Dr. Jacobo Reyes-Velasco

Building M, Room M825-S1
University of Konstanz
Universitätsstr. 10
78457 Konstanz
Tel: +49 (1) 575 069 5509
E-mail: [email protected]
www. jacoboreyesvelasco.com
Building M, Room M825-S1
University of Konstanz
Universitätsstr. 10
78457 Konstanz
Tel: +49 (1) 575 069 5509
E-mail: [email protected]
www. jacoboreyesvelasco.com
I am a broadly trained evolutionary biologist interested in the processes that drive diversification. Most of my previous research focuses on systematics, population genomics and biogeography of amphibians and reptiles, but now at the Meyer lab I am working on understanding species limits in members of the family Anablepidae (Cyprinodontiformes) of Central and South America, with the use of Next Gen sequencing, morphological analyses and mating experiments.
You can download my full CV here
You can download my full CV here
Google Scholar Profile
Evolutionary Biology
16. Reyes-Velasco J, Adams R, Boissinot S, Parkinson CL, Campbell JA, Castoe TA, Smith EN. Genome-wide SNPs clarify lineage diversity confused by coloration in coralsnakes of the Micrurus diastema species complex (Serpentes: Elapidae). Molecular Phylogenetics & Evolution. 2020; 147:106770.
15. Roman I, Bourgeois Y, Reyes-Velasco J, Jensen OP, Waldman J, Boissinot S. Contrasted patterns of divergence & gene flow among five fish species in a Mongolian rift lake following glaciation. Biological Journal of the Linnaean Society. 2018;125(1):115-25.
14. Reyes-Velasco J, Manthey JD, Freilich X, Boissinot S. Diversification of African tree frogs (genus Leptopelis) in the highlands of Ethiopia. Molecular ecology. 2018;27(9):2256-70.
13. Reyes-Velasco J, Manthey JD, Bourgeois Y, Freilich X, Boissinot S. Revisiting the phylogeography, demography & taxonomy of the frog genus Ptychadena in the Ethiopian highlands with the use of genome-wide SNP data. PloS one. 2018;13(2): e0190440.
12. Perry BW, Card DC, McGlothlin JW, Pasquesi GI, Adams RH, Schield DR, et al. Molecular adaptations for sensing & securing prey & insight into amniote genome diversity from the garter snake genome. Genome biology & evolution. 2018;10(8):2110-29.
11. Pasquesi GI, Adams RH, Card DC, Schield DR, Corbin AB, Perry BW, et al. Squamate reptiles challenge paradigms of genomic repeat element evolution set by birds & mammals. Nature communications. 2018;9(1):2774.
10. Manthey JD, Reyes-Velasco J, Freilich X, Boissinot S. Diversification in a biodiversity hotspot: genomic variation in the river frog Amietia nutti across the Ethiopian Highlands. Biological Journal of the Linnaean Society. 2017;122(4):801-13.
9. Adams RH, Blackmon H, Reyes-Velasco J, Schield DR, Card DC, Andrew AL, et al. Microsatellite landscape evolutionary dynamics across 450 million years of vertebrate genome evolution. Genome. 2016;59(5):295-310.
8. Schield DR, Card DC, Adams RH, Jezkova T, Reyes-Velasco J, Proctor FN, et al. Incipient speciation with biased gene flow between two lineages of the Western Diamondback Rattlesnake (Crotalus atrox). Molecular Phylogenetics & Evolution. 2015; 83:213-23.
7. Reyes-Velasco J, Card DC, Andrew AL, Shaney KJ, Adams RH, Schield DR, et al. Expression of venom gene homologs in diverse python tissues suggests a new model for the evolution of snake venom. Molecular biology & evolution. 2014;32(1):173-83.
6. Card DC, Schield DR, Reyes-Velasco J, Fujita MK, Andrew AL, Oyler-McCance SJ, et al. Two low coverage bird genomes & a comparison of reference-guided versus de novo genome assemblies. PLoS One. 2014;9(9): e106649.
5. Reyes-Velasco J, Meik JM, Smith EN, Castoe TA. Phylogenetic relationships of the enigmatic longtailed rattlesnakes (Crotalus ericsmithi, C. lannomi, & C. stejnegeri). Molecular phylogenetics & evolution. 2013;69(3):524-34.
4. Castoe TA, De Koning AJ, Hall KT, Card DC, Schield DR, Fujita MK, et al. The Burmese python genome reveals the molecular basis for extreme adaptation in snakes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2013;110(51):20645-50.
3. Cox CL, Davis Rabosky AR, Reyes-Velasco J, Ponce-Campos P, Smith EN, Flores-Villela O, et al. Molecular systematics of the genus Sonora (Squamata: Colubridae) in central & western Mexico. Systematics & Biodiversity. 2012;10(1):93-108.
2. Reyes-Velasco J, Mulcahy DG. Additional taxonomic remarks on the genus Pseudoleptodeira (Serpentes: Colubridae) & the phylogenetic placement of P. uribei. Herpetologica. 2010;66(1):99-110.
1. Bryson Jr RW, Nieto Montes de Oca A, Reyes-Velasco J. Phylogenetic position of Porthidium hespere (Viperidae: Crotalinae) & phylogeography of arid-adapted hognosed pitvipers based on mitochondrial DNA. Copeia. 2008; 2008(1):172-8.
Conservation, Natural History & Taxonomy
16. Reyes-Velasco J, Goutte S, Freilich X, Boissinot S. “Mitogenomics of historical type specimens clarifies the taxonomy of Ethiopian Ptychadena (Anura: Ptychadenidae)”. ZooKeys (Accepted).
15. Reyes-Velasco, Jacobo, Grünwald CI, Jones JM, & Ahumada-Carrillo, IT. A revision of the herpetofauna of Colima, Mexico. Revista Latinoamericana de Herpetología. 2020. 3, no. 2: 61-82.
14. Grünwald, CI, Reyes-Velasco J, Franz-Chávez H. et al. Two New Species of the genus Eleutherodactylus (Anura: Eleutherodactylidae) from Southern Mexico, with comments on the taxonomy of related species & their advertisement calls. (in review).
13. Loc-Barragan J, Reyes-Velasco J, Woolrich-Piña G, Grünwald CI, Venegas de Anaya M, Rangel-Mendoza JA, & López-Luna MA. A New Species of Mud Turtle of genus Kinosternon (Testudines: Kinosternidae) from the Pacific Coastal Plain of Northwestern Mexico. Zootaxa. Zootaxa. 2020, 4885 (4): 509-529.
12. Reyes-Velasco J, Grünwald CI, Jones JM, Ahumada-Carrillo I. A revision of the herpetofauna of Colima, Mexico. Revista Latinoamericana de Herpetología (In Press).
11. Reyes-Velasco J, Ramirez-Chaparro R. Algunas sugerencias para el formato de listados herpetofaunísticos de México. Revista Latinoamericana de Herpetología. 2019. no. 2: 103-106.
10. Goutte S., Reyes-Velasco J, Boissinot S. A new species of puddle frog from an unexplored mountain in southwestern Ethiopia (Anura, Phrynobatrachidae, Phrynobatrachus). ZooKeys. 2019; (824), 53.
9. Grünwald CI, Reyes-Velasco J, Franz-Chávez H, Morales-Flores KI, Ahumada-Carrillo IT, Jones JM, et al. Six new species of Eleutherodactylus (Anura: Eleutherodactylidae: subgenus Syrrhophus) from Mexico, with a discussion of their systematic relationships & the validity of related species. Mesoamerican Herpetology. 2018;5(1):7-81.
8. Cox CL, Davis Rabosky AR, Holmes IA, Reyes-Velasco J, Roelke CE, Smith EN, et al. Synopsis & taxonomic revision of three genera in the snake tribe Sonorini. Journal of Natural History. 2018;52(13-16):945-88.
7. Reyes-Velasco J, Ahumada-Carrillo I, Burkhardt TR, Devitt TJ. Two new species of Eleutherodactylus (subgenus Syrrhophus) from western Mexico. Zootaxa. 2015;3914(3):301-17.
6. Streicher JW, Reyes-Velasco J, Cox CL, Campbell JA, Flores-Villela O. Additional distributional records of a recently described Mexican toad species, Incilius mccoyi (Anura: Bufonidae). Herpetology Notes. 2014; 7:207-2010.
5. Reyes-Velasco J, Iverson JB, Flores-Villela O. The conservation status of several endemic Mexican Kinosternid turtles. Chelonian Conservation & Biology. 2013;12(1):203-8.
4. Reyes-Velasco J, Grünwald CI, Jones JM, Price MS, Fisher JT. New distributional records for the herpetofauna of Mexico. Herpetological Review. 2012;43(3):353-4.
3. Reyes-Velasco J, Grünwald CI, Jones JM, Weatherman GN. Rediscovery of the rare Autlán long-tailed rattlesnake, Crotalus lannomi. Herpetological Review. 2010;41(1):19-25.
2. Jadin RC, Reyes-Velasco J, Smith EN. Hemipenes of the long-tailed rattlesnakes (Serpentes: Viperidae) from Mexico. Phyllomedusa: Journal of Herpetology. 2010;9(1):69-73.
1. Reyes-Velasco J, Hermosillo-Lopez IA, Grünwald CI, Avila-Lopez OA. New State Records for Amphibians & Reptiles from Colima, Mexico. Herpetological Review. 2009;40(1):117-20.
Natural History Notes
* Montaño-Ruvalcaba C., Jones JM, Reyes-Velasco J. Sceloporus grammicus (Graphic Spiny Lizard). Herpetological Review (submitted).
20. Montaño-Ruvalcaba C, Grünwald, CI, Reyes-Velasco J. Geophis pyburni (Pyburn's Earth Snake). Herpetological Review, 51 (3), 545.
19. Montaño-Ruvalcaba, C., Loc-Barragan J., Grünwald IC, Reyes-Velasco J. (2020). Kinosternon vogti (Vallarta mud turtle). Reproduction. Herpetological Review, 51 (2), 315-316.
18. Avila-Lopez, OA., Reyes-Velasco J, Hermosillo-Lopez A. (2012). Leptodactylus melanonotus (Sabinal frog). Prey. Herpetological Review, 43(1), 122-123.
17. Sheehy CM., Streicher JW, Cox CL, Tovar RU, Reyes-Velasco J. (2012). Dipsas gaigae (Gaige's thirst snake). Reproduction. Herpetological Review, 43(2), 342-343.
16. Mertz WH., Reyes-Velasco J, Grünwald CI. (2011). Leptodeira uribei (Uribe's cat-eyed snake). Herpetological Review, 42(1).
15. Sheehy CM., Streicher JW, Cox CL, Reyes-Velasco J. (2011). Tropidodipsas philippii (Philippi's snail-eating snake). Arboreality. Herpetological Review, 42(3), 446-447.
14. Ahumada-Carrillo IT, Reyna-Bustos OF, Reyes-Velasco J. (2011). Micrurus laticollaris (Balsan coralsnake). Herpetological Review, 42(2).
13. Streicher JW, Sheehy CM, Cox CL, Reyes-Velasco J, Weatherman GN. (2010). Smilisca baudinii (Mexican treefrog) & Pachymedusa dacnicolor (Mexican leaf frog). Reproduction. Herpetological Review, 41(2), 208.
12. Reyes-Velasco J, Grünwald CI & Jones JM. (2010). Geophis tarascae (Tarascan earth snake). Herpetological Review, 41(1), 109-110.
11. Mertz, William H., Reyes-Velasco J & Grünwald CO. (2010). Tropidodipsas fasciata (Banded snail sucker). Herpetological Review, 41(4), 520.
10. Reyes-Velasco J. (2009). Porthidium hespere (Western hognose pitviper). Diet. Herpetological Review, 40(1), 101.
9. Reyes-Velasco J, Burkhardt TR & Jones JM. (2008). Dermophis oaxacae (Oaxacan caecilian). Herpetological Review, 39(4), 480.
8. Reyes-Velasco J, Grünwald CO, Jones JM & Weatherman GN. (2008). Crotalus willardi meridionalis (Southern ridge-nosed rattlesnake). Herpetological Review, 39(4), 485.
7. Goldberg SR., Reyes-Velasco J, Bursay CR & Dugan E. (2008). Porthidium hespere (Western hognose viper). Endoparasites. Herpetological Review, 39(1), 99.
6. Ingrasci MJ, Setzer K, & Reyes-Velasco J. (2008). Lampropeltis alterna (Gray-banded kingsnake). Herpetological Review, 39(3), 371-372.
5. Reyes-Velasco J, Grünwald CI & Jones JM. (2008). Micrurus distans oliveri (Western Mexican coral snake). Herpetological Review, 39(4), 485.
4. Reyes-Velasco J, Grünwald CI & Jones JM. (2008). Tropidodipsas annulifera (Western snailsucker). Herpetological Review, 39(4), 487.
3. Reyes-Velasco J, Grünwald CI & Jones JM. (2008). Crotalus pusillus (Tancitaran dusky rattlesnake). Herpetological Review, 39(2), 240.
2. Reyes-Velasco, J, Grünwald CI & J. M. Jones. (2008). Dipsas gaigeae (Gaige's thirst snake). Herpetological Review, 39(2), 241.
1. Ahumada-Carrillo IT, Vazquez-Huizar O & Reyes-Velasco J. (2007). Manolepis putnami (Ridgehead snake). Herpetological Review, 38(4), 488.
Book chapters
1. Schield, DR, Card DC, Reyes-Velasco J, Andrew AL, Modahl CA, Mackessy SP, Pollock DD, Castoe TA. 2016. A role for genomics in rattlesnake research – current knowledge & future potential. In: Rattlesnakes of Arizona, G.W. Schuett, L.W. Porras, & R.S. Reiserer (Eds.), Eco Books.
Other publications
3. Walsh, Melissa, et al. 2014. Laboratory manual, Intro Biology for Majors. University of Texas at Arlington.
2. Hermosillo-Lopez, Alexander, Reyes-Velasco J. 2003. Guide for the conservation & sustainable use of the mud turtle, Kinosternon integrum. Privately printed. Colima, Mexico.
1. Reyes-Velasco J. Alexander Hermosillo-Lopez. 2002. The freshwater turtles of Colima, Mexico. Privately printed. Colima, Mexico.