anguillicola crassus. Molecular Ecology Notes 7: 1051-1053. View PDF
225. Muenzel, F.M., Sanetra, M., Salzburger, W. and A. Meyer. 2007. Microsatellites from the vairone Leuciscus souffia (Pisces: Cyprinidae) and their application to closely related species. Molecular Ecology Notes 7: 1048–1050. View PDF
224. Vences, M., Wahl-Boos, G., Hoegg, S., Glaw, F., Oliveira, E.S., Meyer, A. and S. Perry. 2007. Molecular systematics of mantelline frogs fromMadagascar and the evolution of their femoral glands. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 92: 529–539. View PDF
223. Wirth, T., Morelli, G., Kusecek, B., van Belkum, A., van der Schee, C., Meyer, A. and M. Achtman. 2007. The rise and spread of a new pathogen: Seroresistant Moraxella catarrhalis. Genome Research 17: 1647-1656. View PDF
222. Gerrard, D.T. and A. Meyer. 2007. Positive selection and gene conversion in SPP120, a fertilization-related gene, during the east African cichlid fish radiation. Molecular Biology and Evolution 24: 2286–2297. View PDF
221. Wollenberg, K.C., Glaw, F., Meyer, A. and M. Vences. 2007. Molecular phylogeny of Malagasy reed frogs, Heterixalus, and the relative performance of bioacoustics and color-patterns for resolving their systematics. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 45: 14–22. View PDF
220. Hoegg, S., Boore, J.L., Kuehl, J.V. and A. Meyer. 2007. Comparative phylogenomic analyses of teleost fish Hox gene clusters: lessons from the cichlid fish Astatotilapia burtoni. BMC Genomics 8: 317. View PDF
219. Siegel, N., Hoegg, S., Salzburger, W.,Braasch, I. and A. Meyer. 2007. Comparative genomics of ParaHox clusters of teleost fishes: gene cluster breakup and the retention of gene sets following whole genome duplications. BMC Genomics 8: 312. View PDF
218. van der Meijden, A., Vences, M., Hoegg, S., Boistel, R., Channing, A. and A. Meyer. 2007. Nuclear gene phylogeny of narrow-mouthed toads (Family: Microhylidae) and a discussion of competing hypotheses concerning their biogeographical origins. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 44: 1017–1030. View PDF
217. Hoegg, S. and A. Meyer. 2007. Phylogenomic analyses of KCNA clusters in vertebrates: why do some clusters stay intact? BMC Evolutionary Biology 7: 139. View PDF
216. Bleher, H., Stölting, K.,N., Salzburger, W. and A. Meyer. 2007. Revision of the genus Symphysodon Heckel 1840 (Teleostei: Perciformes: Cichlidae) based on molecular and morphological characters. Aqua 12: 133-174.
215. Gavrilets, S., Vose, A., Barluenga, M., Salzburger, W. and A. Meyer. 2007. Case studies and mathematical models of ecological
speciation. 1. Cichlids in a crater lake. Molecular Ecology 16: 2893–2909. View PDF
214. Van der Meijden, A., Boistel, R., Gerlach, J., Ohler, A., Vences, M. and A. Meyer. 2007. Molecular phylogenetic evidence for paraphyly of the genus Sooglossus, with the description of a new genus of Seychellean frogs. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 91: 347–359. View PDF
213. Hadzhiev, Y., Lang, M., Ertzer, R., Meyer, A., Straehle U. and F. Mueller. 2007. Functional diversification of sonic hedgehog paralog enhancers identified by phylogenomic reconstruction. Genome Biology 8: R106. View PDF
212. Hrbek, T., Seckinger, J. and A. Meyer. 2007. Molecular phylogeny of the Poeciliidae (Teleostei, Cyprinidontiformes): Biogeographic and taxonomic implications. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 43: 986-998. View PDF
211. Fouquet, A., Vences, M., Salducci, M., Meyer, A., Marty, C., Blanc, M. and A. Gilles. 2007. Revealing cryptic diversity using molecular phylogenetics and phylogeography in frogs of the Scinax ruber and Rhinella margaritifera species groups. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 43: 567-582. View PDF
210. Luo, J., Stadler, P. He, S. and A. Meyer. 2007. PCR survey of Hox genes in the tetraploid goldfish Carassius auratus auratus. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B (Molecular Development and Evolution) 308B: 250-258. View PDF
225. Muenzel, F.M., Sanetra, M., Salzburger, W. and A. Meyer. 2007. Microsatellites from the vairone Leuciscus souffia (Pisces: Cyprinidae) and their application to closely related species. Molecular Ecology Notes 7: 1048–1050. View PDF
224. Vences, M., Wahl-Boos, G., Hoegg, S., Glaw, F., Oliveira, E.S., Meyer, A. and S. Perry. 2007. Molecular systematics of mantelline frogs fromMadagascar and the evolution of their femoral glands. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 92: 529–539. View PDF
223. Wirth, T., Morelli, G., Kusecek, B., van Belkum, A., van der Schee, C., Meyer, A. and M. Achtman. 2007. The rise and spread of a new pathogen: Seroresistant Moraxella catarrhalis. Genome Research 17: 1647-1656. View PDF
222. Gerrard, D.T. and A. Meyer. 2007. Positive selection and gene conversion in SPP120, a fertilization-related gene, during the east African cichlid fish radiation. Molecular Biology and Evolution 24: 2286–2297. View PDF
221. Wollenberg, K.C., Glaw, F., Meyer, A. and M. Vences. 2007. Molecular phylogeny of Malagasy reed frogs, Heterixalus, and the relative performance of bioacoustics and color-patterns for resolving their systematics. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 45: 14–22. View PDF
220. Hoegg, S., Boore, J.L., Kuehl, J.V. and A. Meyer. 2007. Comparative phylogenomic analyses of teleost fish Hox gene clusters: lessons from the cichlid fish Astatotilapia burtoni. BMC Genomics 8: 317. View PDF
219. Siegel, N., Hoegg, S., Salzburger, W.,Braasch, I. and A. Meyer. 2007. Comparative genomics of ParaHox clusters of teleost fishes: gene cluster breakup and the retention of gene sets following whole genome duplications. BMC Genomics 8: 312. View PDF
218. van der Meijden, A., Vences, M., Hoegg, S., Boistel, R., Channing, A. and A. Meyer. 2007. Nuclear gene phylogeny of narrow-mouthed toads (Family: Microhylidae) and a discussion of competing hypotheses concerning their biogeographical origins. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 44: 1017–1030. View PDF
217. Hoegg, S. and A. Meyer. 2007. Phylogenomic analyses of KCNA clusters in vertebrates: why do some clusters stay intact? BMC Evolutionary Biology 7: 139. View PDF
216. Bleher, H., Stölting, K.,N., Salzburger, W. and A. Meyer. 2007. Revision of the genus Symphysodon Heckel 1840 (Teleostei: Perciformes: Cichlidae) based on molecular and morphological characters. Aqua 12: 133-174.
215. Gavrilets, S., Vose, A., Barluenga, M., Salzburger, W. and A. Meyer. 2007. Case studies and mathematical models of ecological
speciation. 1. Cichlids in a crater lake. Molecular Ecology 16: 2893–2909. View PDF
214. Van der Meijden, A., Boistel, R., Gerlach, J., Ohler, A., Vences, M. and A. Meyer. 2007. Molecular phylogenetic evidence for paraphyly of the genus Sooglossus, with the description of a new genus of Seychellean frogs. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 91: 347–359. View PDF
213. Hadzhiev, Y., Lang, M., Ertzer, R., Meyer, A., Straehle U. and F. Mueller. 2007. Functional diversification of sonic hedgehog paralog enhancers identified by phylogenomic reconstruction. Genome Biology 8: R106. View PDF
212. Hrbek, T., Seckinger, J. and A. Meyer. 2007. Molecular phylogeny of the Poeciliidae (Teleostei, Cyprinidontiformes): Biogeographic and taxonomic implications. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 43: 986-998. View PDF
211. Fouquet, A., Vences, M., Salducci, M., Meyer, A., Marty, C., Blanc, M. and A. Gilles. 2007. Revealing cryptic diversity using molecular phylogenetics and phylogeography in frogs of the Scinax ruber and Rhinella margaritifera species groups. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 43: 567-582. View PDF
210. Luo, J., Stadler, P. He, S. and A. Meyer. 2007. PCR survey of Hox genes in the tetraploid goldfish Carassius auratus auratus. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B (Molecular Development and Evolution) 308B: 250-258. View PDF
209. Clabaut, C., Bunje, P.M.E., Salzburger, W. and A. Meyer. 2007. Geometric morphometric analysis of the Lake Tanganyika cichlid body shape, and correlation of morphological changes with their ecology. Evolution 61: 560-578. View PDF
208. Meyer, A. 2007. Intelligent Design ist eine pseudowissenschaftlich Mogelpackung. In: Kreationismus in Deutschland - Fakten und Analysen. U. Kutschera (ed). Lit. Verlag. P. 327-339.
207. Bunje, P.M.E., Barluenga, M. and A. Meyer. 2007. Sampling genetic diversity in the sympatrically speciating Nicaraguan Midas cichlid species complex over a 16 year time series. BMC Evolutionary Biology 7: 25. View PDF
207. Bunje, P.M.E., Barluenga, M. and A. Meyer. 2007. Sampling genetic diversity in the sympatrically speciating Nicaraguan Midas cichlid species complex over a 16 year time series. BMC Evolutionary Biology 7: 25. View PDF
206. Luo, J., Lang, M., Salzburger, W., Siegel, N., Stölting, K.N., & A. Meyer. 2006. A BAC Library for the Goldfish Carassius auratus auratus (Cyprinidae, Cypriniformes). Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B (Molecular Development and Evolution) 306B: 567–574. View PDF
205. Arnold, M.A. and A. Meyer. 2006. Natural hybridization in primates: One evolutionary mechanism. Zoology 109: 261–276. View PDF
204. Barluenga, M., Sanetra, M. and A. Meyer. 2006. Genetic admixture of burbot (Teleostei: Lota lota) in Lake Constance from two European glacial refugia. Molecular Ecology 15: 3583-3600. View PDF
203. Chiari, Y., Orozco-terWengel, P., Vences, M., Vieites, D.R., Sarovy, A., Randrianirina, J.E., Meyer, A. and E. Louis Jr. 2006. Genetic identification of units for conservation in tomato frogs, genus Dyscophus. Conservation Genetics 7: 473-482. View PDF
202. Gibert, Y., Gajewski, A., Meyer, A. and G. Begemann. 2006. Induction and prepatterning of the zebrafish pectoral fin bud requires axial retinoic acid signaling. Development 133: 2649-2659. View PDF
201. Koblmuller, S., Sturmbauer, C., Verheyen, E., Meyer, A. and W. Salzburger. 2006. Mitochondrial phylogeny and phylogeography of East African squeaker catfishes (Siluriformes: Synodontis) BMC Evolutionary Biology 6: 49. View PDF
205. Arnold, M.A. and A. Meyer. 2006. Natural hybridization in primates: One evolutionary mechanism. Zoology 109: 261–276. View PDF
204. Barluenga, M., Sanetra, M. and A. Meyer. 2006. Genetic admixture of burbot (Teleostei: Lota lota) in Lake Constance from two European glacial refugia. Molecular Ecology 15: 3583-3600. View PDF
203. Chiari, Y., Orozco-terWengel, P., Vences, M., Vieites, D.R., Sarovy, A., Randrianirina, J.E., Meyer, A. and E. Louis Jr. 2006. Genetic identification of units for conservation in tomato frogs, genus Dyscophus. Conservation Genetics 7: 473-482. View PDF
202. Gibert, Y., Gajewski, A., Meyer, A. and G. Begemann. 2006. Induction and prepatterning of the zebrafish pectoral fin bud requires axial retinoic acid signaling. Development 133: 2649-2659. View PDF
201. Koblmuller, S., Sturmbauer, C., Verheyen, E., Meyer, A. and W. Salzburger. 2006. Mitochondrial phylogeny and phylogeography of East African squeaker catfishes (Siluriformes: Synodontis) BMC Evolutionary Biology 6: 49. View PDF
200. Steinke, D., Salzburger, W. and A. Meyer. 2006. Novel relationships among ten fish model species revealed based on a phylogenomic analysis using ESTs. Journal of Molecular Evolution 62: 772-784. View PDF
199. Steinke, D., Hoegg, S., Brinkmann, H. and A. Meyer. 2006. Three rounds (1R/2R/3R) of genome duplications and the evolution of the glycolytic pathway in vertebrates. BMC Biology 4: 16. View PDF
198. Braasch, I., Salzburger, W., and A. Meyer. 2006. Asymmetric evolution in two fish-specifically duplicated receptor tyrosine kinase paralogons involved in teleost coloration. Molecular Biology and Evolution 23: 1192-1202. View PDF
197. Vieites, D.R., Chiari, Y., Vences, M., Andreone, F., Rabemananjara, F., Bora, P., Nieto-Román, S. and A. Meyer. 2006. Mitochondrial evidence for distinct phylogeographic units in the endangered Malagasy poison frog Mantella bernhardi. Molecular Ecology 15: 1617-1625. View PDF
196. Meyer, A., W. Salzburger, and M. Schartl. 2006. Sexual selection driven hybrid origin of a new species of swordtail (Xiphophorus clemenciae, Pisces). Molecular Ecology 15: 721-730. View PDF
195. Steinke, D. Salzburger, W., Braasch, I., and A. Meyer. 2006. Many genes in fish have species-specific asymmetric rates of molecular evolution. BMC Genomics 7: 20. View PDF
194. Barluenga, M., Stolting, K.N., Salzburger, W., Muschick, M., A. Meyer. 2006. Sympatric speciation in Nicaraguan crater lake cichlid fish. Nature 439: 719-23. View PDF
198. Braasch, I., Salzburger, W., and A. Meyer. 2006. Asymmetric evolution in two fish-specifically duplicated receptor tyrosine kinase paralogons involved in teleost coloration. Molecular Biology and Evolution 23: 1192-1202. View PDF
197. Vieites, D.R., Chiari, Y., Vences, M., Andreone, F., Rabemananjara, F., Bora, P., Nieto-Román, S. and A. Meyer. 2006. Mitochondrial evidence for distinct phylogeographic units in the endangered Malagasy poison frog Mantella bernhardi. Molecular Ecology 15: 1617-1625. View PDF
196. Meyer, A., W. Salzburger, and M. Schartl. 2006. Sexual selection driven hybrid origin of a new species of swordtail (Xiphophorus clemenciae, Pisces). Molecular Ecology 15: 721-730. View PDF
195. Steinke, D. Salzburger, W., Braasch, I., and A. Meyer. 2006. Many genes in fish have species-specific asymmetric rates of molecular evolution. BMC Genomics 7: 20. View PDF
194. Barluenga, M., Stolting, K.N., Salzburger, W., Muschick, M., A. Meyer. 2006. Sympatric speciation in Nicaraguan crater lake cichlid fish. Nature 439: 719-23. View PDF
193. Lang, M., Miyake, T., Braasch, I., Tinnemore, D., Siegel, N., Salzburger, W., Amemiya, C. and A. Meyer. 2006. (with cover). A BAC library of the East African haplochromine cichlid fish, Astatotilapia burtoni. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B (Molecular Development and Evolution) 306B: 35-44. View PDF
192. Chiari, Y., F. Andreone, M. Vences and A. Meyer. 2005. Genetic variation of an endangered Malagasy frog, Mantella cowani, and its phylogenetic relationship to the widespread M. baroni. Conservation Genetics 6: 1041-1047. View PDF
191. Clabaut, C., W. Salzburger and A. Meyer. 2005. Comparative phylogenetic analyses of the adaptive radiation of Lake Tanganyika cichlid fish: nuclear sequences are less homoplasious but also less informative than mitochondrial DNA. Journal of Molecular Evolution 61: 666–681. View PDF
190. Van der Meijden, A., Vences, M., Hoegg, S. and A. Meyer. 2005. A previously unrecognized radiation of ranid frogs in Southern Africa revealed by nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequences. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 37: 674–685. View PDF
189. Cummings, M.P. and A. Meyer. 2005. Magic bullets and golden rules: Data sampling in molecular phylogenetics. Zoology 108: 329–336. View PDF
188. Sanetra, M., Becker, M.-B., Begemann, G. and A. Meyer. 2005. Conservation and co-option in developmental programs: the importance of homology relationships. Frontiers in Zoology 2(1): 15. View PDF
187. Gu, W., Gibert, Y., Wirth, T., Elischer, A., Bloch, W., Meyer, A., Steinlein, O.K. and G. Begemann. 2005. Using gene-history and expression analyses to assess the involvement of LGI genes in human disorders. Molecular Biology and Evolution 22: 2209-2216. View PDF
186. Meyer A. 2005. Kann man zusehen wie neue Arten entstehen? Pp. 71-80. In "Evolution" (J. Grolle ed.).
185. Steinke, D., Vences, M., Salzburger, W. and A. Meyer. 2005. TaxI: a software tool for DNA-barcoding using distance methods. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 360: 1975-1980. View PDF
184. Hrbek, T., Farias, I, Crossa, M., Sampaio, I., Porto, J.I.R. and Meyer, A. 2005. Population genetic analysis of Arapaima gigas, one of the largest freshwater fishes of the Amazon basin: implications for its conservation. Animal Conservation 8: 297-308. View PDF
183. Wirth, T., Meyer, A. and M. Achtman. 2005. Deciphering host migrations and origins by means of their microbes. Molecular Ecology 14: 3289–3306. View PDF
182. Meyer, A. and Y. van de Peer. 2005. From 2R to 3R: evidence for a fish-specific genome duplication (FSGD). BioEssays 27: 937–945. View PDF
189. Cummings, M.P. and A. Meyer. 2005. Magic bullets and golden rules: Data sampling in molecular phylogenetics. Zoology 108: 329–336. View PDF
188. Sanetra, M., Becker, M.-B., Begemann, G. and A. Meyer. 2005. Conservation and co-option in developmental programs: the importance of homology relationships. Frontiers in Zoology 2(1): 15. View PDF
187. Gu, W., Gibert, Y., Wirth, T., Elischer, A., Bloch, W., Meyer, A., Steinlein, O.K. and G. Begemann. 2005. Using gene-history and expression analyses to assess the involvement of LGI genes in human disorders. Molecular Biology and Evolution 22: 2209-2216. View PDF
186. Meyer A. 2005. Kann man zusehen wie neue Arten entstehen? Pp. 71-80. In "Evolution" (J. Grolle ed.).
185. Steinke, D., Vences, M., Salzburger, W. and A. Meyer. 2005. TaxI: a software tool for DNA-barcoding using distance methods. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 360: 1975-1980. View PDF
184. Hrbek, T., Farias, I, Crossa, M., Sampaio, I., Porto, J.I.R. and Meyer, A. 2005. Population genetic analysis of Arapaima gigas, one of the largest freshwater fishes of the Amazon basin: implications for its conservation. Animal Conservation 8: 297-308. View PDF
183. Wirth, T., Meyer, A. and M. Achtman. 2005. Deciphering host migrations and origins by means of their microbes. Molecular Ecology 14: 3289–3306. View PDF
182. Meyer, A. and Y. van de Peer. 2005. From 2R to 3R: evidence for a fish-specific genome duplication (FSGD). BioEssays 27: 937–945. View PDF
181. Hoegg, S. and A. Meyer. 2005. Hox clusters as models for vertebrate genome evolution. Trends in Genetics 21: 421–424. View PDF
180. Gibert, Y.D. R. McMillan, K. Kayes-Wandover, A. Meyer, G. Begemann, P. C. White. 2005. Analysis of the very large G-protein coupled receptor gene (Vlgr1/Mass1/USH2C) in zebrafish. Gene 353: 200–206. View PDF
179. Luo, J., M. Sanetra, M. Schartl, and A. Meyer. 2005. Strong Reproductive Skew Among Males in the Multiply Mated Swordtail Xiphophorus multilineatus (Teleostei). Journal of Heredity 96:346–355. View PDF
178. Echelle, A. A., E. W.Carson, A. F. Echelle, R.A. van den Bussche, T. E. Dowling and A. Meyer. 2005. Historical Biogeography of the New-World Pupfish Genus Cyprinodon (Teleostei: Cyprinodontidae). Copeia 2005: 320–339. View PDF
177. Sanetra, M. and A. Meyer. 2005. Microsatellites from the burbot (Lota lota), a freshwater gadoid fish (Teleostei). Molecular Ecology Notes 5: 390-392. View PDF
176. San Mauro, D., M. Vences, M. Alcabendas, R. Zardoya, and A. Meyer. 2005. Initial diversification of living amphibians predated the breakup of Pangea. American Naturalist 165: 590-599. View PDF
175. Barluenga, M. and A. Meyer. 2005. Old fish in a young lake: stone loach (Pisces: Barbatula barbatula) populations in Lake Constance are genetically isolated by distance. Molecular Ecology 14: 1229-1239. View PDF
174. Salzburger. W., T. Mack, E. Verheyen, and A. Meyer. 2005. Out of Tanganyika: Genesis, explosive speciation, key-innovations and phylogeography of the haplochromine cichlid fishes. BMC Evolutionary Biology 5: 17. View PDF
173. Van de Peer, Y. and A. Meyer. 2005. Large-scale gene and ancient genome duplication. In: The evolution of the genome. T. R. Gregory. Ed. Elsevier Press. Pp. 329-368. View PDF
172. Von Rintelen, T., A. B. Wilson, A. Meyer and M. Glaubrecht. 2005. Escalation and trophic specialization drive adaptive radiation of freshwater gastropods in ancient lakes on Sulawesi, Indonesia. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 271, 2541–2549. View PDF
171. Andreone, F., M. Vences, D. R. Vieites, F. Glaw and A. Meyer. 2005. Recurrent ecological adaptations revealed through a molecular analysis of the secretive cophyline frogs of Madagascar. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 34: 315 –322. View PDF
179. Luo, J., M. Sanetra, M. Schartl, and A. Meyer. 2005. Strong Reproductive Skew Among Males in the Multiply Mated Swordtail Xiphophorus multilineatus (Teleostei). Journal of Heredity 96:346–355. View PDF
178. Echelle, A. A., E. W.Carson, A. F. Echelle, R.A. van den Bussche, T. E. Dowling and A. Meyer. 2005. Historical Biogeography of the New-World Pupfish Genus Cyprinodon (Teleostei: Cyprinodontidae). Copeia 2005: 320–339. View PDF
177. Sanetra, M. and A. Meyer. 2005. Microsatellites from the burbot (Lota lota), a freshwater gadoid fish (Teleostei). Molecular Ecology Notes 5: 390-392. View PDF
176. San Mauro, D., M. Vences, M. Alcabendas, R. Zardoya, and A. Meyer. 2005. Initial diversification of living amphibians predated the breakup of Pangea. American Naturalist 165: 590-599. View PDF
175. Barluenga, M. and A. Meyer. 2005. Old fish in a young lake: stone loach (Pisces: Barbatula barbatula) populations in Lake Constance are genetically isolated by distance. Molecular Ecology 14: 1229-1239. View PDF
174. Salzburger. W., T. Mack, E. Verheyen, and A. Meyer. 2005. Out of Tanganyika: Genesis, explosive speciation, key-innovations and phylogeography of the haplochromine cichlid fishes. BMC Evolutionary Biology 5: 17. View PDF
173. Van de Peer, Y. and A. Meyer. 2005. Large-scale gene and ancient genome duplication. In: The evolution of the genome. T. R. Gregory. Ed. Elsevier Press. Pp. 329-368. View PDF
172. Von Rintelen, T., A. B. Wilson, A. Meyer and M. Glaubrecht. 2005. Escalation and trophic specialization drive adaptive radiation of freshwater gastropods in ancient lakes on Sulawesi, Indonesia. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 271, 2541–2549. View PDF
171. Andreone, F., M. Vences, D. R. Vieites, F. Glaw and A. Meyer. 2005. Recurrent ecological adaptations revealed through a molecular analysis of the secretive cophyline frogs of Madagascar. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 34: 315 –322. View PDF
170. Steinke, D., W. Salzburger and A. Meyer. 2004. EverEST – A phylogenomic EST database approach. PhyloInformatics 6: 1 -4. View PDF
169. Brinkmann, H., A. Denk, J. Zitzler, J. J. Joss, A. Meyer. 2004. Complete mitochondrial genome sequences of the South American and the Australian lungfish: testing of the phylogenetic performance of mitochondrial data sets for phylogenetic problems in tetrapod relationships. Journal of Molecular Evolution 59: 834 –848. View PDF
168. Chiari, Y., M. Vences, D. R. Vieites, F. Rabemananjara, P. Bora, O. Romilijaona Ravoahangimalala and A. Meyer. 2004. New evidence for parallel evolution of colour patterns in Malagasy poison frogs (Mantella). Molecular Ecology 13: 3763 –3774. View PDF
167. Köhler, F., T. von Rintelen, A. Meyer and M. Glaubrecht. 2004. Multiple origin of viviparity in southeast asian gastropods (Cerithoidea: Pachychilidae) and its evolutionary implications. Evolution 58: 2215–2226. View PDF
166. Vieites, D. R., S. Nieto-Roman, M. Barluenga, A. Palanca, M. Vences and A. Meyer. 2004. Post-mating clutch piracy in an amphibian. Nature 431: 305-308. View PDF
165. Chen, W-J, G. Orti and A. Meyer. 2004. Novel evolutionary relationship among four fish model systems. Trends in Genetics 20: 424-431. View PDF
164. Vences, M., S. Wanke, D. R. Vieites, W. R. Branch, F. Glaw and A. Meyer. 2004. Natural colonization or introduction? Phylogeographical relationships and morphological differentiation of house geckos (Hemidactylus) from Madagascar. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 83: 115–130. View PDF
163. Abila, R., M. Barluenga, J. Engelken, A. Meyer and W. Salzburger. 2004. Population-structure and genetic diversity in a haplochromine cichlid fish of a satellite lake of Lake Victoria. Molecular Ecology 13: 2589–2602. View PDF
162. Salzburger, W. and A. Meyer. 2004. The species flocks of East African cichlid fishes: recent advances in molecular phylogenetics and population genetics.Naturwissenschaften 91: 277-290. View PDF
161. Hoegg, S., Brinkmann, H., M. Taylor, J. and A. Meyer. 2004. Phylogenetic timing of the fish-specific genome duplication correlates with phenotypic and taxonomic diversification in fishes. Journal of Molecular Evolution 59: 190-203. View PDF
169. Brinkmann, H., A. Denk, J. Zitzler, J. J. Joss, A. Meyer. 2004. Complete mitochondrial genome sequences of the South American and the Australian lungfish: testing of the phylogenetic performance of mitochondrial data sets for phylogenetic problems in tetrapod relationships. Journal of Molecular Evolution 59: 834 –848. View PDF
168. Chiari, Y., M. Vences, D. R. Vieites, F. Rabemananjara, P. Bora, O. Romilijaona Ravoahangimalala and A. Meyer. 2004. New evidence for parallel evolution of colour patterns in Malagasy poison frogs (Mantella). Molecular Ecology 13: 3763 –3774. View PDF
167. Köhler, F., T. von Rintelen, A. Meyer and M. Glaubrecht. 2004. Multiple origin of viviparity in southeast asian gastropods (Cerithoidea: Pachychilidae) and its evolutionary implications. Evolution 58: 2215–2226. View PDF
166. Vieites, D. R., S. Nieto-Roman, M. Barluenga, A. Palanca, M. Vences and A. Meyer. 2004. Post-mating clutch piracy in an amphibian. Nature 431: 305-308. View PDF
165. Chen, W-J, G. Orti and A. Meyer. 2004. Novel evolutionary relationship among four fish model systems. Trends in Genetics 20: 424-431. View PDF
164. Vences, M., S. Wanke, D. R. Vieites, W. R. Branch, F. Glaw and A. Meyer. 2004. Natural colonization or introduction? Phylogeographical relationships and morphological differentiation of house geckos (Hemidactylus) from Madagascar. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 83: 115–130. View PDF
163. Abila, R., M. Barluenga, J. Engelken, A. Meyer and W. Salzburger. 2004. Population-structure and genetic diversity in a haplochromine cichlid fish of a satellite lake of Lake Victoria. Molecular Ecology 13: 2589–2602. View PDF
162. Salzburger, W. and A. Meyer. 2004. The species flocks of East African cichlid fishes: recent advances in molecular phylogenetics and population genetics.Naturwissenschaften 91: 277-290. View PDF
161. Hoegg, S., Brinkmann, H., M. Taylor, J. and A. Meyer. 2004. Phylogenetic timing of the fish-specific genome duplication correlates with phenotypic and taxonomic diversification in fishes. Journal of Molecular Evolution 59: 190-203. View PDF
160. Begemann, G., M. Marx, K. Mebus, A. Meyer, and M. Bastmeyer. 2004. Beyond the neckless phenotype: influence of reduced retinoic acid signaling on motor neuron development in the zebrafish hindbrain. Developmental Biology 271: 119–129. View PDF
159. Barluenga, M. and A. Meyer. 2004. The Midas cichlid species complex: incipient sympatric speciation in Nicaraguan cichlid fishes? Molecular Ecology 13: 2061-2076. View PDF
158. Hrbek, T., K. N. Stölting, Fevzi Bardakci, F. Küçük, R. H. Wildekamp and A. Meyer. 2004. Plate tectonics and biogeographical patterns of the Pseudophoxinus (Pisces: Cypriniformes) species complex of central Anatolia, Turkey. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 32: 297-308. View PDF
157. Hoegg, S., M. Vences, H. Brinkmann and A. Meyer. 2004. Phylogeny and comparative substitution rates of frogs inferred from sequences of three nuclear genes. Molecular Biology and Evolution 21: 1188-1200. View PDF
156. Van der Meijden, A., M. Vences and A. Meyer. 2004. Novel Phylogenetic relationships of the enigmatic brevicipitine and scaphiophrynine toads as revealed by sequences from the nuclear Rag-1 gene. Proceeding of the Royal Society B 271: S378-S381. View PDF
155. Brinkmann, H., B. Venkatesh, S. Brenner and A. Meyer. 2004. Nuclear protein-coding genes support lungfish and not the coelacanth as the closest living relatives of land vertebrates. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 101: 4900-4905. View PDF
154. Zardoya, R. and A. Meyer. 2004. Molecular evidence on the origin and phylogenetic relationships of the major groups of vertebrates. pp. 209-217. In Moya, A. (ed.) From molecules to ecosystems. Blackwell. View PDF
153. Wilson, A.B., M. Glaubrecht and A. Meyer. 2004. Ancient lakes as evolutionary reservoirs: evidence from the thalassoid gastropods of Lake Tanganyika. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B. 217: 529-536. View PDF
152. Vandepoele, K., W. de Vos, J.S. Taylor, A. Meyer and Y. van de Peer. 2004. Major events in the genome evolution of vertebrates: Paranome age and size differ considerably between ray-finned fishes and land vertebrates. Proceedings of the National Acadamy of Science, USA 101: 1638-1643. View PDF
151. Vences, M., Y. Chiari, L. Raharivololoniaina, and A. Meyer. 2004. High mitochondrial diversity within and among populations of Malagasy poison frogs. Molecular Phylogenitics and Evolution 2: 295-307. View PDF
158. Hrbek, T., K. N. Stölting, Fevzi Bardakci, F. Küçük, R. H. Wildekamp and A. Meyer. 2004. Plate tectonics and biogeographical patterns of the Pseudophoxinus (Pisces: Cypriniformes) species complex of central Anatolia, Turkey. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 32: 297-308. View PDF
157. Hoegg, S., M. Vences, H. Brinkmann and A. Meyer. 2004. Phylogeny and comparative substitution rates of frogs inferred from sequences of three nuclear genes. Molecular Biology and Evolution 21: 1188-1200. View PDF
156. Van der Meijden, A., M. Vences and A. Meyer. 2004. Novel Phylogenetic relationships of the enigmatic brevicipitine and scaphiophrynine toads as revealed by sequences from the nuclear Rag-1 gene. Proceeding of the Royal Society B 271: S378-S381. View PDF
155. Brinkmann, H., B. Venkatesh, S. Brenner and A. Meyer. 2004. Nuclear protein-coding genes support lungfish and not the coelacanth as the closest living relatives of land vertebrates. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 101: 4900-4905. View PDF
154. Zardoya, R. and A. Meyer. 2004. Molecular evidence on the origin and phylogenetic relationships of the major groups of vertebrates. pp. 209-217. In Moya, A. (ed.) From molecules to ecosystems. Blackwell. View PDF
153. Wilson, A.B., M. Glaubrecht and A. Meyer. 2004. Ancient lakes as evolutionary reservoirs: evidence from the thalassoid gastropods of Lake Tanganyika. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B. 217: 529-536. View PDF
152. Vandepoele, K., W. de Vos, J.S. Taylor, A. Meyer and Y. van de Peer. 2004. Major events in the genome evolution of vertebrates: Paranome age and size differ considerably between ray-finned fishes and land vertebrates. Proceedings of the National Acadamy of Science, USA 101: 1638-1643. View PDF
151. Vences, M., Y. Chiari, L. Raharivololoniaina, and A. Meyer. 2004. High mitochondrial diversity within and among populations of Malagasy poison frogs. Molecular Phylogenitics and Evolution 2: 295-307. View PDF
150. Farias, I., T. Hrbek, H. Brinkmann, I. Sampaio and A. Meyer. 2003. Characterization and isolation of DNA microsatellite primers for Arapaima gigas, an economically important but severely over-exploited fish species of the Amazon basin. Molecular Ecology Notes 3: 128–130. View PDF
149. Vences, M., D. Vieites, F. Glaw, H. Brinkmann, J. Kosuch, M. Veith and A. Meyer. 2003. Multiple overseas dispersal in amphibians.Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B. 270: 2435-2442. View PDF
148. Zardoya, R., E. Malaga-Trillo, M. Veith, A. Meyer. 2003. Complete nucleotide sequence of the mitochondrial genome of a salamander, Mertensiella luschani.Gene 317: 17-27. View PDF
147. Klingenberg, C., M. Barluenga and A. Meyer. 2003. Body shape variation in cichlid fishes of the Amphilophus citrinellus species complex. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 80: 397-408. View PDF
146. Zauner, H., G. Begemann, M. Marý -Beffa, and A. Meyer. 2003. Differential regulation of msx genes in the development of the gonopodium, an intromittent organ, and of the "sword" a sexually selected trait of swordtail fishes (Xiphophorus).Evolution and Development 5: 466-477. View PDF
145. Meyer, A. and R. Zardoya. 2003. Recent advances in the (molecular) phylogeny of vertebrates. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 34: 311-338. View PDF
144. Salzburger, W., A. Brandstätter, A. Giles, W. Parson, M. Hempel, C. Sturmbauer and A. Meyer. 2003. Phylogeography of the vairone (Leuciscus souffia, Risso1826) in Central Europe. Molecular Ecology 12, 2371–2386. View PDF
149. Vences, M., D. Vieites, F. Glaw, H. Brinkmann, J. Kosuch, M. Veith and A. Meyer. 2003. Multiple overseas dispersal in amphibians.Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B. 270: 2435-2442. View PDF
148. Zardoya, R., E. Malaga-Trillo, M. Veith, A. Meyer. 2003. Complete nucleotide sequence of the mitochondrial genome of a salamander, Mertensiella luschani.Gene 317: 17-27. View PDF
147. Klingenberg, C., M. Barluenga and A. Meyer. 2003. Body shape variation in cichlid fishes of the Amphilophus citrinellus species complex. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 80: 397-408. View PDF
146. Zauner, H., G. Begemann, M. Marý -Beffa, and A. Meyer. 2003. Differential regulation of msx genes in the development of the gonopodium, an intromittent organ, and of the "sword" a sexually selected trait of swordtail fishes (Xiphophorus).Evolution and Development 5: 466-477. View PDF
145. Meyer, A. and R. Zardoya. 2003. Recent advances in the (molecular) phylogeny of vertebrates. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 34: 311-338. View PDF
144. Salzburger, W., A. Brandstätter, A. Giles, W. Parson, M. Hempel, C. Sturmbauer and A. Meyer. 2003. Phylogeography of the vairone (Leuciscus souffia, Risso1826) in Central Europe. Molecular Ecology 12, 2371–2386. View PDF
143. Wilson A. B., I. Ahnesjo, A. C. J. Vincent and A. Meyer. 2003. The dynamics of male brooding, mating patterns, and sex roles in pipefishes and seahorses (Family Syngnathidae). Evolution 57: 1374-1386. View PDF
142. Santini S., J. L. Boore, and A. Meyer. 2003. Evolutionary Conservation of Regulatory Elements in Vertebrate Hox Gene Clusters. Genome Research 13: 1111-1122. View PDF
141. Van de Peer, Y., Taylor, J.S. and A. Meyer. 2003. Are all fishes ancient polyploids? In: Genome Evolution, Meyer A. and Y. Van de Peer (eds.) Kluver Academic Publishers. (same as #138) View PDF
140. Meyer, A. and Y. Van de Peer. 2003. "Natural selection merely modified while redundancy created"-Susumu Ohno's idea of the evolutionary importance of gene and genome duplications. In: Genome Evolution, Meyer A. and Y. Van de Peer (eds.) Kluwer Academic Publishers. (same as #137) View PDF
141. Van de Peer, Y., Taylor, J.S. and A. Meyer. 2003. Are all fishes ancient polyploids? In: Genome Evolution, Meyer A. and Y. Van de Peer (eds.) Kluver Academic Publishers. (same as #138) View PDF
140. Meyer, A. and Y. Van de Peer. 2003. "Natural selection merely modified while redundancy created"-Susumu Ohno's idea of the evolutionary importance of gene and genome duplications. In: Genome Evolution, Meyer A. and Y. Van de Peer (eds.) Kluwer Academic Publishers. (same as #137) View PDF
139. Verheyen, E., Salzburger, W., Snocks, J. and A. Meyer. 2003. The origin of the superflock of cichlid fishes from Lake Victoria, East Africa. Science 300: 325-329. View PDF
138. Van de Peer, Y., Taylor, J.S. and A. Meyer. 2003. Are all fishes ancient polyploids? Journal of Structural and Functional Genomics 3: 65-73. View PDF
137. Meyer, A. and Y. Van de Peer. 2003. "Natural selection merely modified while redundancy created" - Susumu Ohno's idea of the evolutionary importance of gene and genome duplications. Journal of Structural and Functional Genomics 3: VII-IX. View PDF
136. Taylor, J.S., Braasch, I., Frickey, T., A. Meyer and Y. Van de Peer. 2003. Genome duplication, a trait shared by 22,000 species of ray-finned fish. Genome Research 13: 382-390. View PDF
135. Hrbek, T. and A. Meyer. 2003. The closing of the Thethys and the phylogeny of Eurasian killifishes (Cyprinodontiformes: Cyprinodontidae). Journal of Evolutionary Biology 16:17-36. View PDF
137. Meyer, A. and Y. Van de Peer. 2003. "Natural selection merely modified while redundancy created" - Susumu Ohno's idea of the evolutionary importance of gene and genome duplications. Journal of Structural and Functional Genomics 3: VII-IX. View PDF
136. Taylor, J.S., Braasch, I., Frickey, T., A. Meyer and Y. Van de Peer. 2003. Genome duplication, a trait shared by 22,000 species of ray-finned fish. Genome Research 13: 382-390. View PDF
135. Hrbek, T. and A. Meyer. 2003. The closing of the Thethys and the phylogeny of Eurasian killifishes (Cyprinodontiformes: Cyprinodontidae). Journal of Evolutionary Biology 16:17-36. View PDF
134. Klingenberg, C.P., M. Barluenga and A. Meyer. 2002. Shape analysis of symmetric structures: quantifying variation among individuals and asymmetry. Evolution 56: 1909-1920. View PDF
133. Vences, M., F. Andreone, F. Glaw, J. Kosuch, A. Meyer and M. Veith. 2002. The radiation of the Malagasy treefrog genus Boophis: high genetic divergence of sibling species and brook breeding as possible key innovation. Molecular Ecology 11: 1453-1463. View PDF
132. Forstmeier, W., Kempenaers, B., Meyer, A. and B. Leisler. 2002. A novel song parameter correlates with extra-pair paternity and reflects male longevity. Proceeding of the Royal Society 269: 1479-1485. View PDF
131. Hrbek, T., Küçük F., Frickey, T., Stölting, K.N., Wildekamp, R., and A. Meyer. 2002. Molecular phylogeny and historical biogeography of the Aphenius (Pisces, Cyprinodontiformes) species complex of central Anatolia, Turkey. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 25: 125-137. View PDF
130. Begemann, G, Gibert, Y, A. Meyer and Ingham, P. W. 2002. Cloning of zebrafish T-box genes tbx15 and tbx18 and their expression during embryonic development. Mechanisms of Development 114: 137-141. View PDF
129. Salzburger, W., Meyer A., Baric S, Verheyen E. and C. Sturmbauer. 2002. Phylogeny of the Lake Tanganyika cichlid species flock and its relationship to the Central- and East African haplochromine cichlid fauna. Systematic Biology 51: 113-135. View PDF
128. Klett, V.M. and A. Meyer. 2002. What, if anything, is a Tilapia? - Mitochondrial ND2 phylogeny of tilapiines and the evolution of parental care systems in the African cichlid fishes. Molecular Biology and Evolution 19: 865-883. View PDF
127. Van de Peer, Y., Frickey, T., J.S. Taylor and A. Meyer. 2002. Dealing with saturation at the amino acid level: A case study based on anciently duplicated zebrafish genes. Gene 295: 205-211. View PDF
126. Obornik, M.,Van de Peer, Y., Hypsa, V., Frickey, T., Slapeta, J.R, Meyer, A. and J. Lukes. 2002. Phylogenetic analyses suggest lateral gene transfer from the mitochondrion to the apicoplast. Gene 285: 109-118. View PDF
125. Malaga-Trillo, Lang, D.M, Laessing, U., Meyer, A. and C. A.O. Stuermer. 2002. Evolution of duplicated reggie genes in zebrafish and goldfish. Journal of Molecular Evolution 54: 235-245. View PDF
124. Meyer, A. 2002. The stuff new species are made of? Nature Genetics (News and Views) 30: 127-128. View PDF
123. Van de Peer, Y., Taylor, J.S., Jayabalan, J. and A. Meyer. 2002. WANDA: A database of duplicated fish genes. Nucleic Acids Research30: 99-102. View PDF
122. Seckinger, J., Brinkmann, H., and A. Meyer. 2002. Microsatellites in the genus Xiphophorus, developed in Xiphophorus montezumae. Molecular Ecology Notes 2: 4-6. View PDF
133. Vences, M., F. Andreone, F. Glaw, J. Kosuch, A. Meyer and M. Veith. 2002. The radiation of the Malagasy treefrog genus Boophis: high genetic divergence of sibling species and brook breeding as possible key innovation. Molecular Ecology 11: 1453-1463. View PDF
132. Forstmeier, W., Kempenaers, B., Meyer, A. and B. Leisler. 2002. A novel song parameter correlates with extra-pair paternity and reflects male longevity. Proceeding of the Royal Society 269: 1479-1485. View PDF
131. Hrbek, T., Küçük F., Frickey, T., Stölting, K.N., Wildekamp, R., and A. Meyer. 2002. Molecular phylogeny and historical biogeography of the Aphenius (Pisces, Cyprinodontiformes) species complex of central Anatolia, Turkey. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 25: 125-137. View PDF
130. Begemann, G, Gibert, Y, A. Meyer and Ingham, P. W. 2002. Cloning of zebrafish T-box genes tbx15 and tbx18 and their expression during embryonic development. Mechanisms of Development 114: 137-141. View PDF
129. Salzburger, W., Meyer A., Baric S, Verheyen E. and C. Sturmbauer. 2002. Phylogeny of the Lake Tanganyika cichlid species flock and its relationship to the Central- and East African haplochromine cichlid fauna. Systematic Biology 51: 113-135. View PDF
128. Klett, V.M. and A. Meyer. 2002. What, if anything, is a Tilapia? - Mitochondrial ND2 phylogeny of tilapiines and the evolution of parental care systems in the African cichlid fishes. Molecular Biology and Evolution 19: 865-883. View PDF
127. Van de Peer, Y., Frickey, T., J.S. Taylor and A. Meyer. 2002. Dealing with saturation at the amino acid level: A case study based on anciently duplicated zebrafish genes. Gene 295: 205-211. View PDF
126. Obornik, M.,Van de Peer, Y., Hypsa, V., Frickey, T., Slapeta, J.R, Meyer, A. and J. Lukes. 2002. Phylogenetic analyses suggest lateral gene transfer from the mitochondrion to the apicoplast. Gene 285: 109-118. View PDF
125. Malaga-Trillo, Lang, D.M, Laessing, U., Meyer, A. and C. A.O. Stuermer. 2002. Evolution of duplicated reggie genes in zebrafish and goldfish. Journal of Molecular Evolution 54: 235-245. View PDF
124. Meyer, A. 2002. The stuff new species are made of? Nature Genetics (News and Views) 30: 127-128. View PDF
123. Van de Peer, Y., Taylor, J.S., Jayabalan, J. and A. Meyer. 2002. WANDA: A database of duplicated fish genes. Nucleic Acids Research30: 99-102. View PDF
122. Seckinger, J., Brinkmann, H., and A. Meyer. 2002. Microsatellites in the genus Xiphophorus, developed in Xiphophorus montezumae. Molecular Ecology Notes 2: 4-6. View PDF
121. Taylor, J.S., Van de Peer, Y., A. Meyer. 2001. Revisiting a recent test of the ancient fish-specific genome duplication hypothesis. Current Biology11: R1005-1007. View PDF
120. Begemann, G. and A. Meyer 2001. Hindbrain patterning revisited: timing and effects of retinoic acid signaling. BioEssays 23: 981- 986. View PDF
119. Malaga-Trillo, E. and A. Meyer. 2001. Genome duplications and accelerated evolution of Hox genes and cluster architecture in teleost fishes. American Zoologist 41: 676-686. View PDF
118. Gerlach, G. Schardt, U., Eckmann, R. and A. Meyer. 2001. Kin structured subpopulations of the European perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) in Lake Constance.Heredity 86: 213-221. View PDF
117. Taylor, J., Van de Peer, Y. Braasch, I. and A. Meyer. 2001. Comparative genomics provides evidence for an ancient genome duplication in fish. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 356: 1661-1679. View PDF
116. Van de Peer, I., Taylor, J., Braasch, I. and A. Meyer. 2001. Ghosts of selection past: rates of evolution of anciently duplicated genes. Journal of Molecular Evolution. 53: 434-444. View PDF
115. Mindell, D.P. and A. Meyer. 2001. Homology evolving. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 16: 434-440. View PDF
114. Farias, I.P., Ortî, G. Sampaio, I. Schneider, H. and Meyer, A. 2001. The cytochrome b gene as a phylogenetic marker: the limits of resolution for analyzing relationships among cichlid fishes. Journal of Molecular Evolution 53: 89-103. View PDF
113. Wilson, A.B., Vincent, A., Ahensjö, I. and Meyer, A. 2001. Male pregnancy in seahorses and pipefishes (Family Syngnathidae): Rapid diversification of paternal brood pouch morphology inferred from a molecular phylogeny. Journal of Heredity 92: 159-166. View PDF
120. Begemann, G. and A. Meyer 2001. Hindbrain patterning revisited: timing and effects of retinoic acid signaling. BioEssays 23: 981- 986. View PDF
119. Malaga-Trillo, E. and A. Meyer. 2001. Genome duplications and accelerated evolution of Hox genes and cluster architecture in teleost fishes. American Zoologist 41: 676-686. View PDF
118. Gerlach, G. Schardt, U., Eckmann, R. and A. Meyer. 2001. Kin structured subpopulations of the European perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) in Lake Constance.Heredity 86: 213-221. View PDF
117. Taylor, J., Van de Peer, Y. Braasch, I. and A. Meyer. 2001. Comparative genomics provides evidence for an ancient genome duplication in fish. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 356: 1661-1679. View PDF
116. Van de Peer, I., Taylor, J., Braasch, I. and A. Meyer. 2001. Ghosts of selection past: rates of evolution of anciently duplicated genes. Journal of Molecular Evolution. 53: 434-444. View PDF
115. Mindell, D.P. and A. Meyer. 2001. Homology evolving. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 16: 434-440. View PDF
114. Farias, I.P., Ortî, G. Sampaio, I. Schneider, H. and Meyer, A. 2001. The cytochrome b gene as a phylogenetic marker: the limits of resolution for analyzing relationships among cichlid fishes. Journal of Molecular Evolution 53: 89-103. View PDF
113. Wilson, A.B., Vincent, A., Ahensjö, I. and Meyer, A. 2001. Male pregnancy in seahorses and pipefishes (Family Syngnathidae): Rapid diversification of paternal brood pouch morphology inferred from a molecular phylogeny. Journal of Heredity 92: 159-166. View PDF
112. Zardoya, R. and A. Meyer. 2001. The evolutionary position of turtles revised. Naturwissenschaften 88: 193-200. View PDF
111. Zardoya, R. and A. Meyer. 2001. Vertebrate phylogeny: limits of inference of mitochondrial genome and nuclear rRNA sequence data due to an adverse phylogenetic signal/homoplasy ratio. Pp. 135-155. In: "Major events in early vertebrate evolution: paleontology, phylogeny and development" Per Ahlberg ed. Taylor and Francis. View PDF
110. Taylor, J., Van de Peer, Y. and A. Meyer. 2001. Genome duplication, divergent resolution and speciation. Trends in Genetics 17: 299-301. View PDF
109. Zardoya, R. and A. Meyer. 2001. On the origin of and phylogenetic relationships among living amphibians. Proceedings National Acadamy of Science USA 98:7380-7383. View PDF
110. Taylor, J., Van de Peer, Y. and A. Meyer. 2001. Genome duplication, divergent resolution and speciation. Trends in Genetics 17: 299-301. View PDF
109. Zardoya, R. and A. Meyer. 2001. On the origin of and phylogenetic relationships among living amphibians. Proceedings National Acadamy of Science USA 98:7380-7383. View PDF
108. Rüber, L., Meyer, A., Sturmbauer, C. and E. Verheyen. 2001. Population structure in two sympatric species of Lake Tanganyika cichlid tribe Eretmodini: evidence for introgression. Molecular Ecology 10: 1207-1225. View PDF
107. Kretzmann, M., Gemmell, N.J., and A. Meyer. 2001. Microsatellite analysis of population structure in the endangered Hawaiian monk seal. Conservation Biology 15: 457-466. View PDF
106. Volff, J.-N., Körting, C., Meyer. A. and M Schartl. 2001. Evolution and discontinuous distribution of Rex3 retrotransposons in fish. Molecular Biology and Evolution 18: 427-431. View PDF
106. Volff, J.-N., Körting, C., Meyer. A. and M Schartl. 2001. Evolution and discontinuous distribution of Rex3 retrotransposons in fish. Molecular Biology and Evolution 18: 427-431. View PDF
105. Garner, T.W.J, Brinkmann, H., Gerlach, G., Meyer, A., P.I.Ward, Spörri, M, and D.J. Hosken. 2000. Polymorphic DNA microsatellites identified in the yellow dung fly (Scathopahga stercoraria). Molecular Ecology 9: 2207-2208. View PDF
104. Van de Peer, Y., Baldauf, S.L., Doolittle, W.F. and A. Meyer. 2000. A comprehensive rate-calibrated phylogeny of (crown) eukaryotes using rRNA sequences and comparison with protein data. Journal of Molecular Evolution 51: 565-576. View PDF
103. Cassens, I., Vicario, S., Waddell, V.G., Balchowsky, H., Van Belle, D., Ding, W., Fan, C., Lal Mohan, R.S.L., Simones-Lopes, P.C., Bastida, R., Meyer, A., Stanhope, M.J. and Milinkovitch, M.C. 2000. Independent adaptation to riverine habitats allowed survival of ancient cetacean lineages. Proceedings of National Academy of Science, USA 97: 11343-11347. View PDF
104. Van de Peer, Y., Baldauf, S.L., Doolittle, W.F. and A. Meyer. 2000. A comprehensive rate-calibrated phylogeny of (crown) eukaryotes using rRNA sequences and comparison with protein data. Journal of Molecular Evolution 51: 565-576. View PDF
103. Cassens, I., Vicario, S., Waddell, V.G., Balchowsky, H., Van Belle, D., Ding, W., Fan, C., Lal Mohan, R.S.L., Simones-Lopes, P.C., Bastida, R., Meyer, A., Stanhope, M.J. and Milinkovitch, M.C. 2000. Independent adaptation to riverine habitats allowed survival of ancient cetacean lineages. Proceedings of National Academy of Science, USA 97: 11343-11347. View PDF
102. Wilson, A.B. Noack-Kuhnmann, K. and A. Meyer. 2000. Incipient speciation in sympatric Nicaraguan crater lake cichlid fishes: sexual selection versus ecological diversification. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Ser. B 267: 2133-2141. View PDF
101. Martin, Y., Gerlach, G., Schlötterer, C. and A. Meyer. 2000. Molecular phylogeny of European muroid rodents based on complete cytochrome b sequences. Molecular Phylogenitics and Evolution 16: 37-47. View PDF
100. Zardoya, R. and A. Meyer. 2000. Mitochondrial evidence on the phylogenetic position of Caecilians (Amphibia: Gymnophiona). Genetics 155: 765-775. View PDF
99. Van der Peer, Y., Ben Ali, A., and A. Meyer. 2000. Microsporidia: accumulating molecular evidence that a group of amitochondriate and suspectedly primitive eukaryotes are just curious fungi. Gene 246: 1-8. View PDF
100. Zardoya, R. and A. Meyer. 2000. Mitochondrial evidence on the phylogenetic position of Caecilians (Amphibia: Gymnophiona). Genetics 155: 765-775. View PDF
99. Van der Peer, Y., Ben Ali, A., and A. Meyer. 2000. Microsporidia: accumulating molecular evidence that a group of amitochondriate and suspectedly primitive eukaryotes are just curious fungi. Gene 246: 1-8. View PDF
98. Farias, I, Ortí, G. and A. Meyer. 2000. Total evidence: molecules, morphology, and the phylogenetics of cichlid fishes. Journal of Experimental Zoology - Molecular and Developmental Evolution 288: 76-92. View PDF
97. Noack, K., A.B. Wilson and A. Meyer. 2000. Broad taxonomic applicability of microsatellites developed for the highly polymorphic Neotropical cichlid, Amphilophus citrinellum. Animal Genetics 31: 151-152. View PDF
96. Hilbish, J., A. Mullinax, S.I. Dolven. A. Meyer, R.K. Koehn, and P. D. Rawson. 2000. The origin of the antitropical distribution pattern in marine mussels (Mytilus spp.): routes and timing of transequitorial migration. Marine Biology 136: 69-77. View PDF
96. Hilbish, J., A. Mullinax, S.I. Dolven. A. Meyer, R.K. Koehn, and P. D. Rawson. 2000. The origin of the antitropical distribution pattern in marine mussels (Mytilus spp.): routes and timing of transequitorial migration. Marine Biology 136: 69-77. View PDF
95. Meyer, A. and M. Schartl. 1999. Gene and genome duplications in vertebrates: the one-to-four (to eight in fish) rule and the evolution of novel gene functions. Current Opinions in Cell Biology 11: 699-704. View PDF
94. Rüber, L, E. Verheyen and A. Meyer. 1999. Replicated evolution of trophic specializations in an endemic cichlid fish lineage from Lake Tanganyika. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 96: 10230-10235. View PDF
93. Ali, A.B., J. Wuyts, R. De Wachter, A. Meyer and Y. Van de Peer. 1999. Construction of a variability map for eukaryotic large subunit ribosomal RNA. Nucleic Acids Research 27: 2825-2831. View PDF
92. Stiassny, M.L.J. and A. Meyer. 1999. Buntbarsche Meister der Anpassung. Spektrum der Wissenschaft (June) 36-43. View PDF
91. Farias, I.P., G. Ortî, I. Sampaio, H. Schneider and A. Meyer. 1999. Mitochondrial DNA phylogeny of the family Cichlidae: Monophyly and fast molecular evolution of the Neotropical assemblage. Journal of Molecular Evolution 48: 703-711. View PDF
90. Meyer, A. and E. Málaga-Trillo. 1999. Vertebrate genomics: More fishy tales about fish Hox genes. Current Biology 9: R210-213. View PDF
89. Stiassny, M.L.J. and A. Meyer. 1999. Cichlids of the African Rift Lakes. Scientific American 280: 64-69. View PDF
88. Meyer, A. 1999. Homology and homoplasy: the retention of genetic programmes. p. 141-157. In: "Homology" Bock, G. (ed.), Wiley. View PDF
87. Braga, E, R. Zardoya, A. Meyer and J. Yen. 1999. Mitochondrial and nuclear rDNA based copepod phylogeny with emphasis on the Euchaetidae (Calanoidae). Marine Biology 133: 79-90. View PDF
94. Rüber, L, E. Verheyen and A. Meyer. 1999. Replicated evolution of trophic specializations in an endemic cichlid fish lineage from Lake Tanganyika. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 96: 10230-10235. View PDF
93. Ali, A.B., J. Wuyts, R. De Wachter, A. Meyer and Y. Van de Peer. 1999. Construction of a variability map for eukaryotic large subunit ribosomal RNA. Nucleic Acids Research 27: 2825-2831. View PDF
92. Stiassny, M.L.J. and A. Meyer. 1999. Buntbarsche Meister der Anpassung. Spektrum der Wissenschaft (June) 36-43. View PDF
91. Farias, I.P., G. Ortî, I. Sampaio, H. Schneider and A. Meyer. 1999. Mitochondrial DNA phylogeny of the family Cichlidae: Monophyly and fast molecular evolution of the Neotropical assemblage. Journal of Molecular Evolution 48: 703-711. View PDF
90. Meyer, A. and E. Málaga-Trillo. 1999. Vertebrate genomics: More fishy tales about fish Hox genes. Current Biology 9: R210-213. View PDF
89. Stiassny, M.L.J. and A. Meyer. 1999. Cichlids of the African Rift Lakes. Scientific American 280: 64-69. View PDF
88. Meyer, A. 1999. Homology and homoplasy: the retention of genetic programmes. p. 141-157. In: "Homology" Bock, G. (ed.), Wiley. View PDF
87. Braga, E, R. Zardoya, A. Meyer and J. Yen. 1999. Mitochondrial and nuclear rDNA based copepod phylogeny with emphasis on the Euchaetidae (Calanoidae). Marine Biology 133: 79-90. View PDF
86. Meyer, A. 1998. We are devo evo. Trends in Genetics 14: 482-483. View PDF
85. Zardoya, R. and A. Meyer. 1998. Complete mitochondrial genome suggests diapsid affinities of turtles. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA. 95: 14226-14231. View PDF
84. Horovitz, I., R. Zardoya and A. Meyer. 1998. New world monkey systematics: A simultaneous analysis of molecular and morphological data. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 106: 261-281. View PDF
83. Abouheif, E., R. Zardoya and A. Meyer. 1998. Limitations of metazoan 18S rRNA sequence data: Implications for reconstructing a phylogeny of the animal kingdom and inferring the reality of the Cambrian explosion. Journal of Molecular Evolution 47: 394-405. View PDF
82. Zardoya, R. and A. Meyer. 1998. Cloning and characterization of a microsatellite in the mitochondrial control region of the African side-necked turtle, Pelomedusa subrufa. Gene 215: 149-153. View PDF
85. Zardoya, R. and A. Meyer. 1998. Complete mitochondrial genome suggests diapsid affinities of turtles. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA. 95: 14226-14231. View PDF
84. Horovitz, I., R. Zardoya and A. Meyer. 1998. New world monkey systematics: A simultaneous analysis of molecular and morphological data. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 106: 261-281. View PDF
83. Abouheif, E., R. Zardoya and A. Meyer. 1998. Limitations of metazoan 18S rRNA sequence data: Implications for reconstructing a phylogeny of the animal kingdom and inferring the reality of the Cambrian explosion. Journal of Molecular Evolution 47: 394-405. View PDF
82. Zardoya, R. and A. Meyer. 1998. Cloning and characterization of a microsatellite in the mitochondrial control region of the African side-necked turtle, Pelomedusa subrufa. Gene 215: 149-153. View PDF
81. Wittbrodt, J., A. Meyer and M. Schartl.1998. More genes in fish? BioEssays 20: 511-515. View PDF
80. Streelman, T., R. Zardoya, A. Meyer and S. Karl. 1998. Multiple gene genealogical analyses of cichlid fishes (Pisces: Perciformes): comparison of microsatellite flanking regions and single-copy nuclear DNA. Molecular Biology and Evolution 15: 798-808. View PDF
79. Zardoya, R., Y. Cao, M. Hasegawa and A. Meyer. 1998. Searching for the closest living relative(s) of tetrapods through analyses of mitochondrial and nuclear DNA data sets. Molecular Biology and Evolution 15: 506-517. View PDF
78. Veith, M., Steinfartz, S., Zardoya, R., Seitz, A., and A. Meyer. 1998. A molecular phylogeny of "true" salamanders (Family Salamandridae) and the evolution of terrestriality of reproductive modes. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 36: 7-16. View PDF
77. Meyer A. 1998. Hox gene variation and evolution. Nature (News and Views) 391: 225-228. View PDF
76. Rüber, L., E. Verheyen, C. Sturmbauer and A. Meyer. 1998. Lake level fluctuations and speciation in rock-dwelling cichlid fish in Lake Tanganyika, East Africa. pp. 225-240. In: Evolution on Islands, P.R. Grant. ed., Oxford University Press. View PDF
79. Zardoya, R., Y. Cao, M. Hasegawa and A. Meyer. 1998. Searching for the closest living relative(s) of tetrapods through analyses of mitochondrial and nuclear DNA data sets. Molecular Biology and Evolution 15: 506-517. View PDF
78. Veith, M., Steinfartz, S., Zardoya, R., Seitz, A., and A. Meyer. 1998. A molecular phylogeny of "true" salamanders (Family Salamandridae) and the evolution of terrestriality of reproductive modes. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 36: 7-16. View PDF
77. Meyer A. 1998. Hox gene variation and evolution. Nature (News and Views) 391: 225-228. View PDF
76. Rüber, L., E. Verheyen, C. Sturmbauer and A. Meyer. 1998. Lake level fluctuations and speciation in rock-dwelling cichlid fish in Lake Tanganyika, East Africa. pp. 225-240. In: Evolution on Islands, P.R. Grant. ed., Oxford University Press. View PDF
75. Abouheif, E., M. Akam, M., W.J. Dickinson, P.W.H. Holland, A. Meyer, N. Patel, R. Raff, L. Roth and G. Wray. 1997. Homology and developmental genes. Trends in Genetics 13: 432-433. View PDF
74. Meyer, A. 1997. The evolution of sexually selected traits in male swordtail fishes (Xiphophorus: Poecilidae). Heredity 79: 329-337. View PDF
73. Reinthal, P.N. and A. Meyer. 1997. Molecular phylogenetic tests of speciation models in African cichlid fishes. pp. 375-390. In: Molecular Evolution and Adaptive Radiations Givnish, T.J. and Sytsma, K.J. eds. Cambridge University Press. View PDF
72. Horovitz, I. and A. Meyer. 1997. The importance of key innovations in the evolution of New World monkeys inferred from a combined phylogenetic analysis of nuclear, mitochondrial, and morphological data. pp. 189-224. In: Molecular Evolution and Adaptive Radiations. Givnish, T.J. and Sytsma, K.J. eds., Cambridge University Press. View PDF
71. Bargelloni, L., T. Patarnello, P.A. Ritchie, B. Battaglia and A. Meyer.1997. Molecular phylogeny and evolution of Notothenioid fish based on partial sequences of the 12S and 16S ribosomal RNA mitochondrial genes. pp. 45-50. In: Antarctic Communities SCAR-symposium proceedings, Wolton, D.W.H., Valencia, J. and B. Battaglia, (eds.), Cambridge University Press. View PDF
70. Sturmbauer, C., L. Rüber, E. Verheyen and A. Meyer. 1997. Phylogeographic patterns in populations of cichlid fishes from rocky habitats in Lake Tanganyika.pp. 93-107. In: Molecular Phylogenetics of Fishes. C.A. Stepien and T.D. Kocher. (eds.), Academic Press. View PDF
74. Meyer, A. 1997. The evolution of sexually selected traits in male swordtail fishes (Xiphophorus: Poecilidae). Heredity 79: 329-337. View PDF
73. Reinthal, P.N. and A. Meyer. 1997. Molecular phylogenetic tests of speciation models in African cichlid fishes. pp. 375-390. In: Molecular Evolution and Adaptive Radiations Givnish, T.J. and Sytsma, K.J. eds. Cambridge University Press. View PDF
72. Horovitz, I. and A. Meyer. 1997. The importance of key innovations in the evolution of New World monkeys inferred from a combined phylogenetic analysis of nuclear, mitochondrial, and morphological data. pp. 189-224. In: Molecular Evolution and Adaptive Radiations. Givnish, T.J. and Sytsma, K.J. eds., Cambridge University Press. View PDF
71. Bargelloni, L., T. Patarnello, P.A. Ritchie, B. Battaglia and A. Meyer.1997. Molecular phylogeny and evolution of Notothenioid fish based on partial sequences of the 12S and 16S ribosomal RNA mitochondrial genes. pp. 45-50. In: Antarctic Communities SCAR-symposium proceedings, Wolton, D.W.H., Valencia, J. and B. Battaglia, (eds.), Cambridge University Press. View PDF
70. Sturmbauer, C., L. Rüber, E. Verheyen and A. Meyer. 1997. Phylogeographic patterns in populations of cichlid fishes from rocky habitats in Lake Tanganyika.pp. 93-107. In: Molecular Phylogenetics of Fishes. C.A. Stepien and T.D. Kocher. (eds.), Academic Press. View PDF
69. Zardoya, R. and A. Meyer. 1997. Molecular phylogenetic information on the identity of the closest living relatives(s) of land vertebrates. Naturwissenschaften 84: 389-397. View PDF
68. Zardoya, R. and Meyer, A. 1997. The complete DNA sequence of the mitochondrial genome of the "living fossil" the coelacanth, Latimeria chalumnae. Genetics 146: 995-1010. View PDF
67. Mojica, C.L., A. Meyer and G.W. Barlow. 1997. Phylogenetic relationships within the genus Brachyrhaphis (Poeciliidae) as inferred from partial mitochondrial DNA sequences. Copeia 1997: 298-305. View PDF
66. Kretzmann, M.B., W.G. Gilmartin, A. Meyer, G.P. Zegers, S.R. Fain, B.F. Taylor and D.P. Costa. 1997. Low genetic variation in the Hawaiian monk seal: Conservation implications.Conservation Biology 11: 482-490. View PDF
67. Mojica, C.L., A. Meyer and G.W. Barlow. 1997. Phylogenetic relationships within the genus Brachyrhaphis (Poeciliidae) as inferred from partial mitochondrial DNA sequences. Copeia 1997: 298-305. View PDF
66. Kretzmann, M.B., W.G. Gilmartin, A. Meyer, G.P. Zegers, S.R. Fain, B.F. Taylor and D.P. Costa. 1997. Low genetic variation in the Hawaiian monk seal: Conservation implications.Conservation Biology 11: 482-490. View PDF
65. Orti, G. and A. Meyer. 1997. The radiation of Characiform fishes and the limits of resolution of mitochondrial ribosomal RNA sequences. Systematic Biology 46: 75-100. View PDF
64. Meyer, A., L.L. Knowless, E. Verheyen. 1996. Widespread geographical distribution of mitochondrial haplotypes in rock-dwelling cichlid fishes from Lake Tanganyika. Molecular Ecology 5: 341-350. View PDF
63. Zardoya, R., D. Vollmer, C. Craddock, T. Streelman, S. Karl and A. Meyer. 1996. Evolutionary conservation of microsatellite flanking regions and the phylogeny of cichlid fishes (Pisces: Perciformes). Proceedings of the Royal Society Ser. B 263: 1589-1598. View PDF
62. Zardoya, R., E. Abouheif and A. Meyer. 1996. Evolutionary analyses ofhedgehog and Hoxd-10 genes in fish species closely related to the zebrafish. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 93: 13036-13041. View PDF
61. Noack, K., R. Zardoya and A. Meyer. 1996. The complete mitochondrial DNA sequence of the bichir (Polypterus ornatipinnis), a basal ray-finned fish: Ancient establishment of the consensus vertebrate gene order. Genetics 144: 1165-1180. View PDF
60. Zardoya, R., E. Abouheif and A. Meyer. 1996. Evolution and orthology of hedgehog genes. Trends in Genetics 12: 496-497. View PDF
59. Zardoya, R. and A. Meyer. 1996. The phylogenetic performance of mitochondrial protein coding genes in resolving relationships among vertebrates. Molecular Biology and Evolution 13: 933-942. View PDF
58. Graser, R., C. O’h Uigin, C., V. Vincek, A. Meyer and J. Klein. 1996. Trans-species polymorphism of class II Mhc loci in danio fishes. Immunogenetics 44: 36-48. View PDF
57. Verheyen, E., L. Rüber, J. Snoeks and A. Meyer. 1996. Mitochondrial phylogeography of rock dwelling cichlid fishes reflects lake level fluctuations in Lake Tanganyika. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society Ser. B 351 (1341): 797-805. View PDF
56. Zardoya, R. and A. Meyer. 1996. Evolutionary relationships of the coelacanth, lungfishes, and tetrapods based on the 28S ribosomal RNA gene. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 93: 5449-5454. View PDF
55. Ritchie, P., L. Bargelloni, A. Meyer , J.A. Taylor, J.A. MacDonald and D.M. Lambert. 1996. Mitochondrial phylogeny of trematomid fishes (Nototheniidae, Perciformes) and the evolution of Antarctic fish. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 5: 383-390. View PDF
54. Forey, P., D.T.J. Littlewood, P. Ritchie and A. Meyer. 1996.Interrelationships of elopomorph fishes. pp. 175-191. In: The Interrelationships of Fishes, M.L.J. Stiassny, L.R. Parenti and G.D. Johnson (eds.). Academic Press. View PDF
53. Meyer, A., C.M. Montero and A. Spreinat. 1996. Molecular phylogenetic inferences about the evolutionary history of the East African cichlid fish radiations. pp. 303-323. In: IDEAL (International Decade of East African Lakes):The Limnology, Climatology and Paleoclimatology of the East African Lakes, T. Johnson and E. Odada (eds.) Gordon and Breach Scientific Publishers. View PDF
52. Meyer, A. 1996. The evolution of body plans: HOM/Hox cluster evolution, model systems and the importance of phylogeny. pp. 322-340 In: New Uses for New Phylogenies. P.H. Harvey, A.J. Leigh Brown, J. Maynard Smith, and S. Nee (eds.) Oxford University Press. View PDF
51. Zardoya, R. and A. Meyer. 1996. The complete nucleotide sequence of the mitochondrial genome of the African lungfish, Protopterus dolloi, supports its phylogenetic position as a close relative of land vertebrates. Genetics 142: 1249-1263. View PDF
50. Orti, G., P. Petry, J.I.R. Porto, M. Jégu and A. Meyer. 1996. Patterns of nucleotide change in mitochondrial ribosomal RNA genes and the phylogeny of piranhas. Journal of Molecular Evolution 42: 169-182. View PDF
49. Glaubrecht, M. and A. Meyer. 1996. Der Ursprung der Landwirbeltiere - molekulargenetische Verwandtschaft von Quastenflosser and Lungenfisch. Spektrum der Wissenschaft 2/1996: 22-24. View PDF
48. Orti, G. and A. Meyer. 1996. Molecular evolution of ependymin and the phylogenetic resolution of early divergences among euteleostean fishes. Molecular Biology and Evolution 13: 556-573 View PDF
61. Noack, K., R. Zardoya and A. Meyer. 1996. The complete mitochondrial DNA sequence of the bichir (Polypterus ornatipinnis), a basal ray-finned fish: Ancient establishment of the consensus vertebrate gene order. Genetics 144: 1165-1180. View PDF
60. Zardoya, R., E. Abouheif and A. Meyer. 1996. Evolution and orthology of hedgehog genes. Trends in Genetics 12: 496-497. View PDF
59. Zardoya, R. and A. Meyer. 1996. The phylogenetic performance of mitochondrial protein coding genes in resolving relationships among vertebrates. Molecular Biology and Evolution 13: 933-942. View PDF
58. Graser, R., C. O’h Uigin, C., V. Vincek, A. Meyer and J. Klein. 1996. Trans-species polymorphism of class II Mhc loci in danio fishes. Immunogenetics 44: 36-48. View PDF
57. Verheyen, E., L. Rüber, J. Snoeks and A. Meyer. 1996. Mitochondrial phylogeography of rock dwelling cichlid fishes reflects lake level fluctuations in Lake Tanganyika. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society Ser. B 351 (1341): 797-805. View PDF
56. Zardoya, R. and A. Meyer. 1996. Evolutionary relationships of the coelacanth, lungfishes, and tetrapods based on the 28S ribosomal RNA gene. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 93: 5449-5454. View PDF
55. Ritchie, P., L. Bargelloni, A. Meyer , J.A. Taylor, J.A. MacDonald and D.M. Lambert. 1996. Mitochondrial phylogeny of trematomid fishes (Nototheniidae, Perciformes) and the evolution of Antarctic fish. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 5: 383-390. View PDF
54. Forey, P., D.T.J. Littlewood, P. Ritchie and A. Meyer. 1996.Interrelationships of elopomorph fishes. pp. 175-191. In: The Interrelationships of Fishes, M.L.J. Stiassny, L.R. Parenti and G.D. Johnson (eds.). Academic Press. View PDF
53. Meyer, A., C.M. Montero and A. Spreinat. 1996. Molecular phylogenetic inferences about the evolutionary history of the East African cichlid fish radiations. pp. 303-323. In: IDEAL (International Decade of East African Lakes):The Limnology, Climatology and Paleoclimatology of the East African Lakes, T. Johnson and E. Odada (eds.) Gordon and Breach Scientific Publishers. View PDF
52. Meyer, A. 1996. The evolution of body plans: HOM/Hox cluster evolution, model systems and the importance of phylogeny. pp. 322-340 In: New Uses for New Phylogenies. P.H. Harvey, A.J. Leigh Brown, J. Maynard Smith, and S. Nee (eds.) Oxford University Press. View PDF
51. Zardoya, R. and A. Meyer. 1996. The complete nucleotide sequence of the mitochondrial genome of the African lungfish, Protopterus dolloi, supports its phylogenetic position as a close relative of land vertebrates. Genetics 142: 1249-1263. View PDF
50. Orti, G., P. Petry, J.I.R. Porto, M. Jégu and A. Meyer. 1996. Patterns of nucleotide change in mitochondrial ribosomal RNA genes and the phylogeny of piranhas. Journal of Molecular Evolution 42: 169-182. View PDF
49. Glaubrecht, M. and A. Meyer. 1996. Der Ursprung der Landwirbeltiere - molekulargenetische Verwandtschaft von Quastenflosser and Lungenfisch. Spektrum der Wissenschaft 2/1996: 22-24. View PDF
48. Orti, G. and A. Meyer. 1996. Molecular evolution of ependymin and the phylogenetic resolution of early divergences among euteleostean fishes. Molecular Biology and Evolution 13: 556-573 View PDF
47. Horovitz, I. and A. Meyer. 1995. Systematics of New World monkey (Platyrrhini, Primates) based on 16S mitochondrial DNA sequences: A comparative analysis of different weighting methods in cladistic analyses. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 4: 448-456. View PDF
46. Funk, D.J., D.J. Futuyma, G. Orti and A. Meyer. 1995. History of host associations and evolutionary diversification for Ophraella (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) based on a mitochondrial DNA phylogeny. Evolution 49: 1008-1017. View PDF
45. Lockhart, P., D. Penny and A. Meyer. 1995. Testing the phylogeny of swordtail fishes using split decomposition and spectral analysis. Journal of Molecular Evolution 41: 666-674. View PDF
44. Lydeard, C., M.C. Wooton and A. Meyer. 1995. Cytochrome b sequence variation and a molecular phylogeny of the livebearing fish genus Gambusia (Cyprinodontiformes: Poeciliidae) Canadian Journal of Zoology 73: 213-227. View PDF
43. Meyer, A., P. Ritchie and K.-E. Witte. 1995. Predicting developmental processes from evolutionary patterns: a molecular phylogeny of the zebrafish (Danio rerio) and its relatives. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, Ser. B 349: 103-111. View PDF
42. Funk, D.J., D.J. Futuyma, G. Orti and A. Meyer. 1995. Mitochondrial DNA sequences and multiple data sets: a phylogenetic study of phytophagous beetles (Chrysomelidae: Ophraella). Molecular Biology and Evolution 12: 627-640. View PDF
41. Milinkovitch, M.C., G. Orti and A. Meyer. 1995. Novel phylogeny of whales revisited but not revised. Molecular Biology and Evolution 12: 518-520. View PDF
40. Lydeard, C., M.C. Wooton and A. Meyer. 1995. Molecules, morphology, and area cladograms: a cladistic and biogeographic analysis of Gambusia (Teleostei: Poeciliidae). Systematic Biology 44: 211-236. View PDF
46. Funk, D.J., D.J. Futuyma, G. Orti and A. Meyer. 1995. History of host associations and evolutionary diversification for Ophraella (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) based on a mitochondrial DNA phylogeny. Evolution 49: 1008-1017. View PDF
45. Lockhart, P., D. Penny and A. Meyer. 1995. Testing the phylogeny of swordtail fishes using split decomposition and spectral analysis. Journal of Molecular Evolution 41: 666-674. View PDF
44. Lydeard, C., M.C. Wooton and A. Meyer. 1995. Cytochrome b sequence variation and a molecular phylogeny of the livebearing fish genus Gambusia (Cyprinodontiformes: Poeciliidae) Canadian Journal of Zoology 73: 213-227. View PDF
43. Meyer, A., P. Ritchie and K.-E. Witte. 1995. Predicting developmental processes from evolutionary patterns: a molecular phylogeny of the zebrafish (Danio rerio) and its relatives. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, Ser. B 349: 103-111. View PDF
42. Funk, D.J., D.J. Futuyma, G. Orti and A. Meyer. 1995. Mitochondrial DNA sequences and multiple data sets: a phylogenetic study of phytophagous beetles (Chrysomelidae: Ophraella). Molecular Biology and Evolution 12: 627-640. View PDF
41. Milinkovitch, M.C., G. Orti and A. Meyer. 1995. Novel phylogeny of whales revisited but not revised. Molecular Biology and Evolution 12: 518-520. View PDF
40. Lydeard, C., M.C. Wooton and A. Meyer. 1995. Molecules, morphology, and area cladograms: a cladistic and biogeographic analysis of Gambusia (Teleostei: Poeciliidae). Systematic Biology 44: 211-236. View PDF
39. Meyer, A. 1995. Molecular evidence on the origin of tetrapods and the phylogenetic relationships of the coelacanth. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 10: 111-116. View PDF
38. Alves-Gomes, G. Orti , J.A, M. Haygood, W. Heiligenberg and A. Meyer. 1995. Phylogenetic analysis of the the South American electric fishes (Order Gymnotiformes) and the evolution of their electrogenic system: a synthesis based on morphology, electrophysiology, and mitochondrial sequence data. Molecular Biology and Evolution 12: 298-318. View PDF
37. Meyer, A., J. Morrissey, and M. Schartl. 1994. Recurrent origin of a sexually selected trait in Xiphophorus fishes inferred from a molecular phylogeny. Nature 368: 539-542. View PDF
36. Meyer, A. 1994. DNA technology and phylogeny of fish: molecular phylogenetic studies of fish. Genetics and Evolution of Aquatic Organisms, pp. 219-249. A.R. Beaumont (ed.) Chapman and Hall. View PDF
35. Meyer, A. 1994. Shortcomings of the cytochrome b gene as a molecular marker. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 9: 278-280. View PDF
34. Milinkovitch, M., A. Meyer and J. R. Powell. 1994. Phylogeny of all major groups of cetaceans based on DNA sequences from three mitochondrial genes. Molecular Biology and Evolution 11: 939-948. View PDF
33. Bargelloni, L., P. Ritchie, D. Lambert, T. Patarnello, B. Battaglia and A. Meyer. 1994. Molecular evolution at subzero temperatures: Mitochondrial and nuclear phylogenies of fishes from Antarctica (suborder Notothenioidei), and the evolution of antifreeze glycopeptides. Molecular Biology and Evolution 11: 854-863. View PDF
32. Orti, G., M.A. Bell, T.E. Reimchen and A. Meyer. 1994. Global survey of mitochondrial DNA sequence variation in the three-spine stickleback: evidence for recent migrations. Evolution 48: 608-632. View PDF
31. Meyer, A., C. Montero and A. Spreinat. 1994. Evolutionary history of the cichlid fish species flocks of the East African great lakes inferred from molecular phylogenetic data. Advances in Limnology 44: 409-425. View PDF
30. Sturmbauer, C., E. Verheyen and A. Meyer. 1994. Mitochondrial phylogeny of the lamprologini, the major substrate spawning lineage of cichlid fishes from Lake Tanganyika in Eastern Africa. Molecular Biology and Evolution 11: 691-703. View PDF
36. Meyer, A. 1994. DNA technology and phylogeny of fish: molecular phylogenetic studies of fish. Genetics and Evolution of Aquatic Organisms, pp. 219-249. A.R. Beaumont (ed.) Chapman and Hall. View PDF
35. Meyer, A. 1994. Shortcomings of the cytochrome b gene as a molecular marker. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 9: 278-280. View PDF
34. Milinkovitch, M., A. Meyer and J. R. Powell. 1994. Phylogeny of all major groups of cetaceans based on DNA sequences from three mitochondrial genes. Molecular Biology and Evolution 11: 939-948. View PDF
33. Bargelloni, L., P. Ritchie, D. Lambert, T. Patarnello, B. Battaglia and A. Meyer. 1994. Molecular evolution at subzero temperatures: Mitochondrial and nuclear phylogenies of fishes from Antarctica (suborder Notothenioidei), and the evolution of antifreeze glycopeptides. Molecular Biology and Evolution 11: 854-863. View PDF
32. Orti, G., M.A. Bell, T.E. Reimchen and A. Meyer. 1994. Global survey of mitochondrial DNA sequence variation in the three-spine stickleback: evidence for recent migrations. Evolution 48: 608-632. View PDF
31. Meyer, A., C. Montero and A. Spreinat. 1994. Evolutionary history of the cichlid fish species flocks of the East African great lakes inferred from molecular phylogenetic data. Advances in Limnology 44: 409-425. View PDF
30. Sturmbauer, C., E. Verheyen and A. Meyer. 1994. Mitochondrial phylogeny of the lamprologini, the major substrate spawning lineage of cichlid fishes from Lake Tanganyika in Eastern Africa. Molecular Biology and Evolution 11: 691-703. View PDF
29. Meyer, A. 1993. Evolution of mitochondrial DNA in fishes. Chapter 1 in:Molecular Biology Frontiers, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Fishes Vol. 2, P.W. Hochachka and T.P. Mommsen (eds.) Elsevier Science Publishers. pp. 1-38. View PDF
28. Meyer, A. 1993. Trophic polymorphisms in cichlid fish: Do they represent intermediate steps during sympatric speciation and explain their rapid adaptive radiation? In: Trends in Ichthyology. J.-H. Schröder, J. Bauer, M. Schartl (eds.), GSF-Bericht 7/92, Blackwell. pp. 257-266. View PDF
27. Meyer, A. 1993. Molecular approaches to the phylogenetic study of vertebrates. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft 86.2: 131-149. View PDF
26. Meyer, A. and C. Lydeard. 1993. The evolution of copulatory organs, internal fertilization, placentae, and viviparity in killifishes (Cyprinodontiformes) inferred from a DNA phylogeny of the tyrosine kinase gene X-src. Proceedings of the Royal Society,Ser. B 254: 153-162. View PDF
25. Meyer, A., C. Biermann and G. Orti. 1993. Molecular phylogeny of the zebrafish (Danio rerio), a model system in developmental biology: an invitation to the comparative method. Proceedings of the Royal Society, Ser. B 252: 231-236. View PDF
28. Meyer, A. 1993. Trophic polymorphisms in cichlid fish: Do they represent intermediate steps during sympatric speciation and explain their rapid adaptive radiation? In: Trends in Ichthyology. J.-H. Schröder, J. Bauer, M. Schartl (eds.), GSF-Bericht 7/92, Blackwell. pp. 257-266. View PDF
27. Meyer, A. 1993. Molecular approaches to the phylogenetic study of vertebrates. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft 86.2: 131-149. View PDF
26. Meyer, A. and C. Lydeard. 1993. The evolution of copulatory organs, internal fertilization, placentae, and viviparity in killifishes (Cyprinodontiformes) inferred from a DNA phylogeny of the tyrosine kinase gene X-src. Proceedings of the Royal Society,Ser. B 254: 153-162. View PDF
25. Meyer, A., C. Biermann and G. Orti. 1993. Molecular phylogeny of the zebrafish (Danio rerio), a model system in developmental biology: an invitation to the comparative method. Proceedings of the Royal Society, Ser. B 252: 231-236. View PDF
24. Meyer, A. 1993. Phylogenetic relationships and evolutionary processes in East African cichlids. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 8: 279-284. View PDF
23. Sturmbauer, C. and A. Meyer. 1993. Mitochondrial phylogeny of the endemic mouthbrooding lineages of cichlid fishes from Lake Tanganyika in Eastern Africa. Molecular Biology and Evolution 10: 751-768. View PDF
22. Degli Esposti, M., S. De Vries, M. Crimi, A. Ghelli, T. Patarnello and A. Meyer. 1993. Mitochondrial cytochrome b: Evolution and structure of the protein. Biochemica et Biophysica Acta (Bioenergetics) 1143: 243-271. View PDF
21. Reznick, D., A. Meyer and D. Frear. 1993. Life-history of Brachyrhaphis rhabdophora (Pisces: Poeciliidae). Copeia 1993: 103-111. View PDF
20. Milinkovitch, M.C., G. Orti and A. Meyer. 1993. Revised phylogeny of whales suggested by mitochondrial ribosomal DNA sequences. Nature 361: 346-348. View PDF
22. Degli Esposti, M., S. De Vries, M. Crimi, A. Ghelli, T. Patarnello and A. Meyer. 1993. Mitochondrial cytochrome b: Evolution and structure of the protein. Biochemica et Biophysica Acta (Bioenergetics) 1143: 243-271. View PDF
21. Reznick, D., A. Meyer and D. Frear. 1993. Life-history of Brachyrhaphis rhabdophora (Pisces: Poeciliidae). Copeia 1993: 103-111. View PDF
20. Milinkovitch, M.C., G. Orti and A. Meyer. 1993. Revised phylogeny of whales suggested by mitochondrial ribosomal DNA sequences. Nature 361: 346-348. View PDF
19. Meyer, A. and S.I. Dolven. 1992. Molecules, fossils and the origin of tetrapods. Journal of Molecular Evolution 35: 102-113. View PDF
18. Sturmbauer, C. and A. Meyer. 1992. Genetic divergence, speciation and morphological stasis in a lineage of African cichlid fishes. Nature 358: 578-581. View PDF
17. Taberlet, P., A. Meyer and J. Bouvet. 1992. Unusual mitochondrial DNA polymorphism in two local populations of blue tit (Parus caeruleus). Molecular Ecology 1: 27-36. View PDF
16. Degli Esposti, M., A. Ghelli, M. Crimi, A. Baracca, G. Solaini, T. Tron and A. Meyer. 1992. Cytochrome b of fish mitochondria is strongly resistant to funiculosin a powerful inhibitor of respiration. Archive for Biochemistry and Biophysics 295: 198-204. View PDF
16. Degli Esposti, M., A. Ghelli, M. Crimi, A. Baracca, G. Solaini, T. Tron and A. Meyer. 1992. Cytochrome b of fish mitochondria is strongly resistant to funiculosin a powerful inhibitor of respiration. Archive for Biochemistry and Biophysics 295: 198-204. View PDF
15. Meyer, A. and A.C. Wilson. 1991. Coelacanth's relationships. Nature 353: 219. View PDF
14. Meyer, A., T.D. Kocher and A.C. Wilson. 1991. African fishes. Nature 350: 467-468. View PDF
14. Meyer, A., T.D. Kocher and A.C. Wilson. 1991. African fishes. Nature 350: 467-468. View PDF
13. Meyer, A. and A.C. Wilson. 1990. Origin of tetrapods inferred from their mitochondrial DNA affiliation to lungfish. Journal of Molecular Evolution 31: 359-364. View PDF
12. Meyer, A., T.D. Kocher, P. Basasibwaki and A.C. Wilson. 1990. Monophyletic origin of Lake Victoria cichlid fishes suggested by mitochondrial DNA sequences. Nature 347: 550-553. View PDF
Review of the above article in Nature's News and Views; Avise, J.C. 1990. Flocks of African fishes. Nature 347:512-513. View PDF |
11. Meyer, A. 1990. Morphometrics and allometry of the trophically polymorphic cichlid fish, Cichlasoma citrinellum: Alternative adaptations and ontogenetic changes in shape. Journal of Zoology (London) 221: 237-260. View PDF
10. Meyer, A. 1990. Ecological and evolutionary aspects of the trophic polymorphism in Cichlasoma citrinellum (Pisces: Cichlidae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 39: 279-299. View PDF
9. Wayne, R.K., A. Meyer, N. Lehman, B. Van Valkenburg, P.W. Kat, T.K. Fuller, D. Girman and S.J. O'Brien. 1990. Large sequence divergence among mitochondrial DNA genotypes within populations of east African black-backed jackals. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 87: 1772-1776. View PDF
10. Meyer, A. 1990. Ecological and evolutionary aspects of the trophic polymorphism in Cichlasoma citrinellum (Pisces: Cichlidae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 39: 279-299. View PDF
9. Wayne, R.K., A. Meyer, N. Lehman, B. Van Valkenburg, P.W. Kat, T.K. Fuller, D. Girman and S.J. O'Brien. 1990. Large sequence divergence among mitochondrial DNA genotypes within populations of east African black-backed jackals. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 87: 1772-1776. View PDF
8. Lauder, G.V., A.W. Crompton, C. Gans, J. Hanken, K.F. Liem, W.O. Maier, A. Meyer, R. Presley, O.C. Rieppel, G. Roth, D. Schluter and G.A. Zweers. 1989. How are feeding systems integrated and how have evolutionary innovations been introduced? [Dahlem Workshop] Complex organismal functions: Integration and Evolution in Vertebrates. D.B. Wake and G. Roth (eds.). pp. 97-115. View PDF
7. Kocher, T.D., K. Thomas, A. Meyer, S.V. Edwards, S. Pääbo, F.X. Villablanca and A.C. Wilson. 1989. Dynamics of mitochondrial evolution in animals: amplification and sequencing with conserved primers. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 86: 6196-6200 View PDF
6. Meyer, A. 1989. Costs and benefits of morphological specialization: feeding performance in the trophically polymorphic Neotropical cichlid fish, Cichlasoma citrinellum. Oecologia 80: 431-436. View PDF
7. Kocher, T.D., K. Thomas, A. Meyer, S.V. Edwards, S. Pääbo, F.X. Villablanca and A.C. Wilson. 1989. Dynamics of mitochondrial evolution in animals: amplification and sequencing with conserved primers. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 86: 6196-6200 View PDF
6. Meyer, A. 1989. Costs and benefits of morphological specialization: feeding performance in the trophically polymorphic Neotropical cichlid fish, Cichlasoma citrinellum. Oecologia 80: 431-436. View PDF
5. Meyer, A. 1988. Influence of age and size on the response to novel prey by fry of the cichlid fish Cichlasoma managuense (Pisces: Cichlidae). Ethology 78: 199-208. View PDF
4. Meyer, A. 1987. Morphologic measurements from specimens and their x-rays: test of a method for the study of allometry and phenotypic plasticity in fishes. Netherlands Journal of Zoology 37: 315-321. View PDF
3. Meyer, A. 1987. Phenotypic plasticity and heterochrony in Cichlasoma managuense (Pisces, Cichlidae) and their implications for speciation in cichlid fishes. Evolution 41: 1357-1369. View PDF
2. Meyer, A. 1987. First feeding success with two types of prey by the Central American cichlid fish, Cichlasoma managuense (Pisces, Cichlidae): morphology versus behavior. Environmental Biology of Fishes 18: 127-134. View PDF
3. Meyer, A. 1987. Phenotypic plasticity and heterochrony in Cichlasoma managuense (Pisces, Cichlidae) and their implications for speciation in cichlid fishes. Evolution 41: 1357-1369. View PDF
2. Meyer, A. 1987. First feeding success with two types of prey by the Central American cichlid fish, Cichlasoma managuense (Pisces, Cichlidae): morphology versus behavior. Environmental Biology of Fishes 18: 127-134. View PDF
1. Meyer, A. 1986. Changes in behavior with increasing experience with a novel prey in fry of the Central American cichlid, Cichlasoma managuense (Teleostei, Cichlidae). Behaviour 98: 145-168. View PDF